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I have been meeting up with Nanette, but every time I meet up with Nanette there is a Marine hanging around the same bar where I meet up with Nanette, but I can see that Marine's are looking at us during the hole night and it have been pissing me off, Nanette have told me that she have seen these Men following her and I don't like it and I tell her my sister is protective off me, tonight I got really piss off when I see them and they are talking, I was hoping for a night with out trouble but with them here it will be trouble, and Nanette haven't showed up yet and I'm waiting for her to come.

"We need to speak to you" I hear one off them tell me and I frown at this.

"Nanette is in hospital" the second one say as I'm trying to get away.

"What?" I growl and they are looking at me.

"A Car crash, Netacha's Ex when after Nanette, Your sister have asked us to keep a eye on Nanette to protect her, We step in to protect her and we have the asshole in custody, don't worry about that but you need to get to hospital, We are going to call TCB To deal with that Tanya hole" he say and I nod as I see him take out the phone and the other one look at me.

"I can drive you to the hospital" he say and I nod as He lead me to his car.

I'm looking at the car and He drive me to the hospital and I see that a few more Marine and I can tell that they are looking out for danger, and I'm getting into Nanette's room and I see Netacha is looking worried and she was talking to Nanette and once I step into her room they go quite.

"How did you know I was here" Nanette ask and I smile at her.

"Thank my paranoid little sister" I tell her and she nod as she smile at me.

"Well I think I can thank her too, If she wasn't that paranoid I would be dead" Nanette say and I smile at her.

"How bad?" I ask as I'm taking a seat next to the bed and I see the marine standing outside the door.

"Only a broken arm and concussion, but My car is bad I know I will have turn it in to a workshop" She tells me and I'm looking at her.

At this point I know where I am and the word stop in my mouth, I knew that Tiny's Marine are standing around and I take out my phone and I write down what I want to say and I don't want to stutter around her.

"A broken arm will take a few months to heal, but you get use to work around it" the Marine say and I see them look at me.

"TCB Told us, don't worry about this, we have your back" HE say and I see Nanette read the on my phone what I wrote.

"There is a reason why there is so many of us here is to make sure that you don't flip out, We are used To TCB, she fucking hate hospital and she would flip every time, so we are making sure that you are calm and make sure that you are not fighting anyone" They tells me and I nod at them and I'm thankful for my sister.

"You don't need to stay here if you don't feel okay with it" Nanette say and I smile at her.

"If one of them stay with me I can ask them to tell you when I'm out off here" She say and I turn to one off them and he nod.

"I will stay with her, and I have TCB Number she will send it to you" The Marine say and I nod as I place a kiss on Nanette's forehead and I leave.

They are driving me back to the bar and I get on my bike and I see that the Marine is nodding to me as I drive away and I know that I need to talk to my sister and I drive against the new home that Tiny build and I drive up to the house and I see Bears bike and Tiny's truck and I park my bike in the driveway and I walk up to the house and I take out the key that Tiny gave me and She told me to always calling out when I walk into the house.

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