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I'm looking at my little sister as she training Skyla to ring that bell when she want to go out and she is training Skyla to push a paw button when she want food and I smile it, the hard work she is putting on Skyla.

"Hey" I hear Cunt say and I see him holding something.

"What's up?" I ask and I see him holding a letter.

"The house is done" he say and I turn to him and I smile We are moving into the home.

"Thank you for making the security" I tell him and he look at me and I know something is off.

Cunt don't say anything but I know that something is wrong, but he won't say anything and I'm looking at My brothers that are coming out.

"BITCH" I call out and I see her coming with Skyla and I smile at her.

"House is done, Come on lets see it" I tell her and I see her start jumping and I see Tools looking at us and Tiny lift up the leash and I see Skyla jumping around, and I'm smiling as we take off running to the house that was build for us.

We are getting to the house and Oh my god that house is big and I see Cunt and the others Marine standing there and The Contractor is handing us the keys and Cunt is handing us the tags for the code lock and we all know that if Cunt made this security system no one is going to break it down and We are walking into the house, and We are looking at the empty space the First place I go to is the Kitchen with Tiny this is our place and I'm looking at the big kitchen and I love it, it's made for a Company off Marine's This place is made for family, It's empty right now but it will soon be filed with our shit.

"Looks like we have a home again" I say and I place my arm around my sister and she lean against me and I see her holding Skyla in the leash.

"Home, Heart family" I hear my sister say and I know what she means, and I nod as I hold her close to me.

"Fucker, Bitch come check the Movie room, WE got a Movie room and a GAME ROOM" I hear Pussy yelling and We are running around the house and We are checking each room and We can find where our room are and I see Tiny stop and she is watching something.

"found your room?" I ask and I see the window face the forest and she is smiling and I know that she is planning out the room.

"I call Creator and Papa Dragon, To get everything shipped here, It will take a few weeks, We are going shopping for the rest of the shit we need" I tell her and she smile.

We are going back to the main hallway and I'm see the bikers coming slowly into the house, and I can tell they are worried.

"Viking Your room is in the right side of the house, Come I show you that room Pussy show Tools his" I tell him and I see Bear looking at her.

We are walking around the house and I feel in my heart that something is wrong and I know that because cunt is still giving us that look, We all know that look it's the Deployment look, When someone know something, and that someone is leaving.

"Sea-dragons left yesterday" Asshole say as he come up behind me, I freeze up and I know what that means, Deployment is coming House is done but it's not unpacked.

"Just hope we get everything unpacked before" I say in a low voice because we all know that Tiny won't be following us.

"I called Creator to ship our stuff here, and I told him to ship my Cars too have you seen this garage" Asshole say and he looking at me with a smile.

"The hole old nest was packed before we left, We know that Bear will not cheat on her and I hope he understand that Tiny will castrate him if she ever find him cheating on her" I say and I see the Dragons smile.

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