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I'm looking at Vikings as he explain to us about not question when Tiny speak, only to raise a eyebrow, so that She would repeat the sentence or break it up, and this would help us understand her better and I head her speak for the first time to Knuckles, and I didn't understand what she said but Knuckles did. I see her eat with her broken arm and I see the bandage on her fingers are bleeding thru.

"Guy's?" I say and I see them raise their head.

"Her Bandage, they should be changed" I say and They turning to looking at Tiny's hand.

"Duck-Duck Get the medic bag, Fucker you know the Drill" I hear Asshole say and I see Fucker Eat up his food and I see Tiny but I know that they are drinking their beers too.

"Here" I hear Duck say and place the little purple box on the table.

"Tiny come on hand" Fucker say and he grip the elbow and Asshole pulling up box and I see the others looking

"Tae I elihw ti xif uoy t'nac, yrgnuh m'I?" Tiny ask and them looking at her and they smile.

"Okay Psycho you still got a strong stomach?" Fucker ask and I see him turn to us.

"Sure, I survived with you guys" he say and I see them smirk.

"Tits are you up for Feeding?" Fucker ask and I see my brothers looking at Them.

"Yes I will do that, Psycho you get the unbroken arm to redress her hand, Asshole broken, I'm holding the arms, Tits feed, Duck Drink" Fucker say and I see them smile as I see Asshole pull out something out and place on the counter.

"Last time we did this it was about 25 minutes so let's see we can do it faster" Fucker say and I see him holding her elbows and I see Psycho and Asshole is grabbing her wrist and I see Tits and Duck-Duck is start feeding her and I see them get the Bandage off her hands and I see Knuckles looking at them as Tiny eating as they are fixing her hands and Duck is letting her drink as they are cleaning her fingers and I feel sick to look at them and I see Tiny look at him

"erom" She say and I see Tits feed her again.

"How can she eat like that?" I hear Hawk ask as we are looking at them fixing her hands.

"Because she is a marine, There is three things Marine knows, It's to Fight, Sleep and Eat, meaning they will fight what you tell them to fight, They will sleep literally anywhere and at any time, and eat well eat when you can no matter what you get or how you get it" Wolf say and I see Tiny nod as she open her mouth again.

"Dragons have more than once got their nails pulled out like this" Fucker say as they raping her hands back up.

"Need to talk to that doc, for those bandage was not good enough" Asshole say as he fix her right hand and she is eating.

"No, doc will skin us alive for doing this with out him" Fuckers say as Tiny is smirking.

"slatipsoh eht rof krow repap did eh dna ereh si Tits esuaceb, wonk lliw eh" Tiny say and I understand one words and it's Tits and that make me raise my eyebrow.

"He will know, because Tits is here and he did paper work for the hospitals" I hear Psychos voice and I'm surprised that they responded that quickly.

"Okay, Why haven't he come then?" Fucker say as he let go of Tiny and she start eating on her own.

"Because I told him not to come, you know that Doc care for us" Tits say and I see them nod as they are done.

"Vikings a word" I hear Bear say and I see Viking is walking out with Bear and I know it's about Tiny. I see the Marines looking at one and other and I see Tiny lay back her head against Fucker.

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