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I'm driving to the Training nest with the folder laying on the dashboard, I don't know what to do with it, I come up to the gate and the Sentry just wave me thru the gate and I drive to the main office and I see that My brothers are having fun with the minimal training they are giving the Eggs before They are going to jump for the first time, This is jump is more to see how much the old training have been sticking to their mind, but for Blood egg this will be hell, because he never have jumped out of a airplane nor a helicopter, us dragons love to jump out of airplane or the Helicopter, we always enjoyed the jump, I know that Peach planning on delay his parashoot opening and hook up to Blood egg since he never have jumped from airplane. I park my car and Skyla stand up in the seat next to me and I get our off the truck, Skyla is waiting for me to tell her it's okay to jump out, I call her to my side and I take the folder, before I close the door and lock the truck and I walk straight into Creator's office and I meet officer that I salute because they are higher rank than me, and everyone here knows my rank even if I don't have it on my uniform. I know that Cody and Chris demanded that Every Dragon and Dragonlinger that already have their status as Dragon or Dragonlinger wear their rank, but I refuse to wear my rank, for We don't believe in Rank. I come up to Creators door and normally I would kick the door but today I don't do that, I need Creator to be happy to make sure that he will agree to what I'm about to do, so I do something I would only do when something is wrong or we need him to agree to something and I knock at the door.

"Come in" I hear Cody call out and I open the door and I snap my fingers making Skyla stay out off the office room and I see Cody look up and he frown.

"The only reason why you would knock on the door is because you need me to agree on something so what is it" Cody say and he put his pen down and I walk straight up to him and place the folder on his desk and I take a step back and I take the stand of attention in-font of him without a word.

I focus my eyes on the knife stuck in wall behind him and that is where we are taught to focus on and I keep my body still and I hear him read the paper and I can tell that his really reading it, and I know that his going to question where I got this and why I brought It to him.

"I see" Cody say and I see him get up in-front of the knife so I can see Him clearly, but I don't say a word, as he walk out from my field of view and I hear the door open.

"Skyla Papa" he say and I hear my dog take off and I see him step into my field of view again and I see that he look piss off and I hear Skyla coming back and I know Papa is with him.

"You know better than to make Skyla collect me like that" Chris say and I still stand at attention waiting.

"Read" Cody say and he still staring me straight in the eyes.

"Where did you get this?" Papa say and I guess that Cody point at me.

"Mother" Papa ask and I stand still and don't answer him.

"Bitch explain" I hear Cody growl and I take a deep breath.

"Marines eht fo trap saw wenk yeht, mih ot neppah tahw tuo dnif ot steb ym od ot sesimorp I, rehtorb gib dna noS, nosdnarG rieht dnif ot pleh rof deksa yeht, nosrep siht, retsis ybab dna rehtoM, rehtomdnarG eht yb detisiv saw I" I say and I hold my head high.

"Lets break that down" Chris say and I'm keeping my eyes on the knife in the wall.

"You had a visit from a Grandmother, mother and Baby sister" Chris say and I don't move but I answer him yes.

"They wanted help finding their family member" he say and I give him a nod again.

"AND YOU MADE A FUCKING PROMISE" Chris scream and I don't even flinch as he scream at me.

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