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I'm looking at My sister, Wolf and her brothers and the new member of the Dragon, I did see how easy he pulled Bear away from the door surprised me and I turn to Psycho that's is shaking in a corner he look afraid and I see Bear looking out at the window where Tiny and her brother left and I turn to Psycho that is not happy and I can tell his worried.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I hear Knuckles growl at Psycho who are holding a whiskey bottle that his drinking from but it's looks like his afraid.

"I'm not leaving" Psycho is saying and I get the feeling that he haven't told us everything about the Dragons.

"Psycho who is he" Bear growl at Psycho who is now looking at him.

"He is Cunt. If Fucker is her twin brother Cunt is her older brother, and he is protective over her, and he don't following rules, if he think you are using her, Then he is the one to look out for, Fucker have seen how you care for Mother, but he don't, he see you as a player until you have convince him otherwise" Psycho say as he start drinking.

"WHAT" I growl at him and I see him look at me and he take a deep breath.

"Dragons are family and remember that, they are Marine's, and they are deadly, Crazy and Psychotic. I don't know why he is protective of Tiny I only know he is. Cunt was the last one of the Delta to class in as a Dragon, I miss my class by three point, But those Dragons once they are together, Sugar tits, Asshole, Pussy, Fucker, Cunt and Tiny Crazy Bitch, if it was bad with Sugar tits, they are going to be even worst now, you see The Team are together, Tits never fought with them Cunt did" Psycho tells us and We are looking at him as he speak and he is drinking.

"Why did he grab me" Bear ask and he look at us.

"He was playing a game, Hide and seek once the hunter find the Prey the hunter strike, and if the Prey is alone you are dead" Psycho say and I remember that Tiny wouldn't let Bear leave alone last night, and that he took my necklace.

"Why did he take my necklace?" I ask as I'm playing with the Trinity knot and he smile, as he pull out his knot and show me.

"He made them for the Dragons, and dragonlings and they are trackers, and he would use them as bait, any dragon would wake up if anyone touch them, that's how he got that red mark on the wrist" Psycho say and I nod as We are getting to work.

I'm getting my work done and I hope that Bear is going to be okay and I see him looking at the Clock and he know how long his father and My sister would be at the Range, I know that Everything have changed when they returned after the fair, I just hope that he will treat her as the Queen she should be, We are all getting the job done but we hear the Bike coming and I see Bear frown and I see Knuckles walking out off the office and I hear yelling going on and I get out to see The new dragon standing there and is piss off and I shake my head telling Bear to stay inside. I'm walking out to hear Knuckles growling at the dragons.

"Can I help you?" I ask and I see those black eyes turned on me and I know his looking for a fight, and I don't know what to do right now.

"Where is that fucking whore, I'm not done with him" he growl and his in my face and I know that I can't step back, this is a fucking Cock measuring competition and I know I can't back down, I'm Tiny's Brother.

"Call my President a Whore one more time and you will be on the ground, bleeding" I growl as I take a step closer to him and he do the same.

"You forget one thing I'm a MARINE" he growl in my face and I take a step closer to him so I'm straight in his face.

"You are not fucking scare me, you see I haven't feared my Sister, nor her brothers, Fuck with my family and I fuck with you" I growl at him and I see him looking me in the eyes.

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