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I'm looking at the truck that leaving with the Crazy squad, Tiny have become the little sister of the club, I don't like the Tracker but Psycho told us that every dragon have it and that Viking is carry a necklace that is a tracker, I asked Psycho about it and he told us about it and I asked Viking about the Necklace and he told me that Tiny told him if he ever got taken that he was not to lose that necklace, and if he had to do it he was to swallow it, this make me understand that Tiny tried to tell Viking that he is carry a tracker without saying it to him. I take my beer and I'm looking at Psycho that is drinking his beer.

"You are trust them?" I ask and he look at me and smile.

"Yeah, TCB are the crazy one of them but she would do anything to protect her family" He say as he drink and I see Bear come back in and I can tell he not happy with what the fuck happened.

"okay Bear?" I ask and he nod as he sit down.

"Did anyone see what went down?" Bear ask and I see Ink nod as he sit down with a whiskey bottle in his hand.

"from the time that they got there and to the time they walked out, not even twenty minutes, I saw a few men fly out thru window" Ink say and I see the others look at Psycho.

"That would Be TCB, She love throwing people down the Stairs or out window" Psycho say and I look at him.

"Bear a word" I hear Psycho say and they are walking out and I can tell his worried.

I'm not sure what I think about that Little girl that my president have start taking interest in I have seen it going for a few months now, it was so subtle that you couldn't pick up when his started to see Tiny as more than just a Friend or someone we helped because Andersson was friend to one of the older member, but right now Bear is showing his interest in Tiny openly but I also see that Tiny don't really see it like we see it, I see the others member looking around.

"What's on your mind" I hear Hawk ask and I'm looking at him.

"What do we really know about our presidents girl" I say in a low voice hope that no one will listen to us.

"Not much, but I hope that Wiz will get the more intel on her and her brothers" I tell him and he look at Wiz that is frowning.

"What's wrong brother" I call out and he shake his head.

"I'm trying to get back in where the Tracker was tracked from but this is beyond my skill" he say and I walk over to him and I see that something is off.

"You better stop before we get the Cops or worst the Military after us" I tell him and he nod as he looking at the site.

"I did find something else" he say and We are standing around him when a Video is uploaded and I see that it's In a green color and I see one of the men fly down the stairs.

"Shit" I hear Hawk say and I see Psycho come back in.

"They got the Video up?" HE say and I see him do a few keystroke and then It's show even more.

"What is this?" I ask and Psycho is smiling.

"This is a video of the breach that a Dragon do, only Military personal will get hold of this you only get a few frame now you get to see it all, if my code is still active" Psycho say and we see what happen in the base and I see Bear standing next to me.

"Looks like she walk in-front" Shovelhead say and I smirk at him as we are looking at it.

"Of Course, because she is short enough for Fucker to shot over her head if he need" Psycho say and We are looking at video and when the Flash-bang good off the video end.

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