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I'm watching The Dragons make sure that little Buddy is safe and they seem to close rank around her and not anyone close, I wasn't even allowed to touch my Daughter in-law this piss me of so I Did the only thing I could think of was Calling them out as a Staff Sargeant I once was, I was so surprised that they did stand down when I roar. Telling them that Tiny is my little battle buddy, and that she is my future daughter in-law and that they will not stop me from approach her, They answer me as unit, and they stepped back so I could sit with her. I walk into the Garage and I see Skyla is laying on her bed just inside of the garage bay door.

"T, Can I take Skyla" Ink yell out and I see her sign something.

"Bring her back with in a hour" the Guy call out and I see that Runt is making sure that the Prospect is not touching my daughter in-law.

"You want something Wolf?" I hear the prospect ask and I see him look worried.

"Little Buddy, do you have any wishes for Lunch?" I ask and I see her shake her head and I know she said something to Runt.

"No, but she want to have some crackers" Runt say and I nod.

"Who are here with you?" I ask the one standing outside of the office.

"Two Thumbs, Trigger and Goose" he say and I'm looking at him.

"Your name?" I ask and I see him look at me.

"Mutt" he answer me and I nod.

"My son say that Cun" I start to say and he place a hand over my mouth as he look sideways at where Shelby and Bethany is standing.

"We call him C, when lady's are around, Shelby and Belly may know about them but respect the lady's" Mutt say as I see Belly come up to us.

"Dragon I request help" Bethany say and I see her look angry at something.

"What Can This Dragonlinger do for Belly?" Mutt ask and I see her take a deep breath.

"Claim" she say and I frown at this.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she turn to me.

"I'm taking Mama Dragons advice, because he work to slow" Bethany say and I see Mutt nod.

"GOOSE" Mutt call out and I see a guy turn around and I see Mutt do a face and I see him nod.

"Goose will help you, or do you wish for another one" Mutt ask and I see her think.

"Jaws, and Goose and I'm okay" Bethany say and I see him take up his phone, and I see Bethany cover her ears.

"Hey Fucking Jaws stop stopping shit in your fucking mouth, You are need in the Home nest, Come on fucking jaws Get your ass in gear it's Belly who requested you" he say and I see him just hang up and I see Bethany take down her hands.

"If you go up to Home nest, Jaws will meet your there, get what ever you need, and I send Goose with you" he say and Bethany turning around and walk away.

I'm calling one of the Prospect to get the Lunch and I see that Goose is leaving with Bethany and I see that Viking is coming out of the Club house and I see one of the Dragons walk over to him and whisper something to him and he look at the Dragon and he nod. I walk slowly around the Garage and helping where I can, I know I should do more work in the office, but I don't really like to sit down and work on paper, I'm still thinking about how they react to me when I use my Staff Sergeant voice.

"Wolf" I hear one of our workers say and I turn around to see Cunt step out of the Truck.

"Oh fuck" I mumble, I know that I need to keep the Club calm and Keep Dragons okay.

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