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I'm looking at my dad take my little hummingbird with him to the competition at the fire rage, I'm happy that I'm not in the competition this year, because I always let my dad down with not be able to go as far as Dad did but We never got more than half thru the day before both was eliminated because I'm not that of a good shoot not at that distant that this competition is operation on. I see Viking reading something and I walk over to him and I sit down next to him and I see him reading about Dog breads.

"You know that Dog's will not be allowed in the club house" I tell him, and I see Viking looking up at me from his reading.

"It's not for me, it's for my little sister, she need something to keep busy, and I think of giving her the land where my old house stood, it's enough for her to build a home, and it secluded enough to keep the Cop away from there" Viking is telling me and I'm looking at my friend.

"Well you should pick a dog that have a lot of energy, your sister is working out like the devil" I tell him and he nod at me and I look at the Time.

"The competition start in two hours, why don't you call her brothers and I'm heading to the Fire range" I tell him and I get up from the place where Viking is sitting and I walk over to my bike and I drive against the Range.

I know that my dad want me to be there for him and I drive up to see Dad and Hummingbird standing off to the side and I know that my dad is talking to old army buddy and I see him keeping Tiny pressed to his side and I know that he will protect her and he also know my claim on her. I see Tiny moving her hand as if she sign something to them and I see a few of the men looking at my dad and his army buddy.

"I'm so surprised that your son is not shooting with you this year" I hear one of my dads friend from the war say and I see that hummingbird is watching everyone that is around them and I see her have her leather jacket on.

"Well My son have never really liked this competition, and he is just a Pizza box when it come to shooting at this distant, but My little buddy here, if she could would sleep, eat and live here if the Range allowed her to do it" My dad say and I hate that he calling me a pizza box and I walk closer to them and I see them smile at him.

"Well Lets hope that one of us can beat the last year winner" I hear one say and I see them looking over at a younger man sanding so proud and I hate him because he made fun of dad.

"Hey son I'm sorry that I didn't ask you" Dad tells me as I see watching my girl back she is wearing her leather jacket, the one that sleeping dragon and word of Dragon on the top and the USMC at the bottom of it and I smile every time I see this Leather jacket.

"Don't worry dad, you know I'm not really that in to shooting" I tell him and Hummingbird is turning her head and give me a smile, This is give me hope, because she normally don't give a smile like that.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask her as she nod as she allow her leather jacket to slip off her shoulder.

"You haven't told us why you wear that one" I hear someone ask her as she take it in her arms and she turn around and fold the over her arms and she smirk at him and wink at him as she turn to me and she hold out the jacket to me and I take it gently from her and then I see her hand reach for my Cut, and I see her finger just stroke it with a gentle touch and then her hand go to her Leather jacket and she hold my eyes as she do this.

"I think she asking you to treat her leather jacket like you would your own Cut" My dad say and I see her smile again and nod.

"I will" I tell her and she nod as she is turning to one of the men and do a body sign that I don't get, but the old man laugh.

"yes I think he is" Another old man say and I see her shake her head.

"What was that?" I ask and I see them turn to me, and they laugh, and I see my girl do a sign and they laugh harder.

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