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I'm waking up to someone kissing my neck, I start struggle, I'm going to Kill my brothers, I feeling for my knife that I have in my boots but it's not there and I hear someone speak and I feel the movement and I feel the stubble off unshaved cheek, that's not my brothers, I open my eyes and I look around I'm home and a few seconds later I hear the word that's whisper it's Bears to me, and I feel him hold me close and I can tell his sleeping from the way he breathing, I'm trying to move but I'm being hold hard and I slowly start moving his arms but I can't get free and I know that I'm stuck and the more I struggle the tighter he hold me, I elbow him in the belly and I feel him let go off me.

"Sorry Baby" he whisper as he let go off me and I see him looking at me.

"Too" I say but the word Tight get stuck in my mouth and I see him sit up but pull me close to him.

"I'm sorry little hummingbird, I didn't want to let you go" Bear say and I nod as I look at the date, Skyla is old enough for me to collect her.

"SKYLA" I call out and I start get out off the bed and I hear laughing coming.

"You want me to call Viking?" Bear ask as I grab my stuff and I hurry off and I bang on Fuckers door and I'm done to the shower.

I get my hair up in the hair bun and I get dressed and I see Fucker come down stairs.

"Tiny it's to early for you to get Skyla" He say and I glare at him and do the hand signal for workout.

"Yeah I wake up the others" he say and walk back up stairs.

I get my brothers up and We are out running and we are doing our workout and I know that it's still to early for picking up Skyla but my brothers are keeping my busy until it's time. I see Viking and the others bikers looking sleepy at us as we are coming in for breakfast and I can tell that they are tired after the party we had and I see Bear and Tools looking at us.

"Tiny it's to early" Viking growl at me and I'm looking at him,

"Skyla" I whisper and I look down and I see my brother smile.

"I did warn the family that you would take Skyla as soon as she was ready to leave" Viking tells me and I nod as I get my coffee and I know that it will be work to raise her.

"two more hours darling we have two more hours to go before we are leaving and get her" Viking say and I nod as We are eating the breakfast and it's Sunday and I can tell that Bear is tired.

"How can you be this awake?" I hear Bear growl and I smile and I turn to Fucker for him to explain.

"We are use to it, We learned to Workout hangover and sometimes drunk, Cody and Dad dragon would drink us under the table then they would take us on a workout from hell" Fucker say and I see Wolf in the doorway and I can tell his not happy about this but he seem to understand it.

"Sound like he one of them have been in combat" Wolf say and We smile at him.

"Papa Dragon was in Vietnam and Cody was in Korea, so yes they both fought in the wars" Asshole say and I feel my leg is jumping.

"What's up with my buddy?" Wolf ask and I smile at him and I know that he will know what's up and I hold up my Teddy of Skyla and I see him smile and he look at the clock.

"When did you get up?" Wolf ask and I know it was early.

"Tiny have been up since 1" I hear Bear say and I give him a apologetic smile and I see him nod.

"I know you are not on normal time yet" Bear say and he place a kiss on my temple and I see that Fucker and my other brothers don't glare or anything this means that he have passed the Dragon test.

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