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I'm looking at Sherman leave and I saw the red mark on his face and I don't know what happen and I walk over to the office and knock on the doorframe and I'm looking at T and Katherina, I know I should have told T that this is Bears sister but I don't want to tell her I think that this is Bears call to make or Wolf, but with them not here I should have told her but I know Tiny get when she get piss off, and I see that Skyla is now trying to get Katherina to pet her.

"Skyla Come here You big fluff ball" I call out and she turn to me and growl at me.

"T" I say and I see Katherina look at me and I see her turn to Tiny.

"She say that Skyla is staying because she of her Harness" Katherina say and I smile.

"So I can't take her for a walk, of the bathroom?" I ask because I look at the clock and she smirk at me and I see Tiny take off the Harness and She give a command that I don't understand but Skyla come over to me and I take the leach.

"I will be back before the lunch is here" I tell her and I walk out off the Office with Skyla and I hear Hawk yelling after me as I walking out with Skyla and I take Skyla on the route I always do This was something That Tiny told us that we had to keep to the same route every day and every time.

I'm getting back as I see Sherman is coming back in his wheelchair and I smile at Shovelhead as he walking next to Sherman and I see them come back to the Garage at the same time as me and I walk up to the office with Skyla on the leash and I see Katherina look better and I knock doorframe before I unhook Skyla and Tiny is placing the harness on Skyla again.

"Lunch is here" I tell them nad I see T, help Katherina out of the Chair and I see T is really making sure that she is safe.

"Bitch come on, Food is getting cold" I hear Sherman yelling.

"I really wish he stop using that name" I hear Katherina say and I see T smirk.

"Trust me, they don't mean it like others when they say bitch" I tell her and She look at me.

"You get use to it" I tell her and I can tell she don't like it but Tiny is not allowing her to walk on her own and I see Sherman raise his eyebrow and I can tell they are talking.

"Here" Sherman say as he give her a cola and I see T also place food in-front of Katherina, I smile at the Car that come into the parking lot it's Shelby.

"Hey Sherman did you get one extra?" I ask and I see him turn around.

"Yeah, I did buy one extra because I thought Shelby or Belly, would show up" Sherman tells me and I smile.

"Thank you" I tell him and I walk over to the Shelby. I pull her in to my arms.

"Who is the girl?" Shelby ask and I can tell she is getting a little angry.

"She is Wolfs daughter and Bears big sister" I whisper to her and She look at T

"Do Mama know?" She ask and I shake my head.

"That's for Bear and Wolf and I'm not going to piss her off" I tell her and she place a kiss on my lips.

"Where is Viking" Shelby ask as I lead her to the table.

"At Basic training" Sherman say as he place food in-front of my girl and I take my seat and I see Skyla sitting next to Tiny and she eating her food and Sherman and Tiny both are eating but they are checking the yard and I'm not sure what is going on.

"What is going on?" I hear Katherina ask and I see Shelby look at the Dragons.

"It's part of who we are, Two of us woke up with a bad feeling so we are keeping our attention on everything" Sherman say and I see that Katherina seem to understand because she was raised with Wolf and his flashbacks.

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