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I'm looking at Viking as he looking after Tiny we both got smacked really bad last night because of Tiny, but I know her nightmares are sometimes bad and this was a bad one, because it really happen at least one of them, but if she isn't busy she will have them.

"What happen last night?" Viking growling softly at me.

"She had two nightmares in one, one part is a flashback of something that happen, the other part is a fear, and it's a ambush brought down a wall and we had to fight to get back to base, no one of our brother got killed, that's the Flashback, but the other part is that the wall landed on top of her Killed everyone and she is wounded and trying to get free, while Enemy is getting closer" I tell Viking and I see him looking at the house.

"Shit, what the can we do about it?" Viking ask and I see him rubbing his face,

"Keep her busy, she need to do shit, workout." I tell him as we are walking inside.

"Tiny is in the shower" Asshole say and I nod at them.

"Good, You have your Watch?" I ask and they nod.

"wait?" I hear Wolf say and I sigh.

"It's DRAGON thing" Pussy yelling from the back off the house and they are looking at us.

"yeah, it started when the first one of us brothers died, our hole Platoon stood Guard for the First 24 hours at the Grave, it was our way of saying goodbye, and after that whenever carry a coffin we stand guard for the First 24 hours, to respect the fallen" I tell them and I see them look at me as I see Tiny come up and her hair is dry again.

"Shower mine?" I ask and she nod as she is getting in the shower.

I walk down to take it and I remember that nightmares Tiny had before We enlisted, they where always of her being not good enough now they are about us die on her and she survive or something else, I know that we need to get her to work harder, I know that We need to get a hold of Fredrick. We don't really have a plan but I hope that he will be around the party that the Club have, oh that would be fun. I get out off the shower and I walk up to see my sister sleeping.

"Asshole how long have she been asleep?" I ask and Asshole look at Tiny sleeping in the chair.

"About five seconds why?" he ask and I look at him.

"You want to be slugged again?" I ask Asshole and Pussy and they hang their head.

"Fine" He say and Slap Tiny in the back of the head and she open her eyes looking at us.

"Lets go out back" Pussy say and I see Viking and Tools looking at us.

"We keep her busy so she will have less nightmares" I tell them as Asshole and Pussy is out back workout with her.

"Can I help" Psycho ask and I look at him.

"Don't break anything and don't make her bleed if you can keep to that you are welcome to help us" I tell him and I see Bear looking at us as Psycho is running outside and I know that he will piss her off.

"How can you let him do that?" Bear growling at me and I looking at him.

"because Tiny will beat the Shit out of him and he will bleed before Tiny" I tell him and We hear her Calling out Psycho but it come out backwards.

"What the fuck?" I hear Tools and I smile.

"That's Psycho yelled Backwards" I tell them and I see Asshole come in and he smiling.

"Psycho will running for three hours" Asshole say and the Club is looking at Asshole.

"Why?" Tools ask and Asshole smile and I close my eyes.

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