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I waking up to see the sun rise and I'm looking at Bear that is sleeping but he is holding my hip and I'm still thinking about what he did to me during the night, sure The Dragon made sure that I knew off self-pleasure but I never got really hang on it, Pussy and Asshole made sure I knew of porn too. I was so embarrassed once Pussy, Asshole, Sugar Tits, and Psycho sat me down to watch a porn move with them as they where enjoying it, and this is how the rule was made that no one wank off in my shower. I'm feel Bears hand on my hip, he holding me pressed to his side, I see Skyla standing at the side off the bed wagging her tail, she know it's time for our morning run and I place a hard kiss on his cheek and I see Bear open one eye and Skyla whine.

"Good morning love, hey Skyla, it's to early" I hear Bear say and I shake his body little.

"I know love" he say as he let go off me and I kiss him as I get out off the bed and Skyla is start to jumping and she is talking and I'm getting dressed and I'm smiling that Skyla.

I'm leaving my room and I'm getting Skyla outside and once she is have done her morning toilet, I take her for my morning run, for some reason I left my phone in bed with Bear with my last words, I was asking him about why he keep his hand above my cloths, and from what he told me, he was worried he pushed to much, and to fast, hell I love when he start kissing me, I love his hand on my hip, he took my by surprised when we unpacked my room, and I wanted him to going, when he started kissing me, and the way he was touching me but he stopped once his brother called him and it seem to bring him out of what ever mindset that made him kiss me like that, I didn't know how to tell him or bring it back mindset so when he woke me up, I was sending a silent pray that he would tell me and once he did, and my body was craving something more, and I couldn't bring myself to do the self-pleasure, and once Bear ask if he could help me I didn't know what he was asking to be allowed and then when I feel his hand on my body and I nod and when he started touching me, I knew I wanted more. I sigh as I'm thinking about his hand and he know what he was doing and I know I need to find someone I can speak to, about this, I really wish for more. I'm running back to the house and I start up the Coffee and I look at the time and I hope that it will bring Bear out and I don't hear him so I look at Skyla and give her the command to go and wake up Bear and she take off running up the stairs and I smile as I start making the breakfast, I have a tank-top on and it showing my shoulders and I hear Bear growl as he come and I turning to see him coming with Skyla jumping around his feet.

"Really love?" he ask and I smile as I give him the cup off coffee.

"Your dog is going to be trouble" he say as he place the cup on the counter before he take me in his arms.

"I read the rest of what you ask during the night, and are you sure?" he ask and I nod to him and he place a passion kiss, and then he turn me around and we are cooking together.

"Knuckles brought your truck here" he say and I smile and nod as We are seating the table and Bear is feeding Skyla today, and then we are eating the breakfast.

Once we have finished eating and Skyla have finished her breakfast and We are walking out off the house and I'm locking up the house and I see him walk over to his bike and I open the door to my truck and Skyla jump in. We are driving down to the garage and my brother Viking is there and he take one look at me and I see him frown and I see Psycho look at me with a grin on my face.

'So You finally got something?' Psycho say in the language we call Dragonish.

'Not really, but something so how is Sarah in bed?' I ask Psycho and I see him frown.

'I'm not fucking her, What made you think that?' Psycho say and I see the others looking at us.

'Rode Bitch with you, so she is not your girl, Pussy, Asshole and Fucker was showing a mild enthralled by her until they saw her on your bike, you know the dragon rule' I tell him and I see his eyes light up.

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