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I'm laying on my bed in the hut that have become my home, I have got a new Email, and I have been calling home from it and They where worried the first time, I did that my mother was worried but she answer it and when she smiled at me when she answer and she saw me she cried and I told her that I was with a new team and that they are taking care of me, and I had to explain the Dragon to her and that's when she tells me that a few that called themselves Dragons and She say it was a man called himself Goose and one named Mutt, they had made sure that my family and my sister didn't need anything, and if they need anything they would only have to call them, because Dragon take care of one and other. I had to tell my family that I was being accepted into this group of Marines. My family told me that if it was something I wanted to do then I should do it.

"Snuggle-puff" I hear Fucker calling out and lift my head.

"What fucker?" I ask and he come with me with a paper.

"You are being shipped home" he say and hand me the paper and I frown, I know I shouldn't be on home rotation yet because I haven't done my time here yet.

"What? I'm not on the home ship list yet" I tell him as I unfold the paper that he gave me and it's a leave slip, giving me a month leave from the Military.

"You forget that you are going back to the State side, to the Training nest?" Fucker ask and I'm looking at him.

"Yeah I have forgot about that, but the Nest is not up and running yet" I tell him and he smirk.

"No but you want to have some time with your sister before you go in to training, that's why you are leaving today, come on Let's get your shit packed up" Fucker tells me and I get out of the bed and start getting my stuff together and I see that Pussy is playing with my Pokémon, that my sister gave me that gave my new name.

"Pussy, Give it here" I call out and I see him looking at me as he throwing it around.

"Come on can't we keep Sir Snuggle-Puff Sir?" Pussy ask as he throwing him up and down.

"No" I tell him and he throw it at me and he look at me as he is start to sulking for not be allowed to keep my cuddly puff. No one of them have even made a joke about me cuddle with the Puff, but Pussy and Asshole have a habit of stealing it, and play with it, but I only have to ask for it back and I get it.

"Got everything?" Fucker say and I see him looking at me and I nod.

"Yeah I Think so" I tell him and I see him hold out a Envelope to me.

"Give that The Mother of the Dragon or any of the officer at the Training nest" He tells me and I see look at the word on the envelope The Name is named and it's stay hot nest have named it. I'm nodding to him as I see Them all pull their jackets on and I'm about to grip the bag but Pussy and Asshole is carry the bag to me and Fucker pull me with him and I have got use to this, and We are walking out of the Hutt that have become my home over here, We are walking against the officer that is dealing with people leaving, I'm getting ready to stand in the Que but No, Fucker drag me pass them all and I don't like it.

"A bored dragon is a dangerous dragon, meaning that we are walking pass any que" Pussy say and I see fucker look at the man.

"Fucker I know that you dragon are not leaving" He say and Fucker smirk.

"Snuggle-puff here is leaving, you got him on your list" Fucker say and I see him check it.

"Yes I have him on his list, so he is leaving okay, come here Hatchling" he call out and I walk closer.

"Sign here" he say and I nod as I sign that I'm going to leave.

"Now that that is done, Fucker you know where you guys can wait together, you know the signal" he say and I see Fucker pull me to the side and Pussy and Asshole are placing my bag's next to me.

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