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I'm standing in the room and I keep my eyes close because Bear made clear that he didn't want me to see something.

"Love?" I hear Bears voice and I tilt my head as I feel him move around me.

"ngikool ton m'I os, something ees ot me tnaw t'ndid you me gnillet, eyes ym revoc uoy" I whisper and I feel him move my head so I should look at him but I'm still have my eyes closed.

"you are keeping your eyes closed since I put my hand over your eyes" Bear ask and I'm nod as he speak.

"I have something for your" I hear Bear say and I feel him take my hand and I feel him place something in my hand and I feel him lift my hands to my face and that's when I feel the scent of a Rose and I keep my eyes close.

"Please love look at me" Bear say and I slowly open my eyes and I'm looking at Bear but I see the rose in my hand that He holding up in-front of my eyes, and I see him smiling at me.

"I'm sorry for being a asshole" Bear say and I know he is saying sorry for. He took me aside and told me why he never allowed me to touch him, but he told me he is afraid of losing me.

I feel Bear holding my hands as he looking at me and he pull me closer, and I feel his hand go to my hair and it's In a hair bun and I smile at him as I'm reach back to start get my hair down.

"No I want to take it down" Bear say and I feel him turn around and I feel him start trying to take it out, but he have got better after Fucker and Asshole showed him, how to take it down.

I allow him to take my hair down, It feels so good when my hair is down after being up all day, and I sigh as he get it down and he run his hand thru my hair and I feel him hold me still as he running his fingers thru my hair.

"I really hate that hair style love, and you hair get so sticky" I hear Bears voice and I nod.

"Shower" I tell him and he nod as I start walking against the bathroom when he pull me back to his chest.

"Bear" I growl lightly at him as he pull me back and he spin me around, and he gently grip my face and he place a kiss on my lips, one of his hand is on my hip and the other one is in my hair holding my head as he kissing me.

"You want me to get your cloths out?" Bear ask me and I point at my Cammies, and he look at me.

"You going to have your hair up in the bun again?" he ask and I take a strand out and Braided it and he nod.

"Just be ready for me to unbraid it, okay?" Bear say and I'm unbuckle the belt and I know I normally change my cloths out of view from Bear but Jaws told me that is one of the things that make Bear unsure off how comfortable I'm around him.

"you okay?" Bear ask and I look at him as I start unbutton my Dress blue and I nod and I see him moving slowly and I feel him help me out off my cloths and once I have got out off my Pants and shoes, I'm standing in my underwear's, as I'm undressed I'm making sure that my dressed blue is put in the Garment bag, I know that Bear is in the room and I know that Bear is looking at me as I'm pulling out new underwear's from my bag.

"Love" I hear Bear say and that's when I feel him stand behind me and I feel him pull me up standing.

"You are beautiful" I hear Bear whisper in my ear as I'm reach to ear and pull the earing out and I know that my second dragon is on Psycho's ear.

I feel him running his hand over my arms and I feel him place a kiss on my neck, and I'm taking the notepad that he place in my hand before he started touching me and I write down what I'm thinking.

Bear, I love the way you touch me, I really need to get in the shower, need to wash my hair

I hear him give a light growl when he read it and I feel him standing close enough behind me.

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