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I'm waking up and I know That I have to man up and meet up with Mother, I haven't seen her since most of my squad was killed, she was with me In the Hospital until I was ready to go home, I'm getting dressed and I leave to go to Tools house and meet up with my family, a family I haven't seen for over Six years, and they said that I was always welcome to their home, but I couldn't bring myself to come back to them. I know that I should have meet up with them long ago, but I was ashamed, Tiny Crazy Bitch was my mother she created me, and I was the first Dragonling, The first one that was created after the Dragons, There is only Five Dragon but more dragonling, I just hope that she will forgive me for not coming to her after the Text she send to me telling me where she landed, but I couldn't face her, and when the Barbeque at Tools, I was about to walk up to her but when the Dragons came I couldn't take her attention away from her brother since they where closer but I saw it was only Three this means that Sugar Tits are not with them. I see Viking looking at me.

"Are you going with me?" Viking say and I shake my head, I need to get a few things first and I can't show up before Tiny is home or she will flip even more.

"Call me when T is back home," I tell him and he nod as he take off on his bike and I see Bear sitting outside of the club house with his hand in his hair and he look's like he have been defeated, I have known Bear for almost all my life, is father is the reason I became a Marine.

"You okay Bear?" I call out and I see him look up at me and he look sort of sad, I hope that I can help him and from what I understood from Fucker last night, Bear was at Jackson meeting up with Tiny, I don't know what made his meet with her.

"I don't know if I'm losing my mind, or if I'm just dreaming up things or maybe the shit is real" Bear say and I take a deep breath.

"Bear, answer me this, Are the rumors true, you are hanging out at Jackson's because you meet a girl there?" I ask and he nod as he don't say a word.

"Okay, have she showed you that she is angry?" I ask and he shake his head.

"No" Bear say and I nod to that and I know that Tiny is good at showing when she is piss off.

"Then you are good, Because if it's the Girl I think about then you are good" I tell him and he look at me.

"Have you ever tried date a girl that is mute?" Bear ask and I'm looking at him and shake my head.

"No but I had a friend that didn't like to speak, because of a speech problem and That one was really good at showing when she was in bad mood" I Tell him and he looking at me and nod, but my phone Ring before Bear can say another word.

"Tiny just came thru the door" Viking is telling me and I hang up and I look at Bear.

"Viking need me" I tell him as I'm getting on my bike and I drive to Tools house.

I haven't got what I need to get because my president need me, I park my bike and I hear screaming from the back yard and this is the reason I didn't want to talk to Mother before this but I know that if I don't do this then Fucker will tell her and I will be in more trouble, I step off my bike and I take off the Cut, knowing that Fucker knows that I'm a biker even if I have become a honorable discharge, but still I'm a Dragonling.

"Riah ym htiw kcuf t'nod lleh sa erus ouy tub, em ot gniod era uoy tahw kcuf a evig t'nod I" I hear TCB Screaming and I know that she is piss off, this is one of the reason she don't' speak and I'm surprised that she is speaking with Viking here and I walk around the Corner to see Tiny's normally red hair is now greenish in color and she is piss off.

"Mother" I call out hoping that I will get the fire of my uncles in Dragons family and I see TCB Spin around and I know that I just kicked the Hornets nest, and I'm about to get my ass kicked hard.

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