Episode 80

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Luffy: Stella. Why you--!
Man: Aim.
Everyone was ready to fight
Vi went to Stella. To see if she was okay. Luffy went to attack
Stella: No! Stop! Fighting won't help anything! It's fine it's only grazed my arm! I've been through way worse. She gets up
A/n I know Vivi did this and got on her hands and knees to beg but Stella is not doing that.
Stella: I'm not getting on my hands ms and knees for this but. In that case, we won't land here! But could we ask for a doctor? Our friend is suffering from a grave illness
Please help us! We beg of you!
Luffy: Stella.
Stella looks at him. That's why you can't be a captain alone Luffy. Not everything can be fixed by fighting and by acting recklessly! A little blood comes out. If you start fighting here what will happen to Nami?
Luffy: Yeah! I'm sorry! I was wrong. Please call a doctor! Please help out friend!
Man: I will show you the village! Follow me.
Stella: See? They understood.
Luffy: Yeah! You're amazing.
Stella: I mean I am older. So
Luffy: Hey.
They were walking
Man: I must warn you the only doctor we have here is a witch.
Usopp: A which
Sanji was carrying Nami.
You gotta be kidding me. Nothing here makes sense. What's this place anyway?
Man: This land still does not have a name.
Vi: A nameless land? Does that reality happen?
Usopp: A bear! Everyone pretends to be dead!
Man: A Hiking bear! They pose no danger. Don't forget to bow in's proper hiking manner. They all do so.
Zoro: Okay! All better now! See. He clapped his feet in front of Karoo
Zoro: Now I can finally so do some real training! I was getting sick of watered-down training, and just watching the ship was boring as hell. He takes off his Jacket and shirt.
Maybe I'll go for some Cold-weather swimming to suppress myself. And get just as strong as Stella.
Man: This is our village. Big Horn.
Luffy: Weird animals are walking everywhere...
Usopp: That's snow country for Ya!
Sanji: Nami-san! We made it to the village with people it's a village.
Man: Okay. Thanks for the help, everyone. Those who aren't guards can return to their work.
Man 2: But will you be alright by yourself, Dalton-san? They're pirates
Dalton: I believe they par. I treat. That's my hunch of many years of experience.
The man said they trusted him and went back to what they were doing
Vi: They were the land's security forces?
Dalton: They're ordinary citizens. Come to my home for now
Usopp: Hey! Look, Luffy! A thinking Bear!
A woman came to the.
The two bowed
Woman: I heard there were pirates are you okay?
Dalton: Yes, everything is okay. There is nothing to worry about.
Stella hits the back of her head
Both: Ow. What do you do that for?
Stella: That wasn't a hiking bear. That was a woman in a coat what is wrong with you two?
The woman left
Man: Oh Daltion-kun I look forward to the election in two days! Everyone says they're going to vote for you!
Dalton: You can't be serious! I'm nothing but a sinful man! Vivi looked at him
Dalton: Use that bed there. It'll warm the place up.
Vi had Nmai in the bed.
Dalton: I haven't told you my mame yet. I'm Dalton, captain of the security, squad of the island. Please forgive our heavy-handed welcome. May I ask you a question?
Vi: Huh.
Dalton: I somehow feel like I've seen you before.
Vi: It's probably just your Imagination! Anyways, less tell us about this witch. Nmai-san temperature was 42°C when I checked it just now! Her fever has been up for three days now.
Dalton: She dies if it goes up anymore!
Vi: But we don't know the cause of her illness or how to treat it.
Sanji: We need a doctor! Anyone will do where is this which of yours?
Dalton: The witch, huh? Do you see these mountains outside the window?
Sanji: Yeah, those insanely tall-- he looked out the window to see a snowman
Luffy: Hyper Snowman!
Usopp: Snowzilla, the snow best.
Both: Yeah.
Sanji: Don't make me kick your asses!
Dalton: Those mountains are known as the Brum Rockies. Do you use the cable at the top of the middle?
Usopp: Castle?
Dalton: That cattle no longer has its king.
Luffy That warms me up...
Stella: Yeah there it is. What's so special about castles
Dalton: The only doctor in the land Mr Kureha, lives there.. People call her a witch.
Sanji: What? Of all places, why does it have to be so far away? Then call her down right away.! We have a critical patient!
Dalton: Even if we wanted to there was no way to contact her.
Sanji: Huh! And she calls herself a doctor? What the hell is she like?
Dalton: As a doctor, he's very skilled. But she's an eccentric old hag. She is nearly 140 years old now.
Sanji: Huh. 140! I think she might need help!
Stella: I want to know her secret to stay alive for that long
Dalton And let's see she likes pickled plums.
Vi: What happens when people get sick or injured?
Dalton: She comes down the mountain when she feels like it. She looks for Pasionts and treats them, as a payment. She takes whatever she wants from their house before leaving.
Usopp: Sound like an unfriendly old hag!
Luffy: She almost sounds like a pirate.
Vi: But how does such an old woman get down those mountains?
Dalton: It's an odd rumor. But even people calm to have seen her riding a sleigh through the sky on moonlight nights. And these are the reasons she's called the witch. Some also saw her with a strange creature they'd never seen before...
Usopp: I knew it! See! A snowman! It's a snowy mountain, after all! I knew there me one! A which and a snowman! Oh, please never let us run into them!
Dalton: She's the only doctor, but she's a hag I'd prefer to stay away from. All we can do is wait for the next time she comes down the mountain.
Stella: You can't be serious. You're only saying that because you never got know the real her. Calling her a hag because of what she does I mean she's kinder than moat pirates that we've met just by what you're saying. We can't wait for her to come even as we speak Nami-
Luffy was smaller her face a little. Hey Nami! Can you hear me?
All: What are you doing? Nami opens her eyes.
Luffy: Oh she's awake! Hey, the only way to see a doctor is
To climb a mountain. We gonna have to claim it!
Sanji: Don't be crazy! What are you doing with Nmai?
Luffy: It's Okay! I'll carry her on my back!
Vi: That only makes things even worse.
Luffy: What's the problem we need to hurry, don't we?
Vi: That's true, but you can't! Look now steep and tall it is!
Luffy: I can make it!
Sanji: Maybe you can but it be hard in Nmai-san!
Luffy: But look if we fall we'll land in snow!
Stella: Even a Healthy person would die instantly after a fall from there
Vi: Seriously she's 6 °C over normal temperature!
Usopp: don't you get it?
Nami Heather Heavy getting all of their attention. I need to get over this heat fast. I need to hurry... For vivi... I'm counting on you captains.
Luffy gives her a high five. That's more like It! Just leave it to me!
Usopp: Can't believe it! Like captain, like Navigator!
Sanji: Do you know what condition you're in Nami-san?
Vi: Are you sure you'll be okay,? It takes hours to get there.
Luffy: Old Guy! Meat! Gimme meat.
Dalton: Meat.
Sanji: Alright! I'm coming too! U
Usopp: Listeb Luffy! Don't fall even once or you can expect Nami to die!
Luffy: Even once
Vi: Hold still! I need to get this right! She was tying Nami to Luffy. All set. Okay. I am going to wait here I'd only get in the way.
Usopp: Same here!
Luffy: Got it. Okay, Nami! Gold I'm Tight!
Dalton: If you set on going I won't stop you. But at last climb up from the other side. There are Lapins on this course. Fierce, carnivorous rabbits if you encounter a pack you're as good as dead.
Luffy: Rabita? But we're in a hurry. We should be fine Right?
Sanji: Yeah, I'll kick them.
Stella: I'll find a way to keep them away without so much violence.
Dalton: Kick! You can't be serious! You'd be walking to your deaths
Luffy: Okay. Alright, then! Let's go Stella a Saji! Before Nami dies!
Sanji: What! Don't say things that could jinx us, you dumbass!
Stella: We didn't even get anywhere and you guys are fighting already. Unbelievable. They ran off to the watch house.
Dalton: Will they be all right?
Usopp: Well, I'm not worried about those three...
Vi: But the question is if Nami-san's strength will last long enough--- I hope they make it there safely...
Dalton walks back inside. What's wrong? Come inside... It's cold you.
Vi: Oh, That's okay. I want to stay outside.
Usopp: Me, too... Dalton I see. He goes to the two and sits Then I will join you. He looks forward. We did have some long-ago... Doctors. But they're all gone now, for certain reasons. They are all skilled incredibly skilled... We were even known as an advanced medical nation.
Vi: What happens
Dalton: This county was destroyed just a few months ago. At the hands of pirates!
Usopp: The entire country. So that is why you are so nervous about us?
Dalton: Yes. The word pirates is way too much for everyone to handle. I'm sorry about that. But there were only five people in that pirate group. The captain called himself Blackbeard, and he destroyed our county in the blink of an eye with his heating powers.
Vi: Only five pirates? You can't be serious
Dalton: But some say it was actually good for the county.
Vi:there's nothing good about a country being destroyed!
Usopp: Yeah! That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!
Dalton: Thank you. But people say that because the monarchy that existed here until then was appealing in the eyes of the citizens. The country's former name was Drum Kingdom! The King's name was Wapol!
He's the won't king possible.
The Two remembered Wapol from earlier.
Vi: Yes! That's man! I remember him.
Luffy: It's gotten a little colder. The wind's picking up.
Sanji: So Why aren't you wearing any shoes? Just seeing that is painful! Luffy in his Flip-flops
Stella: Why did you ask
Luffy: This is my police.
Sanji: Police? You mean Policy!
Luffy: Yeah. Anyways, did you know people in Snowy counties never sleep?
Sanji: why is that
Luffy: Caauw they'll die if they go to sleep!
Sanji: Don't be stupid! There is nobody like that!
Stella: It's the truth! Somebody told me that a long time ago!
There was a rabbit about to attack them.
Luffy easily dodged ur.
Sanji: Usopp I bet.
Luffy: I! I head it a pub in my village
Sanji: Then why did the Dalton guy? Have a bed. The rabbit went to attack again. Only for Sanji to duck this time
Luffy: That's a good point. Maybe it is for when he dies.
The rabbit bit down a tree to stop them. Into for them to jump over it.
Sanji: Okay did you know this? Woman in snowy lands all have skill-smooth skin
Luffy: How come
Sanji: Isn't it obvious? Whenever you're cold, you have to rub your skin for warmth.
The rabbit came again this time Stella to dodge it.
So you get smooth skin.
The rabbit came for Sanji by he dodge and they Luffy.
So women in snowy places have skills-smooth white skin. The rabbit kept doing the same thing over and over.
Luffy: How come it's white?
Sanji: Because of the color of the constant falling snow dyes they skin!
Luffy: Huh! Yore so dumb
Sanji: like you're really anyone to talk
Stella: You both are unbelievably annoying how is that?
The rabbit went to attack once again
Sanji: And quite being annoying. He kicks the rabbit.
Luffy: What was that guy?
Sanji: Hang in there Nmai-san! We're conning to get you to a doctor!
Stella: The snow is really deep around here... And Luffy runs more smother! You gonna make Nami worse.
They came face to face with a bunch of Rabbits
Sanji: what are these?
Luffy: They are white and big, so they're polar bears! Ok sure of it
Stella: I don't think so.
Dalton: Wait you know Wapol
Usopp: We don't know him! He's a pirate who attacked our ship! Ingot rod of him, though. But. I do recall him saying something about the Drum Kingdom.?
Vi: Yes. There is no question about it. I remember clearly now! I met him is once at a monarch meeting my father took me to when I was very young!
Dalton: Monarch meeting! Just who are you?
Vi: No, uhh, you see... In any case, we meet Wapol! Yesterday, on our way here!
Dalton: yesterday are you sure
Vi: But what's going on then? He called himself a pirate, not a king!
Dalton: he must be calling himself that as camouflage. Wapol is merely wandering the sea trying to retire to this island.
Vi: So the people on the ship were kicked out they were no match for the backread pirates when they attacked their country?
Dalton: No match that's nothing like it. When it happens. Wapol army didn't even try to fight. In fact, the moment her Pearce how strong the pirates were, Wapol Abdanded the bounty and was the very first to flee out to sea! That threw the entire nation into despair. It's this what the king-
Vi: This is what the king of an entire country does! That's appealing! A kind of abandoning his people.
Dalton: You're extremely right. But after year's Wapol's tyranny is finally over. The remaining people on this island come together to try to create a new country. So what we most fear right now is wapol return. The return of his Monarchy. We must avoid that all good cost while people are feeling unsure! If we're too great a new peaceful nation on this island!
Sanji: it jumped. They moved out of the way.
Sanji: You go to be kidding me! How can we move like that?
Luffy: What is it, a gorilla? No! A polar bear.
Stella: It's a bunny
Lefty: Sanji was the int to call it a gorilla.
Stall: these must be the Lapins that Dalton was talking about! This may of them?
Wapol found Drum Island.
A/n I'm skipping half parts I'm only focusing On Sanji, Stella, and Luffy part, and The Docotor when she comes up if you want to know watch it on Netflix and Hulu I'm sorry but This is like Lougtown I skipped Nami, Usopp, and Sanji parts. I'm sorry but still enjoy.

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