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I'm snuggle into the hoody that belong to my brother Fucker, I'm snuggle into Bear's arm too, but my hoody is cover me almost completely and I'm looking at the fire with my brothers around me and I see Runt come with sticks and he throw them to each off us and I caught mine.

"What's going on?" I hear Knuckles ask as he hold his stick and we pull out our K-bar and we start to sharpen the end.

I know that we are going to eat marshmallow, This is something we always do when we do when we have a fire going I see Loss lips get up and get the bag of marshmallow, the bowl with Chocolate, and the Crackers. I getting my stick ready and I feel someone behind me.

"Arms up" I hear Numbnutts say and I raise my arms and I feel him pull my hoody off me and I smile at him as take my Brothers hoody and I feel a Blanket around me and Bear, I see That the Club are looking at us.

"She will get piss off if she get chocolate, on any off our hoodies" he say and Loss lips are leaving a bag of marshmallow, at each of us, around the fire.

I'm placing the bowl of chocolate, in the fire and I'm also the first to get my marshmallow in the fire, So is the other the Dragons, I'm looking around as I see the Bikers trying to get the marshmallow on the stick and I'm smiling and I give a look to Runt to help them and I give my stick to Bear and he frown when I'm grab his stick and I make sure it's sharp enough and then place the Soft White marshmallow on it and Hand it back to him and he smile and I pull my stick back to make sure its soft enough and I gently dip my marshmallow and I see Bear holding Crackers to me and I shake my head and I eat the Marshmallow from the stick, I know I have to eat careful because it's hot and I don't want to burn my mouth. I'm looking around Friends that I have got from Tools and My brother Viking but I start to relax, and My brothers from the military are getting along so far.

"Remember last time?" I hear Loss lips say and I smirk at this.

"What happen?" Ink ask and I see Asswipe drink from the beer that is sitting next to him.

"We had a training in north of Alaska, and Blue balls, was dropped wrong, we didn't have any thing help us orient, other that an direction, and a amount of time that we are had to get in a direction, so With that Blue balls was Five hours wrong, We all got dropped wrong but Blue balls was the one that was the one that stopped walking, and sat his fucking ass down and waited for each off us" Numbnutts say and we are eating the marshmallow.

"The Rest of us keep walking and we got to the correct, rally point. Runt was first and he can light a fire, in any weather, trust us, and Fucker had marshmallow in his bag don't ask us why he had them, and Mama would have chocolate, and We sat our ass down and waited" Asswipe keep the story going as we are eating the marshmallow.

"During this time Papa Dragon came, made a head count and he found out that we was missing One and We start calling out our names, and the only one that didn't call the name was Balls, it was his old name, so Papa turn to Top Dragons and Runt and told them fetch" I hear loud mouth say laughing.

"Took them three hours before they called for a Dragon Code, and trust us that fucker had got a new name, Fucking Blue balls" Loss lips say and I smile at the memory. It one of the best memory I have from my brother.

"I remember That fucking night It was waist high, and cold as fuck, Remember that we had a hard time trying to find that fucker, I remember That Fucker had to throw you sometimes Ma, Because it was so fucking deep in some places, but it was too deep for her to walk, and once We found that fucker, he was piss off at us that we where three hours late and he told us that he was fucking cold and hungry" Runt say and At this point I feel Bear laughing and I see the other laughing and my brothers Dragons are laughing too.

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