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I'm looking at one of my best friends and one of the most loyal men I know Viking have always have my back no matter how crazy shit have happen with the Club, I'm younger than him with at least 6 years, but when it comes to his sister I understand that he is protective off, for So is I too, ever since I lay eyes on her that night at Jackson's I have tired my best to get to know her and show her that I'm interested in her but after what her brother told me I start understand why she haven't picked up on everything.

"Please tell me you didn't refile the shakers" I hear Tools call out and I see everyone look at Sarah and Sam, and I frown.

"We didn't touch them" Sarah say and I see Tiny laugh and so to the Dragons.

"Thank god for that" Tools call out and I see them smile.

"If you want another prank War Tools you just have to ask" I hear Pussy call out.

"What did you have a prank war with out me?" I hear Tits call out and I see them nod and I see him shake his head.

"End with Glue again?" Tits ask and they nod.

"Not super glue this time, We did glue the Front-door, and She Glue our hands and you know where" Fucker say and I see Tits laugh.

"Wait you normally team up with TB" Tits say and I see him look at Them

"Care-package" Pussy I think say to Tits and I see him just do a facepalm and he hang his head.

"You know better then to ask a Dragon for a Care-package, We all know better Dragon, Dragonling will do that prank every fucking time" he say and I see Tiny smirking as Tits spit out something.

"Bastard" He growl and she raise her glass to him.

"NO PRANK WAR" Tools yell and They laugh at him.

"Yeah yeah I know" I hear Tits say and I see her bite her tongue again.

"You know what that means?" I ask and I see the Dragons turn to me, Like they can't believe what I'm asking.

"Don't you?" I hear Asshole I think it is and I shake my head.

"Haven't you told them the Three most used face Sign?" they ask her and she shake her head and do another.

"there are Three, One means 'Bite me' another means 'Blow me' And Third means 'Fuck me' or 'Fuck you' I let you figure out what sign means what, she use them a lot, they are quick and she perfected them against our Drill instructors, they didn't pick them up most of the times" I hear Tits tell us and We are looking at Tiny that is glaring at her brother and I see her eye start to twitch.

"You have been using them a lot" Psycho say as he take his beer and he looking at her and she glaring at him.

"You have known what those means but didn't tell us" I growl at Psycho as he looking at Tiny and then at Me.

"Have you seen her fight?" Psycho ask me and I frown at this and I see the Dragons looking at me.

"No" I say as I'm shaking my head and I see them smirk at this.

"She can take down Duck-Duck with no trouble, TB have no trouble fighting anyone of us and win the only way that Anyone of us Dragon or Dragonling can take her out is by gang-up on her, and even with that we have trouble, TB is unafraid and she is really good in fist fight" Tits say and I know his nickname is Tits because he is the only one that call her TB.

"Why do you call her TB?" I hear Viking ask and I want to know that too.

"Because I really didn't serve with them, I went thru Basic with them but I never was in Combat, The Marine's realize that I was a better use as a lawyer, so She will always be Tiny Bastard to me, She got the nickname Bitch when she beat the shit out of a Army officer, We don't know what he was trying to do with her but she made sure that Everyone knew that she is not someone's Bitch She is the Queen Bitch" Tits say and I see them nod as Tiny eating and I see that she is not really react to their words.

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