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I'm wake up to the sound of my phone ringing and I reach over and It's Papa

"Hey Tiny, you don't need to come in today, the Dragons are taking them on a country trip" Papa say and I frown why would they do that it's not that time yet.

"emit" I say and I know that Papa dragon will understand.

"Prank war you saw it" Papa say and I start laughing.

I hang up with him and I see that Bear is sleeping and I get out of the bed and I see the ring sitting on the table and I take the ring out of the box and I slip it on my hand, I really need to get use to have a ring on my hand, I gently get out of the bed and I need some coffee, and I walk downstairs and I start making breakfast, I know that Bear will be up soon, I hear his step and I stop, the I hear him better right now.

"Who woke you up?" Bear ask as he place his arms around my waist.

"Papa" I tell him and he sigh.

"are you going to the nest?" He ask and I shake my head.

"eggs the with fucking are dragons, No" I tell him and he smile.

"Lets go for a ride after breakfast, Ink and Hawk love to babysit, Skyla" Bear say and I shake my head.

"latipsoH" I say and I tap my bad ear, and he look at me.

"You want to check your hearing?" He ask and I nod.

"Sure we take the bike to the hospital and then we can take a ride" Bear say and I nod and I feel him kiss my neck, And I hold out a cup of coffee and I see him take it.

We are eating the breakfast, and Clean up after and I hear Bear talking to Ink and Hawk to watch Skyla for the day and I smile at him as he hold out my leather jacket, with my dragon on the back and I smile and I look down at the ring and I write down where we need to go and he nod as he place a helmet on me and We are walking out to the bike. Bear start the bike and I get on and he drive off and I enjoy the wind, and the speed that the bike give us. Bear is driving us to the training nest and I know I should have gone to one of the doctors where I live but the Military doctors are easier for me, I see Bear turn his Cut inside out and hiding what it truly, I nod to the sentry post and I walk pass him and Bear sign in with his name, We are walking into the base and I see Buzz come up to us and I see him look at me with a frown.

"Father of the Dragons said you where not coming Bastard" he say and I tap my ear.

"Oh, Come on lets get you to the checked out" Buzz say and we are walking until we get to with in view of the nest hospital and I feel my body freeze up, I fucking hate this response that my body, when I come close to hospital.

"BASTARD MOVE YOUR ASS IN TO THE FUCKING HOSITPAL" Buzz yell and that make me move and I see Bear frown and I guess he will ask Buzz about and I see the doctor smile at me.

"Hey Tiny get your ass in here" he say and I jump up on the bed and I know that he will order me to do what I need to do.

I see Bear standing there with Buzz and I guess that Buzz told him why I come here, instead of a civilian hospital, I see Doc look at me.

"Well Crazy seem like you are healing, you still have hearing loss but you can hear more, guess we have to check you every week when you come here, because your hearing is getting better" Doc say and I nod as I'm get off the bed.

"Are you going to see Creator or Father?" Buzz say and I nod as I raise my hand showing him the ring that I'm wearing and I see Buzz eyes grow when he see it.

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