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I'm watching my Brother running after his Daughters, I'm smiling at it, and then I start laughing as I remember the first time that one of the Girls made a sneeze and Tiny was out, because Bear had begged her to go. So he asked the Club to stay with him because he didn't want to be alone with his girls sure he felt safe staying alone with the girls but he wanted company, so we ended up at his home with the Girls and Then Tammi sneezed really loud and Bear got a panic attack but I was laughing my ass off because I head heard it a few days earlier but it was Aurora that sneezed, so I knew it was nothing bad but Bear when in to panic and he even called Lauren to make sure that the Tammi was okay, but watching Bear lose it like that, Not even Wolf could calm him down, it took a call From Tiny yelling that the Girls was okay, that's it was just a sneeze. I'm watching Viking is getting chased by the Three Girls and their new friends, the birthday party. Tiny is at the Training nest right now because she is training on her new job, evaluating the Dragons, so Each of the Dragons have been called into the training nest for Mama's training so that she can evaluate each of us, Numbnutts and Asswipe have been up for two or three times, Numbnutts wasn't cleared but Asswipe was but Asswipe wouldn't be allowed to shipped out without Numbnutts it was a safety rule so that Someone could control Asswipe, and Numbnutts was that safety net, just as Tiny was a safety net for the Officer overseas, They would deal with Tiny to stay on the Dragons good side. I know that Fucker will never step up, so someone else need to be the safety net, because you can't tame a Dragon, you and only keep it contain and try to placate it, but The fire will burn you and the Claws will shred you, and the Teeth will ground you up, I learned it with the Top dragon's even if I'm a Dragonlinger, I'm as Crazy and as deadly as The rest of them, I may have only been on one tour with them, but I have the same training, and it have saved me more than once since I patched into the Black soul. I'm watching Bear as he lifting up one of his daughter I'm smiling at them, Bear is a great father to the Triplets, he is also planning most of the wedding, well his not really planning it he is doing the ground work, he is getting a list of where they can have the wedding and he will go over things with Tiny each night, when he have found something new for the wedding. I'm watching my brothers playing with the Children and I see that Kickers is checking his phone, when my phone is ringing and I check it it's brother of the nomad.

"Psycho" I answer my phone and I'm watching him closely.

"Hey brother, I just calling to check that you guy's know where President Bear old lady is" my brother say and I smirk I know that Tiny is two towns over with Belly, Sam and Shelby, they are having a spa day and I know that Bear begged her to have fun and she asked Bear if he would allow her to go to a strip club, Bear smile and kiss her and told her to have fun, as long as she came back to him, he did whisper something that the Club missed but I knew what he said because Tiny used Dragonish so I would know. Bear told her that if she when to a strip club he wanted her to dance for him, and he promised her that he would both make love to her and fuck her until she wouldn't walk.

"Yeah I know that She is two towns over" I tell him and I hear him clear his throat.

"Well, that's right but Well, Wiz old lady, Kickers old lady, Knuckle's old lady and Bears old lady are at a strip club, we just saw them walk in, and you know that Kickers old lady is pregnant" he say and I can hear how uncomfortable he sound and that's tells me that he follow them inside, and I know that Tiny did see him.

"I know where Mama T is" I tell him and I see Bear stop when he hear my say Mama T.

"Who is that on the Phone?" Bear ask and I smile as I tilt the phone away from my mouth.

"Brother from Nomad, spotted Mama guess you get your wish" I tell him and Bear hold out his hand and I shake my head and I mute the phone so my brother on the phone won't hear me speak to bear.

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