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I was so happy that I'm home early, even if Bear wasn't happy when I showed up without texting him but I wanted to surprise him by coming home early, because I wanted to cook dinner with him, it was something I have wanted to do since he started to cooking dinner for me, I really want us to share moments like this, We are working together to get our Dinner ready and he ask me to light the fire and once I have got the Fire going, I walk back in as Bear is getting the food on the table and I help him and I smile at this as we are take our seat at the table. Bear pour me some wine and I taste really good for some reason, but I don't really like wine because I view it as a pussy drink, but if Bear manage to find a wine like this I will accept one glass but only if there is no dragons around, I have to tell Bear this I still can't really say his real name and I have been trying to use it but it always come out backwards.

"Come let's enjoy the fire" Bear say as we finish clearing, the table, Bear pull a blanket out of the cabin next to the door, I see it's two of them and I grab two beers and walk after him he rap one blanket around his shoulders and sit down, as he hold his arms open as I come outside whit the beer and I sit down and he pull me into his arms and he place the others blanket over my legs and I snuggle to him.

Bear ask me if I was use sleep outside and I nod and I start explaining that Dragons are trained to navigate by stars, no matter where we are, and Bear asked if I know any constellations as I'm nodding as I start drawing them and I tell him what each off them, and I tell him when I was taught about each constellations, and this brings me to tell him the story about the first camping trip Fucker and my family had all those years ago. I remember it as if was yesterday, it was a good camping trip and Fucker and I tried to catch ourselves some dinner by the river and for some reason we started pushing on one and other, and Fucker when in the lake and he pulled me into the lake, and we ended up having a water fight between us. Dad was piss off at us and he pull us out of the lake by the collar of our shirts and he was yelling at us and Mother did the same and that was the first night that I was told about the constellations and she made stories about each of the constellations. I'm telling him that after my Parents died, I started to learn more about the constellations, I feel Bears arms around me as I start telling him about one of the constellations, it's the Big dipper and Polaris, it's something we do for fun and I'm telling him on how to find it in the big sky above us and I feel him kissing my neck and I guess he have trouble understanding me because he have used that before when he didn't understand, and I slow down my speech, but he keep kissing my neck and he gently is nudge me with his nose as more kisses, I feel him stop when I look down a bit but then I look up again to finish my story, he do it again. I gently tilt my head giving him access to my neck, I enjoying his kisses and I feel him kissing around my neck and I roll my head as he kissing my neck, enjoy his kisses, he keep them light and soft, I see something sparkle in the light from the fire, and I feel my body freeze up, and I feel his kisses stop when I freeze up. I'm looking down in my lap where one of his hands are resting and I'm looking at what he is holding it's a box with a ring in it. I'm looking at the Ring it's looks old, it's has a big diamond in the shake of a heart in the middle, with rubies around it and outside of that it's more diamonds, it's a lot of diamonds on the ring, I'm not a ring girl, I don't like wearing jewelry, I hate them.

"Love?" I hear Bears voice and I'm still looking at the box in his hand.

"Hummingbird?" I hear him whisper again and I feel his lips close to my ear and I wonder what the fuck he is thinking.

"my beloved little Butterfly, will you be my wife?" He whisper and I feel the rage take form in my body, and I get up from his lap and I walk straight into the house, I need my laptop, I need to call my brother.

The rage I feel is like a volcano, I hurry inside to get to my laptop I need my brother to calm me down, I need Fucker to keep me from losing my temper, I know that I really want to fucking slap Bear for this, HE know that my family is important to me and I can't belive that he did this. I hear Bear follow me inside and I get my laptop working and I can't fucking believe that he did this, My family is the most important to me, and I can't fucking believe him and I see him standing looking at me and I see him looking at me and I guess he is trying to under what I'm saying.

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