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I'm walking down the stairs with the bags, I know my girl can pack her shit really tight and get a lot of cloths into a small bag, I see the two Garment Bags that are hanging on the door, I have seen that my club is here even Viking, I have told them all that Wolf, Tools, Psycho and I was leaving with Tiny for a Military ball and I see he come down and the stairs with Skyla next to her.

"Hey T" Ink say and she throw something to him.

"Hawk and you are watching Skyla so you staying here, now remember the code, that she gave you" Psycho said and I'm looking at Viking that is looking at my bird as she come down the stairs but she is not talking to Viking.

"Sister" I hear Viking say and she just glare at Viking and she turn to Shelby that standing next to Knuckles and I see Knuckles stiff up.

"Don't worry I'm not going to fuck it up" She say and I see my love nod as she walking out off the house and Viking looking after his sister.

"I will explain something later to You and Him" Shelby say and I'm looking at my brothers.

"We will take the bike down, I will have my phone on me and don't fucking send nomads after us" I tell him and I see that Knuckles look at us.

"I did send the Nomads to check the road, I just received the text from the nomad and I send it to Tiny, she told me that as long as we tell her we can check the road" Knuckles say and I nod to him as I see that the bag are already in the truck and I see my dad walking to the truck and jump into the Truck with her.

"Drive safe, Brother" Kicker say and I nod as I say goodbye to my brothers and so do Tools and Psycho and we are getting on the bike.

Tiny take off down the hill and she is driving, and I hear Skyla whining behind us and I drive with my brothers following, I know that we are going to a hotel about two days ride from here, but I know we can press it to a day, if Tiny is up for it, I hope that Tiny will be happy to drive for a long time, The road is clear from the cops and the weather is clear, I haven't been on a long drive since my beloved little hummingbird came into my life, but now it's feels good, driving like this, Even if I'm following my darling, I can see my dad having his hand hanging out the window and I hear the music under the sound of wind, and the bikes, Tools are to my left and Psycho is behind me, We are driving and I see Psycho break and drive up next to Tiny's truck and I see him give a signal and next gas station we come up to we pull in to it and Tools and I are stretching our body and legs, shit I'm stiff as hell and my dad get out, We are taking a quick stop to use bathrooms and fill our tanks up and I see that Tiny is getting something to drink. We are on the road again and I see that my dad try to get the keys and she shake her head and We are on the road again. We are driving until the dark is coming and I see Tiny push her breaks and I wonder what the fuck she is doing and I see in my mirror that Psycho is driving up next to me.

"YOU WANT TO STOP FOR THE NIGHT?" Psycho scream and I know we need to stop it's getting late and Tools and I getting tired.

"YES" I yell back and I see Psycho flash his headlight and we are turning into a Motel that are coming up and I see Tiny park and Psycho is walking up to get the rooms, Psycho and Tools sharing and My hummingbirds and I share and I'm happy that I get her in my arms.

I have heard her speak to Psycho when we checked in that we would be up early and I see my love is on her phone and I can tell she is talking or trying to talk to Skyla and Hawk, to make sure that her dog is okay, I know that she love that dog, it was something good that Viking did, I pull her with me for dinner and she hang up and We get our food and then we are getting in bed, I always sleep best after long rides, and my love is sleeping next to me. I get woken up by my love before the sun is even up and I know that She is not wasting time on this road trip, and my dad and Tools are still tried and I see Psycho nod to her as we are eating breakfast and then are on the road, I see that My dad is on the phone I know he is checking with the nomads that have travel this road, a few hours before us, I got a text from Knuckles about this, We are driving after The Truck that my love is driving and We are getting on the road and about midday, Tiny park her truck at truck stop and I see her looking at Tools, Psycho and Me and I frown but when Psycho take off his Cut, and hand it to her and under it he have his Dragon leather jacket and he nod and I see her looking at me and Tools and we both take off our Cuts we don't like it but, I remember what her Commanding officer told us about our Cuts. I see her place them in a box. We are driving again and I see My dad, looking worried at Tiny as We are driving, Now I start see stickers on the cars that have Military stuff on them. We pull up to the hotel and I see Tiny park her truck and Grab her stuff and she nod to Psycho and he take his place next to her and he nod, I walk up and place a arm around her shoulders.

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