Episode 109

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Chopper: I'm... I'm Mr. Prince! He was running.
Vi: Tony-kun is a devoy?
Sanji: Yeah. He'll be fine. Let's hurry, Vivi-chan. Explain the situation to me.
Vi: But Sanji-san you were shot earlier, weren't you?
Sanji: Me?
Sanji had the man on his knees and the Gunshot went into the air.
He had the Man speak into a Transponder as he was bleeding
Man: Hello? We've caught him! What should we do with this man?
Crocodile: Where are you? Tell me!
Man: The front gate of a casino in Rainbase, named Raindinners!
Sanji:  All right,  nicely done. That was a star performance. Now your boss will show up here. Thanks so much.
Man: So, can I go now?
Sanji: No, Sir. He was beat up
Yeah, guess not...
Samji: Look, Chopper. His friends are starting to crowd around again in the same place where we were just running wild.
Chopper: Mm-mmm.. Next, it's whatever I can manage
Sanji: That's right. I'm counting on you. Chopper was eating Sanji's clothes.
Man: Who are you?
Chopper: My name is Mr. Prince.
Man: Huh? So then, you're the one who did all to my companions?
Chopper: Mind. Whatever I can manage... My name is Mr. Prince! He uses his arms to attack everyone.
My name is Mr. Prince!
And that's more or less what happens
Vi: Is Tony-kun all right?
Sanji: Yeah. He has some tricks up his sleeve after all.
Crocodile was looking for Mr. Prince
Man: I hear something groomed over at Raindinners. They say the bridge collapsed.
You bastard... Where did you go, Mr. Prince...? I swear, I'm going to find you and kill you.
Chopper was able to walk past him in his regular form.
Luffy: The water! The water
Usopp: We're gonna die! We're gonna die! Once this cage is submerged, it's all over for us!
Nami: Hey, you stupid gator! Come and get us! She had her hand sticking her hand out
Usopp: What's come over you, Nami?
The gator went to bite it but Nmai moved away
I'm making that guy mad, to get him to bite the cage apart!
Usopp: I get it! Great idea!
Luffy: Coke and get me, you stupid banana! You rotten Banana!
Usopp: No, that's wrong! I told you, he's an alligator, with a banana on his head.
Luffy: What! Would you shut up?
Usopp: For example, there is the monkey dance, right?
Luffy: You rotten banana
Usopp: Listen to what I'm saying! For example, there's the Monkey Dance, right? Money is an animal, but the money dance is a dance, and-- Luffy was getting lazy as he put his hand on the cage. Don't touch that! Learn something, will you,
Luffy: You eat both alligators and bananas, don't you?
Nami; Here he comes?
The gator went to bite the cage but broke its teeth.
Usopp: It's no use. What a dough cage!  Vivi! Please hurry!
Stella: Oh yeah your real useless when it comes to saving us but when eating one of us you're a pro at it.
Usopp: Hey you. He was taking to smoke. How can you keep so composed
Luffy: You think up something, too!
Smoker: How much do you guys know what Crocodile is after? The woman who was at Crocodile's side... She had a princess on her head by the World Government for 20 years. The prince was over 70,000,000 as I recall
Usopp: Seventy million?
So what about it?
Nami: That's the same price Crocodile has.
Smoker: The moment shoes two joined forces, this became more than just a simple coup. This can only develop into a matter that the whole world will get dragged into if they're left to it.
Nami: The whole world? What do you mean?
Usopp: That does seem a little far-fetched.
Luffy: What are you guys talking about? Stella doesn't need an excuse like that to kick his ass!
Smoker: I see. So, how are we going out of here?
Luffy looked down to see the water at his thighs!
Usopp: We're gonna die! We're gonna die!
Luffy: I'm kind of starting to lose my nerve. His head dripped down
Usopp caught him. This is bad! This is bad! Thought it out didn't Vivi say so?
Nami: Must be hard for you, huh, Vivi? I'm sorry, I know you don't have time for this.
Zoro: Damn it if only my swordsmanship were better this cage would be nothing!
Stella: Zoro your swordsmanship is just fine and you'll only get better as the years go by. I know for a fact you'll be the best swordsmanship out there
Zoro had a little red on his face
Sanji: Try as hard as you can to not make any noise at mealtime.
A gator was kicked.
Bad manner kick course! He was standing there. Hey there been waiting long?
Usopp and Luffy we're happy.
Nami: Thank goodness.
Zoro: Stop goofing around and find the way already!
Sanji: Nami-san! Stella-sama. Love Me now? He was waving how had round.
Nami: Yeah, yeah, we're in love, now hurt, and open this up!
Sanji: Okay!
Zoro: The guy is an interminable idiot, huh?
Stella: Yeah but he's our idiot and we're glad to have him
Luffy: Viiv! Way to go! He gave her a thumbs-up
She gave one back to him
There were different Gators around Sanji
Zoro: Here they come one after the next.
Luffy: Go, Sanji! Pound them all!
Sanji: Bucch together as much as you like, and come to get your damn bananas. Anyone with manners as poor as yours would attack such Ladies,  get some table manners beaten into them, but good.
Usopp: Sanji! There isn't any time for that! One-second strike! No, make that one-instant strike!
Stella: Take out the third one who just came in.
Luffy: What? You can tell.
Stella: Are your ears just for show? His growl is the same as the one who swallowed the key, isn't it?
Smoker: Mind how did she know
Luffy; I can't really tell.
Crocodile: Smart thinking, collapsing the bridge, and buying time like that. There are more of their friends here.
Sunday: Was that to catch us off guard, and get to the room?
Crocodile: Probably.
They were walking back
Sanji kicked their one and a ball came out.
Luffy: There it is. The key to the cage
The water splashes up making everyone wet. And they saw the ball
Usopp: what is that?
Luffy: That does look like a key!
Mr 3: Wax-Wax Ball? Release! He came out
All: What
Mr 3: Oh! Water! It's water! It's a miracle!
Zoro: Hey, it's him!
Luffy: three! It's three!
Vi: Mr. 3! What was he doing in the belly of an alligator?
He drinks the water
Mr 3: I'm alone again! I thought I was dead there! That rotten Crocodile! He may have tried to get rid of me, but he didn't try hard enough! The moment I was swallowed,  I squeezed out the last of my power this Wax-Wax Ball. He picked up the key. What's this,
Nami Usopp and Luffy we're trying to get the key.
All: Hand that key over to us!
Mr 3: It's you guys!
A/n Who for did he think he was talking to?
What? This key...? Hold on... A room, force full leaking water... An iron cage...and this key... I know what's going on, now.
Sanji; You Mr. 3 are you?
Mr 3: You starttles me!
Sanji: Are you Mr.3? Hand over the key, quietly.
Mr 3: Gleam! Here comes a long throw! He threw the key into the water where the gators were. Laughs. I don't know who you are but you appeared to be on their side! If you want the key, go find it! However, whether or not you can find it, I won't be responsible!
Sanji: You bastard...
Sunday: What if this person can pick out the alligator that swallowed the key?
Corodile: Hmph, it wouldn't do any good. Even if they were alive enough to get the key, the real key is right here. Let them struggle as hard as they want.
Sunday: you are bad.
Mr 3: It flew away, it flew away!
Zoro: That bastard...
Puffy: That was smart, for coming out of nowhere.
Sanji: There is no time, sanji-kun!
Sanji:That was a good-for-nothing thing to pull...
Stella: just a minute sanji. Couldn't his wax-wax powers make a key to this cage?
Sanji; Stella-sama you're so smart.
Mr 3 was scared
After Mr made the key and opened the door for them.
Nicely done, candle man.
Mr 3 had a bump on his head and was bleeding. He was then handed a note and kicked to the wall
Let's get moving. There is little time.
Nami: Yeah. I'm sure the first route they took was toward Alubarna.
Vi: But there are still so many Bananagators that way!
As she said they'll Zoro, Stella, and Luffy just finished taking down the gators
Luffy: Aren't there anymore? That was enough!
Stella: I was expecting more of a challenge.
Nami! Looks like we needn't worry.
Vi: And after I had that much trouble with one of them...!
Usopp: No, their strength is just abnormal, so don't worry about it.
Luffy: Damni, I can't go all-out soaked in water like This!
The wall broke and water came in faster.
Yells The walls are crumbling!
Zoro: Idoit, that overcoming it.
Usopp: The passageway is crumbling, too!
Zoro: Out! We're getting out of here!
Water came crashing in on them
Crocodile: Thoee small fry... They're going to pay! I'll kill them all, right now, with my own hands!
He saw that the cage was open. And the alligators were all down as well as Mr.3. What? He read the note that Sanij left for him.
Samji came from the water. He helps Luffy up.
Hey, you still alive, Luffy?
Vivi pulled on Usopp's nose.
Usopp-san, wake up!
Nami; Giod, grief, what are you doing? Swim, like you're supposed to!
Sanji: Sneesh, you guys with your abilities sure bear some hard risk, huh?
Zoro and Stella came up with Smoker.
Man: Whoa, smoker!
Sanji: Hey now, Zoro, Stella-sama what are you bringing the enemy along for?
Stella Gill was off
Zoro: Back off! I didn't want to. He was this close to dying, after all.
Stella: It doesn't matter let's just hurry up.
Sanji: We've lost quite some time. Vivi-chan, can we still make it?
Vi: I don't know.
Nami-san. Do you still have that perfume I brought you in Nanohana?
Nami: Huh? Yeah. Why?
Sanji: Put some of it on.
Nami: like this?
Sanji: It makes me fall in love to the end of the world!
Zoro: Come on, get going, seriously.
Smoker: Stella! Stella! He went to use his jitter on them. Zoro blocked it from hitting them
Why did you two save my life?
The two looked at him.
Stella: Hey, Zoro! Help me with Smoker!
Zoro: Huh? He's our enemy! Leave him be!
Stella: Of we leave him there, he gonna do, you know! He can't swim
Zoro: Yeah, well, I know that, but he's...
Stella: Just do it.
Zoro: I was just following the captain's orders. I don't think you necessarily have to thank me.
Smoker: Then, you'd have no gripes with me carrying out my duties here, right?
Sanji: See? Didn't I tell you? That's what you get for saving a marine.
Stella looks at smoker.
Man: The Straw Hat crew is with them
Man 2: Yes! Captain Smoker is right there with them! Let's go to back him up. They were running
Usopp: All right, men! Full speed to Alubarna!
Luffy: Where's crocodile?
Nami: Ah, they came around.
Luffy saw Smoker. Smokey! You want some of this.
Usopp: Wah? It's a smoker! Hey, Luffy don't do this! Let's get out of here!
Smoker: Just hi serious is he?
Stella: Oh you get used to it a while.
Man: This way! Hurry!
Smoker: Go. But this is the only time I'm letting you off. Next time we meet consider yourselves dead.
Stella smiled
Man: There they are!
Zoro laughed.
Sanji: Come on, let's go. The Marines are coming. Which way is Alubarba?
Vi: Iver there! Straight to the east!
Zoro: Hey, Stella! Hurry! What are you doing?
Stella: Yeah. She looked at Smoker.
Man: they won't get away this time!
Stella: You're not unlikable, you know? She chuckles
Smoker's face turns red a little. Get going already.
Stella: Just a little reminder Not All pirates are Heartless. She ran off and held Zoro.
Usopp: Hurry! Hurry!
Luffy: All right, Guys? Head Straight for Alubarna!
All: Yeah.

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