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I'm looking at my sister calling Skyla to heel and she walk away and I see Psycho leaning against the wall and I see that Tiny just walked off she didn't even take her truck and I feel my knee fucking hurt.

"What the fuck was in that baton?" I ask as I limp inside to sit down and I see the others looking and me and I see Knuckles are look ill.

"I still feel sick" Knuckles say and I see Psycho coming inside.

"I don't feel so good too but I don't fell like puking" I tell Knuckles as I see him throw up again, and I'm turning my head to see Psycho just glaring at me and Knuckles.

Psycho is not even getting ice for my knee he just standing with his arms crossed and he just glaring at me and Knuckles and I wonder what the fuck was in that baton.

"Psycho what is that baton made off?" I ask as I'm trying to ignore the pain in my leg.

"Why would I tell you?" Psycho say and his voice is cold and distance than he normally is, I'm looking around everyone is looking at us and I can tell everyone is worried and I see that Hawk and Ink are looking at me.

"I never seen T like that before" I hear Ink say and I look over at him.

"No even when the DNA Test was made" I tell him and I see each of them turning to Psycho for he is the only one that know her best of us.

"Psycho?" I hear Breaker ask and I see him turn his eyes that is full of hate for me to Breaker.

"Yes Brother?" Psycho say and I see him still standing like his ready to attack me.

"What is the baton made off?" Breaker ask and I see Psycho shrug.

"I couldn't tell you if I know, But it was a Christmas gift from Drill instructor" Psycho say and I frown a this as I'm looking at him as he turn his eyes at me when my phone is calling and it's Bear and when he tells me I fucked up with my sister and to talk to Psycho and that Bear will talk to me in the morning and that he is not coming back to the Garage for work today.

"FUCK" I growl out and I see the Club looking at me.

"What's up?" I hear Kicker say and I'm looking at the phone.

"Bear is not coming in to work to day because he staying with Tiny, Psycho?" I tell the club and I turn my attention to Psycho and he just glare at me.

"You piss off Mother dragon that's all I have to say to you" Psycho say and I see him walk out and I frown as I'm looking at the others.

"PSYCHO!" I calling after him and I see the others looking at me.

"Viking what the fuck did you do?" Ink ask and I see that Knuckles stop throwing up.

"We asked Devil Mc to check the road and a few of the nomads to tail them" Knuckles say and I see Wolf come in and he don't look happy when he see me.

"Where is my son and my little buddy?" Wolf growl at me and I get the feeling that I fucked up more that I thought I did.

"She left with Skyla and Bear told me that he is not coming in today" I tell him and I get slapped in the back off my head and he looking at me.

"You fucked up, You better fix it" Wolf say and I see him walk out. I'm getting ready to head to the Garage but I'm limping as I'm walking over to my bike and I see that Tiny's truck is still here, and I worried about this.

We get to the Garage and we have a few cars and a few men that are waiting for us and when Wolf tells them that we have been helping the cops to find a missing Child, they calm down and they ask about the Child. I'm working on the cars that is mine. I'm trying to get Psycho to talk to me but he won't, any time I try to speak to him he just turn and walk away and I can't even get him to tell me what I have done wrong, The hole day my leg is hurting and she fucking hit hard, Knuckles get the same treatment from Psycho, I'm trying my hardest to talk to Psycho, sure he speak to me but he don't answer anything, about what I did to my sister.

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