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I called the meeting between Devil's MC, and our Nomads because I think they deserve to know what happen To Gremlins Mc, I can't fucking believe that Cunt would act without My love knowing what's going, but the I remember what Cunt said, That he would do what he whatever he need to do, even if he need to walk over corpse, to keep her safe and happy.

"Hey brother" I hear the nomads calling out as they get of their bikes and they are hugging me as they come in.

"Good to see you too" I say as one of them start to looking me.

"Where is Viking" The Sergeant At Arms, ask as he looking around.

"He Pissed off his little sister, and my Darling so she put him in boot camp, I don't know when he will be back" I tell them and I see them looking at me with a smirk.

"We all know not to piss off Viking I wouldn't dare piss off your Girl" The President of the Nomads say and I smile at him.

"We talk in Church" I tell him and I see the Devil's Mc coming too and We are getting all of the brothers into church and We are all getting something to drink.

I'm smile as I take my seat at the top end of the table and I'm smiling at them as they take their seat and I see them Psycho being the last one into the to the room and he close the door and he give me a nod.

"Thank you Bear for the help, the run went perfect" the President of the Devil's Mc tells me and I nod to them, as he shake my hand.

"You guys owe us one remember that" I tell him and he smile as he take his seat.

The men around the table are talking and I can tell that they are not that worried but I see one of the nomads looking at me.

"Bear You called us here why?" I hear The Enforcer that Rides with the Nomads ask me and the men become quite.

"As you know Chaos was taken care of a few months ago" I tell them and they nod.

"by who?" I hear a new member of the nomad and I shake my head.

"We do not speak about that" Knuckles say and I see him glare at each of them.

"We do not speak about it. If you know then you know" Psycho say and I see them nod.

"And you all know that Gremlins Mc, have been taking Chaos place" Kicker say and I see them nod.

"Shit what are we going to do about it?" I hear the VP ask as he look around the table.

"We don't have to talk them" I say and they turn to me.

"You all know about my darling?" I ask and I see them nod.

"What about her, I thought she agree to let us deal with this" Tank say and I'm looking a deep breath.

"She did but Her brothers didn't" I say and I see they all become still.

"What do you mean by that?" Vp of the Nomads say and I look at him.

"They are all in prison for life, and they are spread out over every prison there is and they have no allies to turn to according to him" I tell them and I see them look at me.

"how?" I hear The Devil's President ask and I see the Enforcer close his eyes.

"Please tell me you didn't ask that fucking Cunt for help" The Enforcer ask and I shake my head.

"Didn't ask" I tell them and I see them looking at me.

"Who is it you are talking about" I hear one of the Nomad say and I see Devil's Enforcer turn to him.

"The Squad that His Old lady is part of, have their own rules and their own code, I don't know much about them I think Bear or Psycho over there know more, but I know one thing, Don't fuck with Their family, that's the part I know most, Bears old lady Tried to burn me to death when they caught me in bed with one of her brother's girl, I was lucky" the Enforcer say and I'm watching the others around the table.

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