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I have no trouble spending my day up on the Roof and act as a lock out for my brother and sister, I'm writing down everything I see, I have learned a long time ago that Bitch wish to deal with threat that we can't see. I have written down each of all of it.

"Runt" I say and I don't tap Bitch in because she said she was in the Recruitment office.

"Go" Runt answer and I know that he is working on something.

"Check the office phone, a Car stopped dead, half way here" I tell him and I hear him walk under me.

"No Phone call, keep eye on it and Tell Ma, when she start walking ask her to check it out" Runt tells me and I hear the tap on the mic and Bitch is on the way and I get her on the line telling her about the car.

"Runt send someone for the club" I tell him but I knew that he heard what Bitch send and I see Knuckles start walking down and I see him walk slowly and I hear Runt tell Bitch about the lunch and I see Bitch is writing to her and I frown as I see Knuckles walking slowly and I'm keeping my eye on my sister and the Bikers that I saw up on the Dinner and I see that My sister have her hand on the Gun as she keep looking around, and I know that she have more focus around her than me.

I'm keeping Bitch in my weapon and I know that Runt is down there keeping a eye on Bitch and I hear someone calling me but I'm not paying attention to it because I saw something, and I start tapping to get Bitch attention.

"Sherman what did you see?" I hear Runt ask as I'm checking behind Bitch.

"Bitch you have something behind you, I didn't see who or what" I tell her and I see that Knuckles come up to Them and I do a double tap, since I saw a movement behind her again, I'm tapping again telling her this, but Bitch is not moving and I see Knuckles speaking to the Women and I see Tiny gently tap Knuckles in his knee and I see him kneel next to the Car and I see The Girl frown and I flip the safety off and I know that I have a live round in the Chamber and I slowly take my aim, Right behind my sister.

"Bikers coming up the road" Runt calling out and I tap okay.

"Something is behind Bitch, Send Skyla" I say in the mic and I'm not allowing my aim to waver as I hear Runt give Skyla the command, and she take off.

I'm searching around Bitch and I can't find it yet, but I get the feeling something is wrong and I see Skyla Stop at Bitch feet and I see The Women smile at Bitch and I see her give Knuckles a hand-signal telling him it's okay to stand up.

"Bitch movement behind you again, Think someone is playing with you" I say and I see her raise her hand to hear neck tap the signal for Hide and kill.

"Yeah, I get the feeling to you think Knuckles will help you?" I ask as I'm moving my aim to the bushes behind her, I hear the tap telling me that Knuckles may not be able to cover her ass. I take my aim to the Bitch and she using true ASL telling Her once the Car is running to get to the garage and I can also tell that she is telling the Women to translate to Knuckles too.

"The Women is speaking ASL, so Knuckles will know what's going on soon" I tell Runt and I see the movement again.

"Bitch, step left" I call out and I see her kick backward and I see the movement stop.

I see The women step in the car and it's start up and I see Knuckles get in the Car and he look at Bitch and she shake her head and she do the sign for my name, He looking back at the garage and he nod as he get in the Car and I see the Car is driving against the Garage and I see Bitch is now getting ready to take off. I'm keeping my aim on Bitch.

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