Episode 168

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Luffy: Hey! Zoro where are you going? That's the wrong way! West is this way! Geez! Your horrible sense of direction in such pain
Chopper: West? Thats east! Does he know that?
Stella: Does not have a clue
Zoro: Come no, Luffy! Why don't you ever listen to anyone? It's the "Skull right eye," so we got to go right! Are you stupid?
Chopper: I think they both are...
Robin: we're heading south, so could you tell them it's this way?
Chopper: you got it!
Stella: I'll help.
Luffy picks up a stick.
Chopper: Luffy! Zoro!
Luffy: south, huh? Why didn't you say so sooner?
Chopper: Luffy! That's a nice stick
Luffy: Isn't it? You can't have it. Go find your own!
Chopper: You're so lucky! Stick! Stick
Zoro: what about sticks?
Copper: I thought this forest would be a scarier place, It's not that bad I guess.
Stella: Chopper! Are you extra strong today?
Chopper: That's right! I listened to you when you said I had to be brave
Zoro: But it is a letdown, to be honest. There was nothing in the forest yesterday either. We didn't run across a single priest. I know how you feel, Chopperm
Chopper: Right laughs.
Robin: What Odd people. Do you want an accident to happen that badly?
Stella: We are pirates after all. It would be strange if we did have a normal day.
Chopper looks back to hear something moving.
What? Those big roots have a weird pattern.  It moves.
Luffy: what's moving, Chopper?
Chopper:oh, nothing! It's nothing at all! If I said I saw roots moving they'd all laugh at me for being afraid. I'm supposed to be strong today. I bet it was my imagination.
Robin: I sense something strange...
Stella: Chopper. Why do you keep looking behind?
Chopper: No reason at all!
Luffy: What are those big roots with a weird pattern?
Chopper: You see it too? I knew it was strange
Zoro: Why are those roots moving
Chopper: You see it, too? Actually, I noticed earlier, and..!
Luffy: what the...? It was a giant snake
Usopp: The wind's good! The helm's good!  Truly comfortable! What a perfect cruise! But this thing sure is slow! Hey navigator! Do something!
Nami: I'm afraid I can't captain Usopp!
Usopp: say that again...
Nami: I'm afraid I can't
Usopp: Not that part!
Nami: The Milky Roqd has intense ups and downs, our only choice is to rely on the dial ship's power!
Usopp: You can do it, crow! Oh and Sanji. Be on my guard at all times!
The captain is afraid of this forest...
Sanji: Shut up! Then quite acting like a big-shot captain! And just so you know, I'm only going to protect Nami-san!
Nami: Oh, yeah! It's time for the weird  Knight's medicine! Where did Chopper say he put it again?
Gan: My name is Gqnn Fall.
Sanji: Oh, the medicine's on a barrel next to the fridge. Take care of it, Nami.
Usopp: Looks like you've gotten a lot better, old man!
Gan: Yes. I thank you all.
Usopp: If you're going to thank anyone thank our ship's doctor! Chopper's medicine works real wonders! Oh, but you tried to save Chopper, right? Then you're both even! Laugh. Old man?
Gan: Shall I talk a little about this land's history? Until six years ago I was God.
Usopp: Did you hit your head, Old man?
Pierre bites his head.
As you know, it is said that Upper Yard appeared in Skypiea some 400 years ago. Until then, Skypiea had been a peaceful sky island... items from the blue sea that sporadically rode up the knock-up stream were rare and valuable to the sky people. All the vearth of the sky islands came into the sky in this way. But vearth the size of Upper Yard was an unimaginable miracle. Naturally, the sky people were overjoyed and worshiped it as holy ground bestowed by Heaven. However, indigenous people lived on this vearth, and a battle over its ownership began. Those people are the Shandians...
Usopp: You mean the guerrillas
Gan: yes.
Sanji: So they originally lived on Jaya in the world below?
Gan: Yes. They were sent into the sky with the island, against their will.
Nami: Yet, you guys kicked them off the island?
Gan: Yes. The people stole their homeland, due to their own greed. Even after 400 years, the war between the Indians and the sky people has not ended. The Shandians are simply trying to take bake their homeland.
Nami: That's kind of heartbreaking.
Both: Then doesn't that make you the bad guys?
Pierre bits both of their heads
Yes. You're right. Oh, my medicine. Thank you.
Usopp: I think I'm gonna pass out...
Nami: What about Enel? Who is this "God Enel"?
Gan: when I was God, he suddenly appeared from Sky Island, leading soldiers. He delivered a heavy blow to my "Divine squad" and to the Shandians, who took control of Upper Yard. This was six years ago. Most of the Divine Squad is now condemned to forced labor by Enel. I do not know the details. But to the Shandians, Who God is doesn't change the situation.  They simply want their homeland back.
Sanji: If these Shandians just want their homeland back,  why did they attack us the instant we came to the sky?
Gan: The members of the Divine Squad sometimes escape via ship. Naturally, the Sandians see them as enemies and try to eliminate them. Perhaps they mistook you for them.
Sanji: we were almost killed because of a mistake? That's too much
Gan: One reason I became the Sky Knight was so that I could help escapes flee their island safely. As criminals, they can't stay here where Enel can observe them.
Sanji: From the sounds of it, "God Enel" is almost like a king of terror.
Usopp: Hey, now! Watch what you say! The almighty God is all!
Sanj: since when did you become a native Skypiean?
Usopp: Didn't you hear what he just said?
Gan: Terror, huh? No, it is worse than that. Enel establishes outside like yourself as criminals, and then the denizens of Skypiea lead them to their "judgment" What this brings about is the citizen's" awareness of sin" A person becomes his weakest when he senses sin in his actions. He creates his own "lost sheep" and counts them. He is truly playing God. He's a powerful man...
Nami; we thought we found a paradise when we arrived at Angel Beach... Boy, were we wrong... This is one hell of a place the old city of gold flew up to...
Gan: Oh, that reminds me. This "Gold" you've been fussing about since last night... What exactly is it?
All: Eh?
A/n Not doing the Flashback. You All know what happened
Laki: The Vearth! Wiper! I told you, that's Aisa's treasure!
Braham: Stop.
Laki: Braham!
Wiper: Don't assume we'll get another chance! I want this opportunity to go! Those who aren't prepared. Stay here. I won't blame you. 
Man: come one, Wiper! We're always prepared!
Wiper: Are you prepared to abandon anyone who falls during the fight? Those who can step over comrade and keep moving, come with me! Today, Enel's head will be mine!
Luffy: Run! It's a giant snake
They all ran.
Robin; What size? Is this also a result of the sky island's environment?
Zoro: You're like a catfish! I'll cut you into chunks! The snake went to attack
Everyone jumped.
How the hell can something so big move so fast?
The snake bites a tree.
Chopper: Poison!
Zoro: I think we should run away.
Robin: Definitely
Stella: well this got interesting.
Luffy: Yikes!
Zoro: Don't touch the poison or you'll die!
Stella and Luffy were in a tree swinging
Luffy: Hey! Poisonous snake! Over here! Follow us! Your food is running away! Laughs
Chopper: Robin! Look out! The snake went to attack Robin. She jumped from one branch.
Cinco Fleurs!  She used her devil fruit to create hands.
Too bad
Chopper: Robin! You're incredible! The snake looked at Chopper.
Chopper ran
Zoro: Alright! I should be behind its tail now. He looks to see it's head.
The snake chased after Zoro.
Luffy: This way! Over here! Laughs
Robin: This isn't good... I returned to our course but no one is coming. Did I get separated? Should I go ahead and wait for them?
Chopper: Oh, no! I got separated! Help! Where is everyone?
Zoro: Where are they? I look away for a second and this happens. Oh well. I'm sure they'll manage somehow.  I got most of the map memorized anyway. It's to the right.
A/n Oh damn he is a lost cause.
Stella: yeesh...
Luffy: Where did they all go? Are we lost now? Oh well. Guess we'll go ahead and wait at the ruins. She said, "Straight south," and south is in a warm direction! This way! Come one sis. He holds her hand.
A/n Aww brother and sister moment.
Enel: It seems the Shandians have started to move. And the Blue Sea people have split into two groups. And then split hp even more.... some Solo, and a duo. Today is going to be a lively day, just how many people will survive? Well then, let the survival game begin! Laughs.
Wiper: We're now heading for God's Shrine! Don't stop, no matter what happens. We're after one thing... Enel's head!

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