Episode 3

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Zoro: The king/Queen of the pirates?! Do you guys even know what that means?!
Luffy: King of the pirates is king of the pirates! Is there any other meaning?
Coby: Yeah when they first told me I was shocked but Luffy-san and Stella-sama are serious! That's how they are. They intend to become King/queen of the pirates and Captain this world's ultimate treasure...the One Piece!
Luffy smiles
Stella smiles but feels a way when she hears Coby say that.
Stella: We got what we promised but there were three so we couldn't tell.
Zoro: All three are mine. I use the Three-Sword Style.
Luffy: Take them already. If we fight together now, you'll be a government-defying villain! Would you prefer that, or being killed by the navy like this?
Zoro: What are you the devil's son? Well, whatever. I'll be you guys pirate, if I'm just gonna die here instead!
Luffy: Hurray! So you'll join our crew?
Alright! Woo-Hoo! This great! Alright!
Zoro: Okay! Now untie these stupid ropes already!
Man: What is he?
Man 2: He flung the bullets back!
Morgan: He's no ordinary human, that straw Hat... Must've eaten one of those rumored Devil Fruit!
Man 2: A Devil Fruit?!
Man: The hidden treasure of the seas?!
Morgan: Whoever eats on is said to gain seemingly unwieldy abilities. The power of breath fire... The power to cause tsunamis. There are all sorts of rumors, but there are many types, and almost nothing is known about them. It's said the secrets to them lie in the Grand Line...but there's no question Straw Hat just displayed a devil power! I wonder if that girl has them too
Coby: Hurry! Hurry!
Luffy: Damn! These Knots are right!
Zoro: Hey! Quit wasn't time!
Morgan: No matter who they are, everyone who opposed me gets executed! If guns won't work, then chop them to the death!
The marines round to them
Luffy: Huh, that's weird! It got tighter instead!
Zoro: Give me a damn sword!
Coby: Luffy-san!
The Marines went to attack when Zoro stopped them with his swords.
Morgan: Roronoa Zoro!
Luffy: So cool!
Zoro: Move and you're dead.
Man: Too scary.
Stella: wow So strong.
A/n Iner Mitsuri coming out.
Zoro: I'll be a pirate. I promised you that. I'm officially a criminal, now that I've fought the navy. But I'll tell you this now. I'm only going to fulfill my ambition!
Luffy: Ambition!
Zoro: The world's greatest swordsman! If I wind up having I give that up, you'd better accept responsibility and apologize to me!
Luffy: The words greatest swordsman? That sounds great! The king/Queen of the pirates would need no less than that on our crew!
Zoro: You sure talk big. At this point,  whether it's as a criminal or whatever else, I will spread my name throughout the world!
Morgan: What're you staying around for? Slaughter then this instant!
Luffy: Duck, Zoro! Gum-Gum Whip! He uses his legs to get the men off of Zoro.
Coby: You did it! incredible!
Zoro: What the hell are you?
Stella: You keep asking that. He ate the Gum-Gum Fruit.
Zoro: Fruit?
Man: A number person!
Morgan: So he does have Devil Fruit powers!
Man: Captain! We don't 5 stand a chance against them! These guys are crazy!
Man: We can't even handle Zoro by himself!
The crew looks at the marines.
Morgan: This is a direct order! Everyone who spotted weakness just now...must shoot themselves in the head! I have no need for weakling soldiers!
Zoro: These troops are mental!
Stella: I just think they are scared.
Luffy ran to them
Coby: Luffy-san. Crush this Navy!
Luffy went to punch Morgan only to be blocked by his Axe hand.
Morgan: Rankless, Low-status bums have no rights whatsoever to defy me!  I am Navy Captain "Axe Hand" Morgan!
Luffy: I'm Luffy! Nice to meetcha!
Morgan: Die! He made an attack only to break the ground as Luffy jumped over him. And kicked him.
Morgan: Die. He did the same Attack only this time Luffy twisted out of the way.
Luffy: No thanks! And kicked him once again.
Man: about Captain Morgan is being trounced completely
Luffy picks him up by the shirt. And you call yourself a navy? You've destroyed Coby's dre,am! He pushed him.
Helm: hold it, straw Hat! Check this out! Luffy punches him again.
I said hold it! Are you stupid? Pay attention! I have a hostage here! He points to gun at Stella's head.
Man: Helmeppo-san!
Zoro: hey
Luffy looks up.
Helm: If you value this girl's life, don't move! One move and I'll shoot!
Stella smiles. Oh, Luffy do you what you want you know he doesn't have the guts.
Luffy smiles. I know. Give it up, stupid son! Stella is ready to die! He walks up to him
Helm: don't move! I told you not to move! I'll shoot!
Coby: Behind you!
Luffy: Gum-Gum...
Helm: Dad! Kill him quick
Luffy: Pistol! Morgan was stopped by Zoro.
Luffy: Zoro.
Zoro: My pleasure, captain.
Morgan and Helm were down.
Man: Captain Morgan's been beaten!
Zoro: If anyone else still wants to catch us, come forward!
The man celebrates.
Luffy: Huh? Everyone's happy their captain has been beaten...
Stella: Didn't you see how he was acting to them?
Zoro: Fell
Luffy: Are you hurt?
Zoro: I'm...hungry...
Woman: Sorry. Just endure it for a while! She had tied up two men.
She went looking for treasure but found a map of Buggy
Zoro: I'm stuffed! I was definitely at my rope's end, having not eaten for three weeks!
Luffy: Huh? You're finished already?
Stella: I'm surprised you're talking you only had 5 plates.
Zoro: how the heck can you have a bigger appetite than me?!
Stella: Oh this is nothing. But it tastes good! Right Coby?
Coby: Thanks for treating me to food, too...
Woman: It's no problem! The town has been saved after all!
Rika: You are amazing!
Luffy: Yep, I am and I'm gonna be even more amazing! Cause I'm gonna be king of the pirates. And I even have a crew!
Stella wrapped her arms around Luffy. While I'll be queen of it.
Zoro: So, how many others have you guys gathered besides me? You said you were in the middle of gathering a crew. To be King/queen of the pirates, you must have a good number gathered.
Luffy: Just you.
Zoro:Huh then. He points to them
Luffy: Yep! Just the three of us!
Zoro: We're gonna call just us three a pirate crew?
Luffy: What's wrong with that? We are strong!
Zoro: What about a ship? Where's your pirate ship?
Luffy then pints to a small ship.
Zoro: That.
Luffy: We'll have a ship this before long!
Zoro laughs. And how us that?
Luffy: And I'd like a pirate flag, too!
Coby: I think Luffy-san was born without sense of planning.
Zoro: Did I really make this guy my captain?
Stella: Don't worry we got this. And he's not the only captain.
Rika: Hey, hey?! Where are you guys gonna go to now?
Luffy: Isn't it obvious? The Grand Line!
Coby spits his drink out. You still only have three members! There's no way of can go there!
Rika: Is the Grand Line that terrible of a place?
Coby: Tells a story about the Grand Line.
Woman: I've heard from patrons before...that whoever enters the Grand Like never comes out alive...
Luffy: But the one piece is somewhere there, so we're going there.
Zoro: Guess it can't be helped!
Coby: Not you too, Zoro-san?
Stella: Yeah and I can find more people on the way.
Coby was scared because the girl of his dreams was going to.
Zoro: What's it matter? You're not going, are you?
Coby: No, but I'm worried about you! Is that so wrong?! Luffy-san & Stella-sama and I haven't known each other long, but we are friends! Right
Luffy: Yeah! We're gonna part ways but we'll always be friends!
Stella: Maybe even more in the future. Who knows.
Coby blushed at the thought of them being together in the future.
Coby: Since I was a little kid, I've never had friends... Much less anyone who would fight for my sake... But more than anything, I never tried I fight for anything... But you three taught me how to live for my beliefs! I've decided to make my Childhood dream come true! I want to join the Navy!
Zoro: Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself then? Even if you were just a chore boy, you did spend two years on Alvida's pirate ship. Don't underestimate the Navy's info-gathering skills. If they found out about that you'll never get to join.
Coby: Now what you mention it...
The Navy came in
Man: Is it true that you are pirates?
Luffy: Yeah, we gained a member and became a pirate group just now!
Man: we appreciate that you saved our bar and this town from a tyrant! However, now that we know you are pirates, in the name of the navy, we cannot stand by quietly! You will leave this town at once! Out of obligation, we will regain from contacting headquarters.
Man 2: Hey, navy guy! How can you talk like that?
Man 3: Even you guys were subdued and terrified of Morgan!
Woman: we owe these people our lives!
Man2: Yeah!
Luffy: Well, guess we should go! Thanks for the food,  lady.
Rika: You guys are leaving already?
Luffy: Yeah. They start to walk
Stella: Wow you save a town and they thank you by telling you to leave how wonderful is that?
Mano: Aren't you part of their crew? He asked Coby.
Coby: I'm.
Man: Hold it! Well? Is he?!
Luffy: I know what he has done until now.
Coby: Luffy-san! You wouldn't!
Luffy: There was this really fat pirate lady, I think her name Was Ahiruda.
Coby: Luffy-san! Mind. If they find out I was on a pirate ship, I'll never get to join the Navy!
Luffy: And she had this iron club. Man, she was an ugly hag! He walks to Coby and pokes his head. And for the whole years,  this guy was her--
Coby: Please don't! Luffy-san. He then pushed Luffy.
Luffy was smiling. How you've done it, you bastard!
Luffy started to punch him.
Man: stop it. We won't allow you to cause any more trouble in this town!
Stella grabs Luffy's shirt. Hey! You've gone too far. That's enough.
Man: It's very clear that you guys aren't crewmates! Now leave this town at once
Luffy smiles.
Coby: He did that on purpose. He purposely got me riled up to make me hit him. Even in the very end, I wound up relying on him! Nothing changed at all! Am I an idiot? Please! Let me join the Navy! I'll gladly do chores it anything else! Does it mean I can be a marine?
Man 2: Lieutenant Colone! I'm against the idea! I still don't fully trust this kid! There have been cases of marines being pirate spies! We'll first need to
Conduct a background check...
Coby: I'm a man who will be a Navy officer!
Cologne: Countless comrades of ours have been killed by pirates. Don't take the Navy lightly. Permission to join granted.
Coby: Yes sir
Zoro: That was a pretty lame act. Wouldn't be shocked if they saw through it.
Luffy: Coby'll handle the rest on his own. I just know it.
Zoro: It's nice to leave through. Being unable to turn back 'cause everyone hate you-
Luffy: It's pirate-like! That's true!
Coby: Luffy-san. Stella-sama Thank you! I'll never forget all you've guys have done for me!
Zoro: I've never heard of a pirate being thanked by a marine..
The crew gets on the boat.
Stella: Let's see again sometime, Coby!
Coby: Stella-sama...
Colone: All hands, salute!
Luffy:See ya!
Colone: That's a great friend you have there. And Girlfriend too.
Coby: She's not my girlfriend. Not yet.
Zoro: Looks like some pretty good adventures I'll v waiting for us.
Luffy: we will be king/Queen of the pirates!
Zoro: You really seem obsessed about the king of the pirates thing.
Is there some reason for it?
Stella: No it's just.
Zoro: Just.
Stella: We swore to a certain man that... Someday we would gather a great crew, find the world's greatest treasure,
Luffy: This Straw hat knows!
Stella: and this Pendent knows.
Zoro: I see.
Luffy: Let's set sail for the Grand Line!

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