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I'm looking at the note that mama gave me, I normally would call her Tiny, Crazy or Bitch, but now while she is pregnant, every Dragon will call her Mama or mother, until she give birth, Dragons don't believe in congratulate someone to be pregnant, we guard them to make sure that The Mother can carry her child until full terms, then we celebrate, for the Chance of miscarriage is strong, so We protect and we guard until the little dragon is born, then we will celebrate and we will bathe the little dragon in a mixture of Blood, Tears, sweat and Whiskey, well the tears and Sweat is truly only water, the blood will be from the mother, and a drop from each dragon, the whiskey will only be a three drop, it will be just a symbol. I take a deep breath as I'm looking at my brothers that come up to me.

"Psycho what's going on and why did you want us to help you?" Tools ask and I'm turning to see Breaker, Shovelhead, and Knuckles stand with him.

"Because we are going to help The Dragon, We are going up to the training nest and we are going to watch them before we kidnap one of them" I tell them and I see them look at me.

"No we are not going to kidnap a dragon" Knuckles say and I shake my head.

"No We are not taking a Dragon, one of the Eggs, I will not tell you who, but trust me, we are going to do it" I tell them and I see Knuckles looking at me.

"We are going to do a Dragon kidnapping?" he ask and I nod.

"We are going to see how he deal with the worst part of being a dragon, getting kidnapped, Normally this is something we do last, I have a few things that we are not allowed to do" I tell them as I hand them the note.

I know what is not allowed when you are torture a dragon, I know that any Dragon will be allowed I see Tools looking at me and I know that he wish to say something.

"What is it Tools?" I ask and I see him light up a smoke as he take a seat next to me.

"Why did you leave the room when We started celebrate Tiny's Pregnancy? And why have the Dragon celebrate the pregnancy" Tools say and I take a deep breath.

"Well this a dragon thing, we don't celebrate the pregnancy, we celebrate the birth and home coming more than the pregnancy. Because she could still miscarriage, so We wait, You saw Fucker?" I ask and I see them nod I know that they all saw him.

"That's the only way you will see the Dragon celebrate, Until they are born, To listen to the heartbeat, and pray that the heartbeat is strong enough to survive" I tell them and I see them nod to me.

"The Dragons are Crazy" Breaker say and I smirk at him as if he just gave me one of the biggest complement he can.

"So this is what we are not allowed to do?" I hear Knuckles ask and I look up at him and I nod.

"Yes That's is what we are not allowed to do" I tell him and I see Knuckles look at the paper.

"There is only three Things Psycho, THREE" Knuckles growl at me and I frown, there was only one thing when I when thru the napping as we called it.

"It should only be one" I say and I take it and I read the first one at is a given, then I come second I frown this must be something that Fucker or Numbnutts did and I wouldn't have anyone do that to me, and When I read the third one I frown even more.

"How the Fucke did this make it to the List" I say when I read it and I see That Goose is walking into the club house.

"What?" Goose call out and I see him look at me.

"The list of what we are not allowed to use during napping" I tell him and I see him laugh.

"Numbnutts is responsible for the second one, that's how he got the nicknames, or have your forgot?" Goose say and I glare at him.

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