Episode 146

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A couple of men were playing cards
Man: Now you're all out of money.  So then... You can bet your pants or something, brother?
Man 2: Your luck, in a sense. Playing with Roshio, if you had won, he would have made you pay for it. Laughs.
Roshio: Sorry, but I'll be taking all your money.  The man grabbed him
Let it go I won the money fair and square. The man's hand on his hand.
Man: You cheated just now, didn't you?  Ain't that right
Roshio: What's you say! When did I do that?
Man: You did! You cheated!
Roshio: Don't make ridiculous accusations, you pink
Man: Sarquiss! Sarquiss! 
Sarquiss: What?
Man: You saw it, too, didn't you? This guy just cheated.
Sarquiss: Cheated? Yeah. That right. He cheated. 
Man: I saw it too. What a dirty cheat!
Roshio: Don't screw with me! You don't know who you're dealing with!  He went to get his gun out but was kicked. And shot at and then kicked through a window.
Luffy: Still don't see it. Usopp?
Usopp: No, I don't see it yet.
Zoro: This Jaya island isn't that far right?
Namj: Since the weather has been stable for a while now, we should already be in the Island climate.
Luffy: Then Jaya must be a spring island.
Chopper: It feels nice and warm. Spring weather's nice. It looks like the seagulls are enjoying it, too.
A seagull then fell on the ship. And then two more.
Ahh! They were shot!
Luffy: Oh, let's make yakitori!
Usopp: Shot? I didn't hear any gunfire
Luffy: Look! A bullet! Considering their trajectory, they came from that direction the ship's facing!
Nami: Are you saying that shots came from an island that we can't even see yet? That's impossible, Chopper.
Chopper: But I was watching the whole time.
Usopp: Then what kind of eyesight, sniping skills, and rifle do you think the sniper has? They were shot somewhere else and just happened to fall now.
Stella: How would that make sense? When getting shot it works fast. It doesn't delay.
Luffy: Sanji, we got seagulls!
Chopper was sad
Stella whispers in his ears. I believe you.
Chopper was happy.
Man: Poor thing. He must've suffered. I wasn't able to kill one of them instantly. But that's also fate. That is the result of how you live. The man was on a roof.
Man: Hey you! Do you know who I am?
Man 2: I don't know you fool,
Man: How about I tell you them? I'm the fighting champion.
Luffy: Cool! I see the best-looking town!
Usopp: Hey, doesn't it look like a resort?
Chopper: Reaort
Luffy: Hurry up Goinf Merry!
Nami: Yeah, it makes me feel Iokebi want to stick around for a bit.
Usopp saw more pirate ships
But is it my imagination,  or do the ships lined up in the hair look like pirate ships?
Nami: Silly Usopp!  Since when can pirates' ships just openly like up in a harbor?
Man: Help me! He's gonna kill me!
Three: What's wrong with this town?
Man: What a weakling! Laughs
Man 2: Hey mister. You chose the wrong guy to beat up. Look at the symbol. He's one of Rosbio's gang. You've heard of him, right? He asked the man who won. Roshio the Executioner, whose bounty is 42 million berries. He's crazy, so you'd better be careful.
Weak ass boy
Inside the place where the man was shot
Man: What a reckless guy! That's want a bogus game
Man 2: But, amazingly, he beat up Roahio the Executioner so easily.
Man: Do you know? That's Bellamy.
Man 2:The guy Bellamy the one with a 55 million-berry bounty on his head
Weak Ass Boy too.
Man: Captain. Who did this? They ask Roahio
Man 2: In any case, he needs a doctor! Hurry up.
Bellamy jumps out the window
Luffy: There are all kinds of people here.
Zoro: It looks like a fun town.
Nami: There's no way... Do you think those two can last an hour without getting into any trouble?
Usopp: Well by the looks of this place. I think 15 minutes is a generous assumption
Stella: You guys are being too nice. 5 minutes tops Nami we have to make sure they stay out of trouble.
Nmai: Okay.  They jump out.
Usopp: Nami! Stella.
Nami; Wait for us, Luffy! Zoro!
Chopper: they went.
Usopp: Well, Nami will be okay seeing how she has Zoro, Luffy, and Stella
Sanji: What! If Nmai-san and Stella-sama going then im- he went to go but Usopp and Chopper pushed him back
Usopp: Don't you go. If you go, what'll happen if this ship is attacked...?
Chopper: Please don't go!
Sanji: Fine! Let go of me!  Then I'll guess I'll prepare some tea for Robin. Where's Robin?
Chopper: Oh..? She's not here
Usopp: Sanji about that tea.
Sanji: Make it yourself
Luffy: In this town, I will... There were dodging people fighting.
Nami: no fighting. Promise me
Luffy: Yeah, yeah I promise.
Nami:Good. This is serious, you two.
Both: yeah.
Stella: What's with the weak reply? If we cause any trouble we'll have to leave this town! If that happens, we won't be able to go to the sky, got that?
A man fell down in front of them
Nami: Who's that?
Luffy: Look, he fell from a horse
Zoro: Yeah he did.
Luffy: Looks like he's in pain
Zoro: Yeah he does.
Man: Hey you guys, sorry to bother you, but please help me get up.
Zoro: You're not going to get up by yourself, are you? The man looked at him. Puffy, get that side
Luffy: Okay. They help him get up on the horse.
Man: Well, Thank you... I'm on the horse now. I was born frail. Now let's go, stronger. The hours fell.
Both: The horse, too?
Zoro: Geez, what a pain.
Man: Thank, you again. This isn't much for a reward but would you like some? He held out a basket full of apples.
Zoro: You're too suspicious! We don't want any so that.
Stella: Puls we're kinda in a hurry.
Luffy: Hey Apples! Thanks
Both:Hey, Hey!
He takes a bite
A building exploded.
Man: What happens
Man: Well some guys were saying apps they got from a strange man,  and then they exploded. Five of them.
Stella: Oh. No. She went I Luffy and choked his neck. Luffy! Spit it out! Spit the apple you just ate! Now!
Luffy: I've already swallowed it.
Zoro: You bastard! What meaning of this
Stella: You better tell me what the hell you did to my brother or so help you won't, just be begging to get on you're horse.
Man: Laugh well, he's all right. If you ate the and one you would die on the first bite. You're... Lucky.
Stella: So you're just giving our random apples to people you like and dislike
Man: yes.
Stella: Oh I see now. I should kill you. When went to attack but Zoro held her back.
Man: This is awful... Hey, what the hell is this? Roshio the Executioner's grave.
Man 2: It looks like a war happened here. Did they fire a cannon or something in the middle of town?
Man: Who knows? Even those who were there said that they couldn't tell what was happening. All we know is that Roshio's opponent was Bellamy.
Man 2: Bellamy the Hyena? There's no doubt he's got the power of one of those Devil Fruit.
Nami: Just what is up with this town?
Luffy: Well, don't be so touchy, Nami.
Stella: You almost got killed for no reason you know!
Luffy: I guess it happens sometimes.
Nami: I'll be damned if it does!
A man yelled.
Man: That guy again... How many victims have been now? It's not he's a famous man. Who the heck is he?
Man 2: Well, I don't even wanna know. In any case, we should stay away from that fighting champion.
Zoro, Stella, and Luffy stop walking
Three: Champion!
Nami: Why are you trying to compete? I wonder if we can really get information in a town like this.
They walked into Tropical Hotel
Zoro: How about this place
Luffy: this place seems quiet.
Nami: Or rather, this place is lovely! So although this is a rough town, it has a place like this
Zoro: They have a vacation house on the sea, huh
Stella: So pretty.
Luffy: In any case, there is no one here... Although I can see tasty food.
Man: Excuse me. Please don't come in without permission! This Hotel is currently charted by Mr. Bellamy and his party. So we're asking other guests to leave.
Zoro: oh, this place was a hotel?
Man: If Mr. Bellamy sees you, it'll be a problem, so please kindly leave immediately.
Nami: What's wrong with just coming in here? Who's Bellamy?
Sarquiss: Hey, want a going on! Who the hell are these shabby guys?
Man: MR. Sarquiss! Welcome back! Well, this is just...
Woman: No excuse! Just get rid of them already! How much do you think we're paying to change this place? They are in front of Luffy and Stella
Sarquiss: She's right. Now go you dumb brats!
Stella: I'm sorry was that a threat? Will be glad to take you one right now.
Both: No!
Sarquiss: Ha! You two are going to beat me up? Laughs. What funny guys! At any rate, those are rags you're wearing. He threw berries at them! Here! Take this money and buy yourself something you like.
Woman: Sarquiss, your only Wasting money by giving it to guys like them.
Sarquiss: Maybe I should have drowned it down the drain instead.
Luffy: Oh? Are you sure? Nami grabs his face. Let's go! This is unpleasant.
Luffy:Hey, why I can walk on my own? The two walk out.
Sarquiss: Oh you don't want it
Stella: By the way I was also talking to your lady friend when I said that. She walks off.
Man: Sarquiss! Lily! Don't tease them so much.
Sarqiss: Oh, that's where you were.
The man held up two wanted posters. They were hard in their own way to travel here
Lily takes the poster. Of course, compared to you and Bellamy, they're trash but...
Man: For average people. they're doing better than others. 
Man 2:  Well, they probably won't make it in the new era that's about to start
Sarquiss: Still.. I see 30 and 35 million For those greenhorns? I'll show this to Bellamy.
Nami: Damnit! I'm really pissed!
They were all drinking m.
Man: That's a shame. Mock Town depends on pirates who spend lots of money, after all.
Nami: So poor pirates aren't invited, huh?
Man: Looks like there's no way of calling you down. Here this on the house. He gave her a drink. Since tough guys gather here, there's not of trouble. But you get bothered by it each time, you can't get by in this town. All you can do is play it safe when dealing with people.
He gives the three pies. Here you go.
Nami: But this town is really unpleasant you know!
Man: That's probably what a right-minded person would think. But right-minded people are rare in this town. Well, this log will be stored within for days or so. So you should leave before getting into trouble
Stella: Four days... We can't even for two days.
Namj: Hey Mister
Luffy:  Hey old guy
Man 2: Hey buddy
Man: What's up
Luffy: This cherry pie tastes extremely Bad
Man 2: This cherry pie tastes extremely good! They look at each other
This both drink
Luffy: this drink tastes exceptionally good!
Man 2: This drink tease exceptionally bad!
Man: Is there something wrong
With your test buds.
Luffy: Is there something wrong with your head?
Man: Well, since I'm not the cook I don't care what you say.
Luffy: Hey old guy! Give me 50 stkwas to go!
Man 2:Buddy, give me 51 cherry pies to go!
Luffy: Make that 52 stakes
Man 2: Sorry, I want 53 pies!
Luffy: No 54 stakes
Man 2: 55 pies
Luffy: 60 stakes
Man 2: 70 pies
Luffy: 80
Man 2: 100
Both: You bastard! Wanna fight?
Stella: What the hell are you fighting for? Both of your taste buds are off. The pie and Drinks are fine.
Nami: Luffy, you promise remember? Besides we don't have enough money to buy dozens of stakes! We didn't come here for shopping!
Man 2: Are you a pirate?
Luffy: Yeah we all are!
Man 2: What's the bounty for you all?
Luffy: 30 million and My sister is 35 million!
Stella: Oh my gosh
Man 2: 30 and 35 million for you two.
Can't be true! It's got to be lies!
Luffy: I'm not lying! That's the truth!
Stella: Stop it
Man: Hey, no fighting in the bar! Take this and now leave now 50 cherry pies! The man takes it and leaves.
Bellamy: Is there a pirate with A straw Hat and a bandana scarf here?
Man: It's Bellamy!
Bellamy: So you're the 30 and 35 million bounty, Straw Hat Luffy, and Bandana Scarf Stella!
Stella: So what about it?
Zoro: Looks like he got business with you guys.
Nami: Isn't Bellamy the guy charting that hotel?
Man: Did you hear that? Those shorties are worth 30 and 35 million.
Luffy: Boy, we keep running into tall guys today.
Bellamy: Give me your most expensive alcohol. And give these two shorty what they want as well.
Man: Okay
Man 3: This place is full.
Lily: What is this placed? It's stinky and dirty.
Sarquiss: And cheap-looking run is about all they've got.
Nami: Look. They're for earlier.
Sarquiss: You should offer us your seat,  geez...
Man: What hopeless dumbasses! The people ran.
Man: That's him Big Knife Sarquiss, right?  Is he going to start a fight here or something?
Man: There's no way they just came for a drink.
Man 2: Leave them be! It has nothing to do with us!
Lily: Bellamy sure is a curious to one
Sarquiss: He sure is
The man gave them each throne drink.
Bellamy: Well, have a drink.
Luffy: Oh thanks! You're a nice guy!
Stella: Just drink it and leave. They drank their drink. Bellamy uses both his have to smash their heads on the bar table
Man: Darn he did it.
Sarquiss laughs. Bellamy nuts
Bellamy: What's the meaning of this small fry? Zoro had his sword to his neck.
Zoro: Why don't you tell me?
Nmai: Zoro! Hold on a minute!  We have not gotten any information in this town yet!
Zoro: Shut up! I'm just taking him up on his offer!
Luffy and Stella got up
Stella: So you're ready to take us on huh
Man: They're gonna take Bellamy. Go for it. Don't get beaten!
Bellamy: This isn't a fight,  it's a test! Come on! Let's see how strong you two are!
Nami: Luffy! Stella! Wait! Hey mister! We want to go to the Sky Island! Do you know anything about it?
Everyone went quiet
Lily: She can't be serious.
Nami: Like I said, if you know how to get to sky island...
Everyone laughed.
Nami: What? But the log compass is definitely pointing tongue sky! They laughed harder.
Man: Log compasses get broken easily!
Nami was embarrassed her face went red.
Bellamy: Hey, you got me there. Do you guys believe in such an ancient legend that there's an island in the sky? Just which era are you from? Unusual currents in the Grand Line are being explained one after another. The knock-up streams are one of them. I guess you probably don't know something like that even exists. The ships that fall victim to this current are pushed up high in the sky, and then slam into the ocean!  Without knowing this sailors from long ago saw the strange scene where the ships fell, and imagined Sky Islands, thinking " There must be another world in the sky! How foolish all phenomena have explanations. These things that people dream about will all be explained soon!
Luffy and Stella had their hands in fists.
Good grief! I thought I'd test you and let you in my crew for the new era, but you're such a delusional dumbass! Listen. The era where pirates dreamed about things is over!  The city of Gold, the City of Emeralds, the big treasure, One piece! Those idiots who are blinded by dreamed treasures don't notice the treasure around them.  In this era of oceans, those who should be most capable of crossing the ocean are misled by that illusion and die. And people talk about those dead idiots saying "He was happy snjve he live his dream! Laughs. That's just a drivel from losers! When I see idiots' chassis dreams like that, I get disgusted!  He punched Stella and Luffy
Nami: Luffy
Zoro: Stella
Since there are weak pirates like you. It makes is strong pirates look bad.
There was a glass thrown by their faces.
Saequiss; Bellamy. Look like everyone here wants to see your show!
Bellamy: There's no problem.
Nami: Luffy! Zoro! Stella! Forget the promise best them up already!
They sat up
Stella: Zoro. Don't fight.
the people were still laughing

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