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My head is laying on Bears shoulder as He is rubbing my belly, I feel three Kicks and I give a gentle growl, Bear have learned that when I growl like this then our Children is kicking and I feel Bear press his hand against my belly.

"Easy Little one" Bear say as he press against where they are kicking.

"Sister?" I hear my brother Fucker ask and I nod as he come closer to me and Bear lift up the hoody so Fucker can feel the Kicking or boxing of the Children I know that I haven't told Fucker that there is three, I know that the Club have been guessing that I'm carrying twins, and I see the look on my brothers face.

"You are carry Twins" I hear Fucker say and I look at Bear with a question should we tell them the truth? Or should we wait.

"Fucker Can you get Every Dragon here tomorrow, I will get the Club here tomorrow, We have avoided sharing something, because you three wasn't home, and she was afraid you would be more worried" Bear say and I see Fucker nod as he hear Bears reason.

"Okay I will get them here, don't worry but Do Runt knows?" Fucker ask and I shake my head and I make the sign for Wolf and My brother's nod at this.

"I will get them here" Fucker say and I see that Runt look at me.

"Don't forget that you have your appointment tomorrow too" Runt say and Bear nod when there is a knock on the door.

"I get it" Goose say and I hear the voices speaking and at the door and I hear the voice of Children.

"I'm sorry but Miss Roman is really sleepy, and she need to go to doctor tomorrow, but if you come back the day after tomorrow, she will have the time to see you" Goose say and I hear the happiness of them.

"Have a good night" Goose call out and we hear the door closing and I see Goose come back to the door.

"I will get Buster here because the Children will love his knitting" Goose say and I smile at them and I turn to Runt.

"Class?" I ask and he nod to me.

"Yes and No, There was the siblings of the Class that was here" Goose say and I turn to Peach who are just finish eating his dinner.

"Stomach my with help they, me for Crackers more bake you will Peach" I say and I see Peach smile.

"I will make more Ginger crackers for you, it seems that they are helping you" Peach say and I see Wolf give me a glare and I know that I better get ready for bed.

"Night, Night. Say Grandpa" I say and I see them nod to me and Bear smile as he walk with me up to our room.

I really need a shower, and I see Bear watching me as I'm stripping out of my cloths, and he come up behind me and he rap his arms around me and he place a kiss on my neck.

"Want to go to bed?" Bear ask and I'm slowly shake my head.

"Shower" I tell him and I feel Bear gently pull the T-shirt off and I'm turning around to face him.

"Have you thought of your name? I know that you speak more but still you need to be able to speak your name, and I don't want our Children calling you Bitch" Bear say and I still have trouble to call him his real name, I can say Bear, but Not DeAngelo, so I call him De when I wanted to use his real name.

"Jay? Jade" I say and I see him looking at me and he smile.

"I like Jade more it would be easier for you to say and it will be a name that you choose" Bear say as We are still undressing and we step into the shower.

I'm enjoying the hot water and I feel Bear's hand gently rubbing my back, I enjoy it and I'm leaning back against his chest and I feel his hand travel forward and I close my eyes as he holding me.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now