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I'm watching my sister as she come downstairs, she is carry the smallest one of her girls, I manage to snag Freyja from One of the Dragons, and I have a little snuggle time with my Niece, I see Tiny smile at me as she come into the room.

"He snatch her from me" I hear the dragon grumble and I'm looking at the Dragon.

"You didn't pay attention" I tell him and I holding Freyja close to my chest.

"She staying with me" I tell him and I see Tiny walking over to me.

"What, he was getting coffee" I tell her and she shake her head and I see her glare.

"I do share, but The Dragons don't like sharing" I tell her and she smile and then she turn to him.

"Sorry Mama" they say and I'm looking at her as she hold out her hand to me for the Child.

"Silly family" she say as she give Freyja a kiss on her forehead.

"Silly uncle" she say as she walking away with her daughter.

I'm watching my sister gathering the Girls together in the crib that is standing in the living-room and she place Freyja in the crib and I see the dragons sharing a look and I know that they are going to pick up the girls and I see my sister walking into the kitchen and The Dragon are out of their seats and they are gently lift the girls out of the Cribs and Then take off.

"Where are my grandchildren?" I hear Wolf ask as he come into the house.

"Dragons are took them" I tell him and I see Tiny come back to the living-room to check on the Girls and I see her look at me.

"Your Brothers took them" I tell her and she look down on Skyla and give a whistle command to her and I hear the snap of the baton and she start walking.

"How piss off my girl?" I hear Bear say and I see Bear looking at his girl that is leaving the room.

"Her brother just took the girls and ran" I tell him and he pinch his nose.

"DRAGONS" He yell out and I see the men that didn't take the Girls all come out from their hiding and I see them stand in front of him.

"Please fucking stop stealing the girls from their Crib when they are having their nap time, We are trying get them to get use to sleep in their bed" Bear growl at them and I see them looking at him.

"Please Do not take the Girls from the Cribs when we have put them down" Bear tell them and I see them hanging their head.

"Yes Flame" they say to him and I see the three that took the girls walk in and they are laying the girls down and then they walk out again and I guess my sister caught up with them. I'm watching them walk out without looking at Bear.

I'm watching The dragons nod as Bear telling them to leave the girls alone and I see Bear looking at them and before he check on the girls, I know that My sister have been struggling with getting the Girls to sleep in their bed because everyone want to hold because the girls, I know that I guilty of this too, and I hear the sound of someone getting their ass kick. I'm smiling at my sister as she walk back inside, and she seem pissed off as she walk to the kitchen.

I'm learning more every day about the rules with dragons and most of them seem to enjoy causing Crazy shit, they are keeping doing stuff to test the Tiny's patience, but sometimes she join them, but most times she is the keeper off the zoo, but the secret smile on my sister's lips every time they leave, tells me that she accept what they are doing, and loving every moment of it, I'm getting my snuggle time with each of the girls, I trying not to favor one of them, I'm trying to give them all equal time, but Tammi is the one that that often end up for Aurora most time end up with Wolf because she want someone to talk, she fall asleep faster when You are talking and he is speaking most of everyone when he hold the girls and Freyja, well she don't want to be still so the Dragons bounce her around until she fall asleep, and Tammi she just snuggle into the leather and yawn and then she sleep. I'm looking down on the little girl I'm holding, it's for once Aurora, their baptism when well, Dragons was there even Fucker, Pussy, Asshole and Snuggle-puff, they had set up a video link so that they could be there, The Godmother to the Children are the Sam, Shelby and Belly, the Godfathers, are Kicker, Knuckles and Wiz, but Bear had a meeting with the club and the old lady's before the baptism that if anything happen to Tiny or him, That They where to keep the Girls together and they were not allow to denial the Dragons to be around the girls.

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