Chris Andersson

208 9 11

I'm rubbing my eye's as I'm looking at the stack of paper application that Mother of the Dragon send me I have had months to put it all together and send it out but I thought that I had a few more months to get this done, but I once again forgot who I was dealing with, Dragons make Shit happen, So I'm sitting here half-way thru the stack of applications and I need more coffee.

"Sir" I hear the intercom call and I growl as I feel my headache is coming.

"What is it Privet" I growl and I hope that it's just a Guard swap.

"Asswipe is on his way up to you, I just let him and Psycho thru the gate, they are having a civilian with them" The Privet say and I freeze.

"WHAT?" I scream in the intercom, and I feel my headache come stronger and I'm will not deal with this shit today, civilian are not allowed on to base.

"Asswipe said he was coming for his evaluation to get back on rotation" I hear the Privet say can hear the step thru the hallway.

I grab my phone and I make a call to the Sergeant, I need to get this fucker prick off Guard duty, he knows not to let a Civilian in on military ground.

"Major Andersson?" I hear the Sergeant answer.

"Guard on main gate get him off the gate, he allow civils in on base, punishment later" I growl and I hang up the phone and I hear the steps, come closer I know that's Asswipe coming and I hear the step of two people but I know that Psycho will fall in with Asswipe and it been another Dragonlinger or dragon I would only hear one set of foot step, I sit down behind my desk and I staring at the door.

"COME IN" I growl as I hear the step stop and I don't hear a knock on my door.

I heard that the step stopped outside of my door and I know that Asswipe is there and I'm looking at the door as it open and I see Asswipe step in with the Civilian follow him Mistake number Three so far, and I see Asswipe step in and I see a hand and I know that is Psycho's hand but the Civilian is to far for him to get the back of his hoody or jacket instead he close the door behind them. I'm looking at Asswipe as he walking into my room and he walk straight in and I see him walk like a Marine I know he is and the man walk next to him walk like civilian, and I'm not happy with him there and it's only a few steps from the door to my desk and Asswipe know better than to bring a civilian in the room without my permission, is not doing him any favors, I sitting down as he take the step as he was taught, I have to give the Civilian is that he is not walking in-front of Asswipe he keeps himself behind Asswipe good, I see Asswipe turn his body to face me, and he snap his salute.

"Dragonlinger Asswipe reporting for evaluation sir" Asswipe say and he hold his salute until I return it, and once I have returned it he stand at attention and I stand up slowly and I tap something on my desk.

"Evaluation?" I ask and I'm walking over to the safe I have.

"Sir Yes sir" Asswipe say and I take out his file, and I turn around to face him and I know his not due for his evaluation for another four months, I just have to check.

"You think you are funny?" I ask as I read the date I know should be there.

"Sir No sir" he answer and I slap the folder on to the desk.

"Your Brother is up For Fucking Evaluation before for you, You are fucking label to not work without your HALF-BROTHER. NOW EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE DOING" I start saying and ending up screaming and I'm in Asswipe's face as I am screaming at him.

"Sir" Asswipe answer only and I have my hand almost in his face, I'm not touching him and he stop speaking.

"YOU BROUGHT A SNOWFLAKE HERE" I scream and Asswipe just stand there and he wait for me to stop scream.

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