Episode 140

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Luffy was going around but ended up falling into a broken ship.
Look! There are sunken shops everywhere as far as you can see!
Usopp: Why don't we just stop?  A ghost captain could appear around here any minute now.
Luffy: Really! Hey Ghost Captain!
Usopp: Stop that!
Robin was reading
Beyond the rainbow most lands the land is Eternity, the final paradise remaining in the world. The area is filled with gold and silver, and it is people's lives forever without aging or going hungry.
Stella: Nami would love the Gold and Silver part...
Robin: That's what's written in this book.
Henzo: I told you, that's nothing but a legend.
Robin: You said this place was a ship graveyard, but how could you know that?
Henzo: Well, 50 years ago, I got a short glimpse of this place.
Robin:  if you knew why come?
Henzo: I told you that too. I've reached this place to rescue my friends who were swallowed by this mist. I became Wetton's dog and lived through the scorn of people to reach my goal.
Ask Usopp and Luffy we're looking around one kids is looking at them from the hiding spots.
Luffy: Hey. Look at this!  They fell threw the floor. A treasure chest full of diamonds and all
Henzo: What's this
Luffy: Isn't it awesome? There's a lot more inside the ships! I'm going to explore some more!
Robin: Perhaps this isn't a paradise, but the part of the treasure seems true. So maybe the good isn't entirely wrong right?
Bells were ringing.
Voice: you dare disturb the eternal great of the dead?
Usopp: Disnyou hear that?
Voice: Leave the treasure and depart at once. If you do not, the curse of the dead will fall upon you all!  Obey my word or face the consequences.
Uospp: I'm scared!
Luffy: who's there?
Ghosts seem to have appeared
Usopp: Ghosts!
Voice: Now, hand over the treasure nice and easy. If you do not. There was an arrow thrown above Zoor's head.
Stella: Zoro
Luffy: That was close! You rotten. He stretches his arms to get closer to the ghosts. Ghost Captain! He was able to catch them all.
Usopp: There's nothing inside!  They're really ghosts
Stella: Wipers. Robin, they are hidden up there. She points to a kids
Robin look
Robin: But the arrow came from over there
Usopp: Luffy! Over there! There is someone over there! Hey, listen to me,  Luffy! Luffy, come on!
Stella: A bow! A hand went to shoot at Luffy
Usopp: Look out, Luffy!
Luffy found a string. Before the arrow can hit Luffy. Robin had a hand to grab it.
Luffy pulled a string. A kid fell. He has a rope
Stella uses her wip to cut it down. The kid fell into the water
They went to see what fell in the water.
The kid came up
Usopp: What's this?
A boy with Blond hair came out
Boy: Akibi
Girl: Wait Rongo!
They went down
He went to attack when the girl held him back.
Rongo: Akibi.
Girl: Take it easy, Rongo! Henzo was shocked
Uospp: Well, you're just kids--
Rongo kicks him
Rongo: Akibi!
Akibi: You idiots stay away! Run!
The girl took out the sword
Luffy: Gum-Gum... I'm home. He knocks the girl down.
Yo, thanks for the save earlier.
Robin: You're welcome.
Girl: Rongo!
Luffy looks at Rongo
Boy: That's enough. A boy was standing there. They all looked up
We are the pumpkin Pirates and Ape concert is our territory! Release my friends and turn over the cargo if you want to live
Luffy! A bomb!
Girl: Rapa Nui!
Henzo: Could it be...?
Usopp Hey, now, if use that you'll blow us all up!
Rapa: We're all in the same boat! We lived together and we did together!  He jumped down
Let's go!
Girl: I'm sorry, Rapa Nui. Rongo!
The boy came
Henzo: Rapa? I'd that you, Rapa? And.. Isoka a d Rango. All of you are here. Don't you remember me? It's me, Henzo! We always used to play together on Capa Luluka!
Rapa: Henzo?
Stella: You know them?
He was to them
Isoka: Henzo? You don't mean that Henzo.
Rapa; You idiot, there's no way... Stay back! I'll blow us up! Stay back I said! Stop!
Hnzo pushed the bomb only for a light to go off and to open up and reveal the Pumpkin Pirates Flag
Henzo: it's the Kaboom Mark l. I'm the one who invented it. It's just a gizmo used for bluffing.
Rapa throws it in the ground and smoke comes out
Usopp: Damn that smoke screen
Zoro: What's all the racket?
Usopp; You're just now waking up?
Stella: I'm more impressed than mad.
Zoro: For that matter, who's the old guy?
Usopp: Well, it would take a bit of time to explain it to you.
Luffy: Hey, they're going from there here too. Who was that just now?
Huh, pops?
Long story short. He tells them how he used to hang out with them. They we're friends and talking about being pirates. One day pirates came to the island and destroyed their town. The same pirate captain that is now their mayor. The pumpkin pirates went to see what was going on their town was I'm fire and Rongo was warned about his parents but they got caught my the pirates. They went to leave but all the boasts were destroyed by them so they went to take the captainship. Which it wasn't as easy as they thought they got hurt and Henzo ended up sacrificing himself for them and took the captain into the sea while the others went into the rainbow mist. With one of the captain's men. Henzo promises them he'll come back for them. That was 50 years ago.
Henzo: Every since. Ever since Rapa Nui and the others have never returned. To think that they actually became pirates in a place like this...
Usopp: Yeah, Mr. Moustache, but that's happened 50 years ago. They were still just little kids.
Henzo: The passage of time within the ran or mist, apparel to be different than our is in the normal world. One day in here might be the same as a week or even a year out there,  so Rapa Nui and the others don't seem to have aged.
Stella: If that's true, we have to find a way out of here fast, if there'll be one undoing the damages
Luffy: Why not
Uospp: You are so dense! The same thing that happens between the kids and the professor could happen to us too!  While we're in here putting around, Nami, Sanji, and Choppet will get old in the real world.
Luffy: Really. All right pops, let's go back Quickly!
Usopp: Where have you been? We don't know how to get back!
Luffy: We don't? Seriously!
Zoro: So there's no way back?
Robin: Maybe. There must be an escape. There has to be a way out of Ape concert.
Nami: Stop already
Sanji: He's persistent, that's for sure.
Lake: You shut your traps! I'll finish you off! There was a coin thrown at him.
Did you throw this at me?
Sanji: No, not us.
Namj: Should'be he knows that? We were watching us.
Chopper: We wouldn't mess with that suit.
Lake: I asked was it you?
Sanji: Wajt if we say it was?
He takes it.
All: You're picking it up
Lake: I have collected your harbor dues I now formally welcome you as citizens of Luluka...
They were now talks
Sanji: Ape' concert
Lake: Some soldiers said they saw your ship winter the rainbow mist, no doubt about it. From what the mayor says it's piled up with treasure in there.
Nami: Treasure? Her eyes turn into Dallore signs
Lake: They say Ape's concert is a ship graveyard. The shipwreck in there has unfounded cargo all over the place. The mayor wanted the treasure so he assigned his man Henzo to research a way to get into Apr' Concert.  The old man made this electronicschok suit too. What do you think? Pretty damn slick isn't it?
Chopper; This guts sure like to talk a lot
Nami: We can't just stand around here! We're going in that mist too!
Nami: Yes, sir, Nami!
Chopper: but if we go in there there's no coming is out!
Nmai: This is no time to be scared. The Treasurer is waiting for us!
Man: No one is allowed into Ape's concert without my permission.
Lake: Grandpa
Nami: Grandpa
Man: How many times have I had to tell you, Lake? You are to call me Mayor. Mayor Wetton.

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