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I'm sitting at the bar at the club house thinking about what the fuck Bear just told us, T is pregnant, I wish that T was with us when he told us so that we could really celebrate with them, but then I think about how tired she have been this last week, and I take a deep breath as I drink from my beer. I saw Viking talk to Wolf and Psycho hit him in the back of his head, I guess it's something Viking say he shouldn't say and I take a new beer from the hangaround that is standing behind the bar, I hear my phone is ringing, I see that it's Bear.

"Hey Brother" I say as I answer the phone.

"Sorry to call you but Kickers not answering" Bear say and I can tell his not that Kickers not answering his phone.

"It's okay how is T?" I ask and I wave the Hangaround away from me.

"She is sleeping, I just called to give the Guys a head up Cunt may be on his way" Bear say and I freeze when I hear that name.

"Fuck why is he fucking coming here?" I growl at him and I see a few brothers looking at me.

"Fucker send him" Bear say and I'm close my eyes.

"Yeah I call you if he show up" I tell him and we hang up after our goodbyes.

I curse out as I think about Cunt, We hate him, sure he is a good Brother to T but hell he is a asshole if you knew one. I'm watching the Club is turning the music and I hope Cunt will be calm when he come and I drinking with the hangaround and I saw Viking leave to go to bed, I guess this was not he homecoming he was hoping for, I know that we should have celebrate with him and we also had T's Pregnancy to celebrate too, but Tiny looked so tired when she was here, I drink up my beer and I walk up to the room that I have here and I lay down in my bed and I set a alarm so I'm can go up the hill to help Bear with breakfast to T. I fall asleep. I wake up when the alarm is screaming and I get up and get dressed and I'm leaving the Club house to head up the hill and I hope that Bear is going to be okay with me coming up, I park my bike next to Bears and I walk up to the door and before I even can knock the door open and one of the Dragons are standing in the door way.

"What do you want?" I hear him growl at me.

"DOPEY THAT'S UNCLE TOOLS" I hear someone call from the inside of the house and I see that he take a step away allowing me to step inside of the house.

"I was coming up to help with breakfast" I tell him and I see that they are smirking.

"We are already done the breakfast for Mama" I hear him growl at me.

"Dopey stop Growling at Uncle" I hear someone say as he get slapped in the back of the head.

"You are Mutt right?" I ask and I see him nod.

"Yeah, Runt is upstairs with Flame and Mama, Come inside and have breakfast with us" He say and we are walking into the kitchen and I see that the breakfast is done and I see Bear come in.

"Everything okay?" They ask once Bear is in the Kitchen.

"Yeah, Just need some water and crackers, she is not feeling well" Bear say and before I can even blink they have got what he ask for.

I see Bear walk back upstairs and I see them take check the clock, and I see one of them look the door and a third is checking the something else, and I see their head snap up when a car is coming and Skyla barley lift her head.

"RUNT OUR RELIEF IS HERE" I hear One of them yell out.

"WE ARE ON OUR WAY DOWN MAMA DON'T WANT YOU TO LEAVE BEFORE EATING" Runt is yelling and I see one of them walk to the Door.

"Hey Peach" I hear on of them say and I see two more step in.

"Shouldn't it be Three?" Peach ask as they walk in.

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