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I'm looking at the body of my little sister that is now laying on the Sofa in the Chapel and I saw her order her men to do something and I saw Psycho leave with them and I see the man that they Call Duck-Duck looking at Tiny and he stand with his arms crossed.

"Knuckles are you okay?" I ask and I see him looking at Tiny that's looks like she is sleeping.

"I don't know, She told me over and over again that's not my fault" Knuckles say and I see Duck-duck looking at us.

"It's Not" I hear a deep South voice Growl out and the Accent is so really hard to hear what he say.

"I know she told me, but still I saw what they did to her" Knuckles say and I see him looking at Tiny and I'm looking at Duck-duck.

"Why don't we get Tiny to a bed" I tell Duck-Duck and I see him nod as I see him bend down and lift Tiny up gently up in his arms, and when he made Tiny Secured in his arms.

"Viking please put her in my room" I hear Bear looking at him and I don't like it.

"Bear my room is better, it's clean and I don't think Tiny would like waking up in your room" I say and I see The Big ass man that holding my sister is walking out and I see Bear nod slowly, We both know that I clean my room every day, not to Tiny's standard but it's clean.

"Follow me" I tell Duck-Duck and he walking with me to my room and I see him looking at look into the room before he step into my room and I see him shrug his jacket off as he lay her down on the sofa I have in my room and I see him walk over to my bed.

"New?" he ask and he strip my bed of the bedding.

"I will get new ones and I will get her own Cover and Pillow" I tell him and he nod as he stripping my bed and I'm lucky that I bought a new mattress for the bed just a few days ago.

I'm walking out of the room and I see Tools looking at me as I'm hurry to my bike and he follow me as I park the Bike outside his home and I can tell his worried.

"What's wrong?" Tools call out as I'm open the front-door.

"That Big guy stripped my bed, so I thought to get Tiny's bedding, so that she would sleep in my bed" I tell him and he nod to me as he help me gathering her bedding, and I'm looking around her room where there is plastic box around her room I open the closes to the Bed, and I find a towel and I smile as I find her showing stuff, and I smile as I open a few more and I learn that the Purple one is her cloths and I lift them up.

"Call one of the brothers to get this to the Club house, I think she will need it" I tell Tools and I see him text someone and I grab the Bag where I put her Bedding and Tools staying behind to be there when they are going to pick up Tiny's stuff.

I park my bike outside the Club house and I walk into The Club house and I see Bear drinking his beer and Knuckles are trying to drink but he is not really drinking.

"Wolf is on his way to get to Tools to pick up the box that you said was needed" I hear Kickers say and I nod as I'm walking to the room where I have been living since I was 18 years old, sure I have lived with Tools since he got his home, but I stay most here.

"Good Tiny will need some cloths and other stuff" I tell him and I see Knuckles looking at his beer.

"I'm heading to my room to drop this off" I tell them and I lift the bag with me and I open my door to my room and I feel a barrel from a weapon is pressed between my eyes and I'm looking at Duck-duck that's standing there and his about to press the trigger.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" I say as I swallow, and I'm looking at him as he is checking me over with his eyes.

"You knocking, not enter" He growl and I frown as he speak but knowing that my sister have a speech problem and so Do I meaning that this man most have some speech problem too, and it sound like he miss words.

Voice-less, Not UselessWhere stories live. Discover now