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I'm looking at my love as her brothers are placing the blanket over her, ever since it had been confirmed that she is pregnant, she have become really sick, I'm worried about this, and With the Hatchlinger here, make her more stressed I don't like it. I'm sitting down next to her.

"Love how are you feeling?" I ask and I she place her hand on her chest and I know that that sign means sick.

"Love, We need to talk to Your doctor Miss James" I tell her and she sigh and I see her nod but she tell she want to wait until later this week.

"Okay, But if you are not keeping your food down tomorrow I will call her" I tell her and I see her nod as I give her a kiss.

"Mother Your laptop is calling" I hear one of them call out to My love and I see her hold out her hands.

"Here you go Mama," Runt say as he come with the laptop and I see my love take the laptop.

"You want to be alone?" I ask and she shake her head, and I see her click to answer.

"hey sis" I hear Fuckers voice and I freeze This is not the voice of the Man I have got to known this is not the Man who slamed me against the wall when My love was missing this is the voice of a heartbroken man. I'm see the look on my Love's face and I can tell she is worried.

"Wrong?" My darling say and I happy that she have start to speak more.

"I talked to Our Creator, and I was given two options, One I get shipped home, and I will be there when You give birth but then I'm shipped out as soon as you have come home from hospital, and I could be gone for up to Three years, or I'm staying where I'm for the next 14 to 15 months, maybe get a chance to be allowed home for the birth or maybe get a chance to come early" Fucker say and I see the tears in his eyes, and I can tell my love is speaking to him.

"No, Sis don't make me choose, You need me there I can see it, It fucking killing me no to be there to help you, We have gone thru everything together" Fucker say and I see the tears now are running down his cheek.

"Dragons here" My love say and I see him looking my love.

"Sis" I hear Fucker speak and I see Mutt look at me and I can tell his asking if he is allowed to come close and I nod.

"Fucker We have taken the Dragon guard, All of the Dragons are on rotation, Runt is not leaving Mothers side, Don't worry Fucker We are here for Mother" Mutt say and I see Fucker nod to him.

"Sister I don't know what I'm going to do, I don't want you to go thru this alone, We always had each other's back, When Ma and Pa died, You and I stuck together, When you enlisted I was there with you. Sis Don't make me choose, I can't, I don't want you to think I abandon you, but Creator said this was the only thing He could do" Fucker say and I see him still crying as he speak to My darling.

"Not" My darling say and I see The Laptop move.

"Hey Crazy didn't I tell you not to fucking get pregnant" Pussy say and I see him take the Laptop from Fucker.

"are you felling okay?" Pussy say and I'm reach out to hold her hand.

"MUTT, DO YOU STILL HAVE THAT GINGER CANDY?" Pussy yelling and I see Mutt frown.

"No, but Runt should have some" Mutt says as he take off.

"Hey Bitch don't worry, We will look after Fucker, We will be do what he say" Asshole say and I see my love speak with her face and I guess that this is something she is use to.

"Give it back here" I hear Fuckers voice.

"Fucker, Listen, We have a job to do, and Crazy is safe, Crazy will keep us update, You know that Dragons won't leave her side" I hear them talking.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now