Epiosde 97

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Luffy: Burning up... Sweat won't even come out.
Nami: Quit moaning so much, Luffy. You'll only tire yourself out. Buffy. Continued to moan. Guess he's not listening.
Chopper was on Stella Sholder.
Sanji is so jealous.
Chopper: I can't go on... I can't take hot weather... I'm fine in cold weather, though
Usopp: It's cause of all that fur... You should take off that animal suit...
Chopper: What was that, you jerk? He hops off tell shoulder and turns big.
Don't make fun of reindeer;
Usopp: Monster!
Stella: Chopper! Don't turn big! Or else I won't carry you!
Chopper: Who're you calling monster, Humongo-Nose?
Usopp: Don't be stupid! I'll have you know this nose--
Stella pressed on Chopper's head to make him smaller
Just turn back already. She picked him up.
Sanji: You don't seem to be having a hard time, Vivi-chan.
Vi: I was born and raised here so it doesn't bother me much.
Sanji: But what's with all these hills? I fight a desert would be more flat.
Vi: This is a very old desert, so some sand dunes here at over 300 meters high.
Usopp: Three hundred meters? No wonder this is like climbing mountains...
Buffy: It's too much... It is so hot...
Nami: Just one drink, Lufth. Just one mouthful.
Buffy drinks till he checks and gets fat.
USP and Nami smacked him.
Both: Don't drink so much!
Usopp: Let me have some, took! That was 13 mouth full just now!
Sanji: Hold, on! You just had some! I'm next! They all began to fight
Vi: Stop fighting! You'll only waste strength!
Buffy: But she started it!
Nami: It's your fault!
Usopp: Yeah! This is because of you!
Buffy: In so hungry.
Sanji: Don't be so greedy! It's still raw! Don't eat that! Nami-san! Just a minute, it'll be ready soon!
Everyone sat together but Stella and Ace.
Luffy: Oh, looks pretty good.
Sanji: Get away, you!
Buffy: Oh, come on! Cheapskate! Let us eat!
Sanji: Get away
Nami: It was so hot during the day! What going on?
Vi: With both to block out the temperature, the desert or he's during the day but falls below freezing at night. The desert is fraught with unpredictable dangers.
Chopper: Oh! Look at all those stars!
Nami: Didnt you see stars on your winter island
Chopper: Winter island skies are always covered with thick snow clouds, so I've never seen so many stars before!
Usopp: I don't have the luxury of looking at stars right now...
Chopper: Cold weather doesn't bother me!
Usopp cuddles up to him. That's because you wear such a warm suit!
Chopper' Hey, you! Get away!
Usopp: I can't help that you're so fluffy...
Chopper turns big again. Quit making fun of reindeer!
Usopp: Monster!
Zoro: Chopper. Don't try big we need your warmth.
Lefty: Yahoo. He jumps to them. So warm!
Vi: It must be really surprising for you.
Stella and Ace look up to Vivi
I mean Luffy-san. I was surprised too, at first. Maybe it's that he isn't captain-like or that normal pirate captains are respected by their crewmates... But just this afternoon, a simple drink of water caused that big fight. But... But, you know. The longer I've been with them, the more I've come to understand.
Stella: That's how Luffy does this. I might not have been with him like Ace has been but I was still a kid when we were together. He hasn't changed at all since then. Despite how he seems pile gather around him. Even though he's our little brother, he has a mysterious charm to him. Vivi looked at them
Ace: Oh you all day knew. He and I do go way back. But thanks.
Vi: huh.
Ace: You were worried that we were concerned, right?
Vi: Yes. But it looks like I didn't need to worry after all. She leaves.
Stella: Is something else in your mind?
Ace: Nothing. I'm just glad you were able to take care of Luffy when I wasn't
Stella: Hey what are siblings for? She smiled as she lay on Ace's shoulder.
Ace: Mind. I'm glad I was able to find you. Big sis.
Morning time came soon after
Luffy: Whoa! I found a shrimp!
Chopper: So this is a shrimp? Wow!
Usopp: Shrimps do live in the desert!
Luffy turned around
Oh, you're right! Is it a desert shrimp
Luffy: it looks yummy
Usopp: Hey, now! Are they edible?
Luffy: Probably! Crawfish are edible, after all!
Vi get up
Chopper: I've never seen a real shrimp before!
Vi: Stop, Luffy-san! Throw that away.
Luffy: No! That'd be a waste
Vi: That's a scorpion! It's small but it's very poisonous! You'll die if it stings you!
Luffy: Oh. Is it not edible? How boring. You can have it
Usopp: Don't give it to me!
Luffy: Then I'll throw it away.
Vi: I'm sorry. I should have mentioned it earlier.
Usopp: That's for sure!
Chopper hears something
A/n I'm counting on how many things she forgot to mention to them. We're at three now. Man, she gets on my nerves sometimes.
Luffy: What is it, chopper?
He gets on a rock.
Something's... Coming
Usopo: Something! What?
There was another tornado.
Ace and Stella got out.
Ace: Oh? Is the wind picking up?
Vi git scared she she saw it. Everyone! Hid behind the rocks! A storm!  A sandstorm is coming!
Luffy: Whoa! Cool!
They were all behind rocks.
Again! Deserts are not his but storms!
Vi: I forgot to mention it, but sandstorms are one of the desert dangers!
Stella: Mention these things sooner!
A/n 4.
Ace got up first from being a barrier in the sand. He helps Vivi
Zoro: What the he was that?
Sanji: Can't people get some rest?
They all got up.
Luffy: Hey! Sanji! Let's have lunch! A pirate Boxed lunch!
Sanji: Not yet. Not until vivi-chan says so.
Luffy: Come on, vivid! Let yea I'm out of strength!
Vi: But we're only one-tenth of the way to Yuba, Luffy-san.
Luffy: Yoirw is dumb! Haven't you heard of this proverd? If you're hungry,  eat!
Usopp: You liar! Quit making stuff up!
Stella: Puls you are always hungry. Even though I can eat more than you I know when to not get so hungry all the time
Vi: Okay. Then what do you say we take a break at the next rock we find
Luffy: Okay. Guys! Let's hurry to the next rocks!  Whoever wins rock-paper-scissors has to carry everyone's stuff!
Usopp: Quit deciding things!
Sanji: Shouldn't the loser carry the stuff?
Luffy: Alright, here goes! Rock, paper, scissors!
Vi: Hold on, now;
Zoro: Hey! You went after
Luffy: Woohooo! I win!
Stella: idiot
Luffy was left carrying everyone's bag
Heavy... So heavy... And hot... I won rock-paper-scissors, so why me?
Sanji: It's because you won. Now shut up and haul.
Nami: Don't drop it, now!
Usopp was able to use his goggles to see rocks. Roche spotted a small way ahead!
Luffy: For real Break time! Food! He ran there.
Usopp: Whoa! He's fast!
Stella: Oh please you should know this by now. Me too food and he's out like a light.
Luffy was able to get to the rock.
Shade! Feels so good! He heard something. He saw a bunch of birds on the ground.
He went to them Hey! Say something!
I'll go get you a doctor! The bird he picked up had a smile on his face. He left the bag there and ran to them. Bad news!:?
Sanji: Huh! He's coming back
Luffy: There are a lot of hurt birds that can't move! Chopper!
Chopper: okay. He got up to run to Luffy.
Luffy: Alright! Let's go, chopper
Chopper: Yeah!
Luffy: He gotta help the birds
Vi's eyes went dark. Birds! Wait Luffy-san! Don't tell me these birds are---!
When they went where Luffy was all their belongs were gone
Zoro: All our stuff is gone!
Usopp: We've been had...
Luffy: It's the truth! There really were dying birds here!
Vi: I'm sorry. I should've mentioned it earlier. Warusagi birds are "desert bandits" that are trick travelers and steal their belongings.
Usopp: Birds playing dead? That's dishonest!
Vi: Yeah, that a how they are.
A/n 5
Luffy: They tricked me? Sanji grabbed his shirt
Sanji: Luffy! Is that all you can say for yourself? There are three days of provisions in there! And you just had to let some damn birds steal everyone's stuff smack in the middle of this desert? How're we supposed to cross the desert without food or water now?
Luffy: It's not my fault. They tricked me.
Sanji: Is your brain less than a bird" a
Luffy: Say what
Zoro: Stop it you two.
Ace: There's no use. At times it's best to let them have it out.
Zoro: Yeah, huh? Let's take a short break. This hearing is what has them fuming. I'm sure we manage food-wise. It's nothing that'll kill us. let's just put it out of our minds.
Usopp: Yeah. Just thinking makes me thirstier.
There was a drop.
Everyone looked to see that Sanji and Luffy fell. Stella was the cause of their falling. They had small bumps on their head.
Stella: I don't like listening to people. That's what got me here in the first place.
A/n She says this all happened because Nami is Blackmaing her because she doesn't want Luffy and Now Ace to know she kissed Zoro she doesn't want to feel she's betrayed them. If you know what I'm saying.
Look all Luffy did was try to help. No need to sit here and watch them fight for a simple mistake. Mistakes are made things happen. Get over it.
Sanji and Luffy saw the birds that stole their things.
Luffy ran after them. Give us our stuff back!
Vi: Luffy-san! Don't chase them!
Nami: Hey, you will you be able to come back?
Usopp: Come back Luffy!
Luffy: Stop! You can't get away from me! The birds started to fly.
Get back here. He continues to run. Get back here! He steps on something
Green Vins fly traps come out of the f ground. Trying to eat Luffy. One was able to grab him. Swallow him and go back underground. Luffy they cut the neck of it leaving it headless. What is this thing?
A mystery desert plant? Neat. He then saw a camel in the same situation.
What are you doing? He points at I'm that's funny! Huh? Do you want me to help you?
The camel nods his head.
Gum-gum... Pistol! He burst open the plate saving the camel laughs. Good thing you didn't get eaten! The first git away while I was beating these guys up! The desert sure is full of strange creatures! Hey, camel. What're you doing out here all by yourself? The camel turned its head.
What is it? Did you find something? Something was coming out of the ground.
Usopp: What taking Luffy so long?
Chopper: Yeah. Do you think he got lost?
Nami: He has a horrible sense of direction but always had to run off!
Vi: And there are so many desert dangers he doesn't know about...
Sanji: Y'know, isn't he hungry from not eating anything?
Ziri: He's such a lost cause.
Sanji: You can say that again.
A/n I love how they are just saying that in front of Stella and Ace. Luffy older siblings without a care.
Ace: Sorry. For our little brother's ineptness. I apologize for the trouble.
Stella: I'm not Luffy is who he is and I wouldn't change a thing.
Sanji and Zoro went to find him chopper: Good luck finding him!
There was rumbling. What's that?
Usopp: What's that rumbling? Another sandstorm. He looked through his goggles.
He saw Luffy riding the camel he saved. No wait that's.. Luffy!
Vi: No... It couldn't be!
Why is he on a camel?
Something was chasing Luffy.
Sanji: So? What's that chasing him
Zoro: I can't really see! But it seems more like something in the sand!
It was a giant frog.
Usopp' It's huge!
Vi: A sandora Dragon!
Stella: A what now?
Vi: They're the largest of the reptiles living in the desert and they wait under sand for their prey! They have sharp claws and fangs but they hardly ever use them! The reason is that they tend to swallow their prays whole
Because they're so large!
Ace: He really does have a gift for attracting trouble
Stella: for as long as we know him. It's just a regular daily basis for us
Sanji: Settitinf aide the camel for the moment.
Zoro: What star was he born under to be able to attract trouble like this? Luffy: Hey! Camel! Stop!
Zoro: Luffy! Is it too much for you?
Sanji: We'll land a hand!
Luffy: Yeah! I brought some meat! Her goes lizard. Gum-Gum...
Zoro: Tatsu
Sanji: êoaule
Luffy: pistol
Zoro: Maki
Sanii: Shoot
They all attack it at the same time.
Usopp: You Saint have to go that far...
Nami: When they're fighting, you also pitty for the monsters...
The dragon was down. There was another behind them
Nami: There's more
Vi: I forgot to mention it, but Pandora Gragkns hunts in piars.
Usopo, Nmai, Chopper: Mention these things.
Stella: Have you forgotten anything else that can possibly kill us or is that it?
There were two.
Nmai: Ace! Stella! Look out!
Ace: What a nuisance. You wanna play? Oh, okay. If that is what you want.
Ace jumped in its mouth.
Stella: Yeah I'm not doing that. The other one Ate Stella.
Ace burned the One alive.
While using her whip and was able to cut it into sushi slices.
Everyone was surprised.
Stella: You I am sick and tired of going into someone's mouth.
Sanji grabbed some meat and was able to cook it on a rock
Check it out! These rocks are neutral frying pans
Zoro: So, what with the camel?
Luffy: I dunno. It was getting eaten by a mystery plane when I was chasing the birds.
Nami: It does seem to be a while camel.
Vi: No. It even has a saddle.
Chopper went to see the camel. I knew it. Oh! Good for you!
Luffy: Huh? Do you know each other?
Chopper: He gave me a ride when I escaped from Katorea!
Usopp: that's great we can ride it? That'll make things easier!?.
Sanji: Yeah, that the a real help! Looks like it could carry three people!
Zoro: Camels do go hand in hand with deserts!
Luffy: Then I'll be the first one!
The camel bit Luffy's head.
What was that for?
Chopper: "I'm a freedom-loving, hard-boiled, compassionate camel! Thanks for helping me out of that pinch. I can give you a lift but no men allowed!"
Usopp, Sanji, and Luffy started to attack the camel.
Luffy: This guy a punk
Usopp: Yeah! You let Chopper ride you!
Chopped: I'm manly! They continued hit
Nmai: I'm so sorry! My crewmates are so ill-bread! You're a good boy! What should we call you? She started running on the Camel chin. The boys raised their hand
Luffy: Idiot!
Sanji: Moron!
Usopp: Doofus!
Nami: Lashes it is then!
Zoro: Uuh, that's the weirdest one of all.
Nami: Okay! Get on, Vivi! Stella.
Vi: No, I can still walk!
Stella: So can I.
Nami: Just get on.
Stella: No I'm okay.
Sanji: Pervy camel!
Nami: Now we should make a little better time! We need to get to Yuba as fast as we can and talk to the rebel army. Giddy up, Lashes!
All: Hold on!
Nami: Hurry, guys! If you get separated you'll never leave the desert alive.
Usopp: Quit being stupid.
Sanji: I like this side of Nmai-san, too!?
Zoro: Afte them! Hurry!
Stella: Get on Chopper
Chopper: Okay.
All: wait for us!
There was a boat in the sand.
With two people on it.

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