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I'm following my son up the hill, Viking and Tools are coming with us, they are driving behind me, I'm hoping that the new Prospect will do good on this run, I know that We have been hiding a lot from The Dragons, but I don't know if Cunt have told my little buddy all of it or if he just keep a eye on us, We park our bikes outside of the house. I see My son walk up to the house and the first thing he do I thinking is bizarre is that he is knocking on the door, before he step inside I wonder what that is but Then I remember that We are dealing with Crazy Marines and I know that Crazy one sleep with weapon under the pillow, so I guess they have place a gun against My son's head more than once.

"Little Buddy?" I call out as I step inside of the house and I hear the knocking on the table, I see Tools and Viking come with me.

"Love I need to talk to you" I hear My son say and I see her snap her fingers and Runt is the only one who are left in the room Even the Man I think was called Sarge, left and stepped outside and I see them close the door.

"I'm staying to help you to translate if you need it" Runt tells My son who give him a nod.

"What?" I hear Tiny say and I see Bear sit down next to her.

"The first thing is just damaged control, Wiz is working on it and he may call Cunt, to work it out, the other thing is we are doing some runs with the Club" My son say to T who give Runt a look.

"As the President you need to go on the run this is not something you can Jump, You are going" Runt say and I start chuckle at his word.

"Something funny?" Runt say and he turn his eyes to me.

"No just that Psycho said that she would kick him out" Tools say behind me and I see Runt nod.

"I know, Love as the President that I need to leave, I don't like leaving you not when you have been this sick" My son say and I see that her hand is moving.

"Don't worry about me, My brothers will help me, and if I get to sick they will take me to training nest" Runt say as he watching Little buddy.

"I know they will look after you, but Dad is staying behind, I want someone more with you" My son say and I see her nod.

"Are the rest going or are some staying to keep the garage running?" Runt ask and My son tells him that some are staying, and some are not, and I see Skyla is coming running straight in with the leash still on and she jump up on the sofa that is next to the lazy chair where T is sitting and she place her head on T's arm and trying to get her nose to T's Belly.

"Skyla" Tiny say and Skyla just lay down and she whine little, and Tiny start to pet Skyla's head.

"Runt you need to talk to Dad, about your Dragons rules, I know that Dad will need to know them and he is staying here just to ease my mind" My son say and I nod to him and I see Runt nod.

"The rules are simple, no one is allowed closer than three step, any food have to me simple right now because she can't really keep it down" Runt say and I nod to him.

"That's why you are blocking me?" I ask and I see Runt nod.

"Yes, Rules are simple only ones that are allowed to touch is The Dragon who the Ember, Flame or Fire belong to, no other is allowed to touch unless it's life or death, We have to turn the this around because Mama is the Dragon here" Runt say and I frown at this.

"If those rules are true then why are you closer?" I hear Viking ask behind me.

"Because there is special rule, that we rarely are allowed to use and it's called Honor, Honor is something the Dragon or in this case Bear can give, it's one person that They trust with their whole heart, and We take that it really serious, because if something happen to The Dragon then the Dragon who have the honor is responsible for taking care of his Ember, Flame or Fire, This means that Giving Honor is the Biggest thing a Dragon can be given" Runt say and I'm looking at them, as he speak.

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