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I'm sleeping but I'm awake, I don't know how the fuck I manage this, We are walking in the pitch black and I hear the bell being carry some where to my left but I don't want to hear it, We are losing people, for stupide shit, and I just focus on putting one foot in-front of the other, I keep walking. I don't watch even Blood egg and I don't care, I saw my score a few days ago and I saw I was low on my score and I don't like it I'm fucking better than the others, but my score is to low then the others. My head feels heavy but I'm going to drop, I know that we are on this fucking night march, because the Dragons want to fuck with us. I know this because no Instructor is with us, as we are walking, We are walking and walking, I hear body's drop behind me and I don't know how long we have been walking but once we are back at the Base, We are getting march straight into our squad bay, I unlace my boots and I lay down but I don't even get a chance to fall asleep before the Screaming starting, and I open one eye and I see the Rat that is glue to the bottom of the of the top bed and I just close my eyes and go back to sleep, Fucker did that the first night oversea and that Rat was twice as big. We are woken up and I see that I'm the only one that was sleeping in the rack the others where sleeping on the floor.

"How can you sleep in your bed?" I hear the girl almost scream and I see that her bed is filed with something that looks like sand.

"That's not sand you are laying on idiot" I hear someone say and I turn to look at my bed and I see it's dead insects on it and I just raise my eyebrow.

"At least they are dead" I say as we are walking out of the squad bay and I see Blood egg look at me.

"You don't seem worried" he say and I look at him.

"If it was Scorpions or spiders I would be more worried, but that is something you get used to" I tell him and We are walking over to the mess-hall and we are eating breakfast and I hear the others complain about the food and I know that this is food.

"Shut up and follow us" I hear one of the Instructors scream and we are standing up.

We are lead to a waiting room and I frown something is wrong as we are getting lead to a room and we are left alone in the room with a paper on the desk, I sit down as the door close and I take a long look at the paper.

Classified For Dragon USE ONLY.

NAME: Jeramaine Jonson

Serial number: 020136

Status: Unknown

This is what it's stand on the first page, I frown at this, I have never seen this number before, It's not my serial number I had before, I hear the sound speaker crackle and I haven't touch the paper yet.

"For you who haven't open the folder yet congratulation you are still in training, you may open the folder now" The voice say and I look down on the paper folder again, I frown as I pull it to me and I take the deep breath as I'm open it.

Contract for Dragons training.

Name; Jeramaine Jonson

Serial number: 020136


AGE: 18

Enlistment: US Marine Corps

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now