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I'm talking to Fucker, Asshole and Pussy no my laptop and they are still in the sandbox, and I wish I was still with them but with my broken arm and my lost of hearing send me home but with my Speech problem it gave me discharge, and I can't help but to feel embarrassed by the way they called Tools a dick but I should be glad that they called him a Dick and not a hoe, like we normally call unknown people and I don't think Tools would have happy about that and I smile as Fucker looking at me.

"Sister We miss you, but you are safe back at in the states, Please don't feel bad about leaving us alone" Fucker say and I'm looking at him and I stick my tongue out and bite it and I see him smirk at me.

"I know I know" he tells me and he look at the other.

"We have to go TCB, We love you" they say and I place my hand on my heart and then I kiss my fingers and show it to them and they know this is my way of saying goodbye, the Biting of my tongue is my way of saying Bite me.

I close the laptop and I listen to hear the sound of someone sleeping and I know that Tools are sleeping and I'm getting ready to go to bed and I falling asleep easily even if the bed is to soft for me but I'm get the sleep I need. I wake up early and I do what I have done the other two morning and I start cooking breakfast and I make the Coffee and I start looking at the house and I know that I cleaned the hole house meaning I don't really have anything today so I'm going to look around the house to see if I have something else to do, I still have the Garage and I have the backyard to fix up and I know that I shouldn't do that much around here but I can't sit still and I can't really stay still. I have to get a work soon so I can keep busy. I hear the step off Tools as he step into the kitchen.

"T can you please trying to sleep longer" I hear Tools say and I give him the cup of coffee and he take it, and I sigh I know that I need to get a real schedule so that I can sleep longer.

"I know that you are on another time line, but please don't start cooking before six" he say and I nod as he speak and I write something down.

'Just tell me what time you normally get to work' I push the notepad over to him and he smile as he read.

"Around seven" Tools tells me and I'm nodding to him this mean I have a timetable when he would need to get up.

"But Tiny you don't need to cook and clean my house like this" Tools tells me and I look at him with a frown, back when the Dragons lived together we had a rule, the one that home is cleaning and cooking, this means that since I'm not working I'm cleaning and cooking.

"I'm not saying that I happy to come home to a cooked meal, but I'm not forcing you to do this" Tools say as I'm taking take the notepad.

'Sorry just rules, from my old home, The one that's not working is cleaning, and cooking, or if all are working the one that work the least time is cooking and cleaning. If all are working same hours you share the Cooking and Cleaning. We always clean everyday a little bit' I writing as Tools eat and I push it over to him and he looking at the pad as he drinking the coffee.

"Okay, I will try to help out, I have another Rule to this, If you are cooking you are not cleaning up after dinner, as long as I'm home" Tools say and I smile at him and nod.

"Okay. I'm leaving for work, and please try to relax" he tells me and I frown at his word and I see him drive off and I see that he always have his cut on when he leave the house and I shake my head.

I walking down the hallway and Tools once again haven't closed his door and I close it again, and I really don't like it when he do that. I getting my phone out and I text Andersson asking on how and when I'm going to get my arm checked and he tells me that he will send five marine to pick me up and they know I hate hospital. I'm sigh as I'm start walking around the house and I end up in the garage and I'm looking around nad it's not really dirty and it's really not cleaned but I know that I don't need to clean but I start picking up and I start to cleaning and I get thru the garage and then I walk out to the backyard, and It's not much to do that so I start to clean the grill and I the deck in the back and I get the feeling for barbeque for dinner but also I get the lawnmower out and I do a run over off the Grass both front and back off, and when I'm done I jump into the Truck that Andersson helped me get, it's a older Chevy truck and It's dark blue and I jump into the truck and I drive down to the store and when I'm done I see the people looking at me as I get out of the truck and I know I'm a outsider and they will look at me with a frown until they know who I am. I take a deep breath as I'm walking into the Store for a second time, and I start to picking up some meat and I start picking up vegetables and some sweet potatoes, Sweet tits taught me how to make really good sweet potato chips. I getting a new case of beer and I hear someone behind me.

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