Episode 116

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Sanji ran to Mr 2.
He turned into Stella.
Sanji had heart eyes.
How cute!
Mr 2 then kicked him. And he stepped on him.
Stella Voice: You just what they mean when they say, "he's nothing but talk!"
Sanji: Don't I'm going to lie down and be beaten like this! No matter how much you might look like Stella-sama, you're
Still that idiot on the inside. You damn bastard! Don't get too cocky-- he went to pick him up when Stella screamed cutely
Sanji fell to the ground.
Mr two was dancing looking like Stella.
Sanji: Damn it! She is so cute!
Luffy: Take him down he can take it.
Stella's voice: Ahh, I must say, this country is too hot for me. I just want to take all my clothes off. He exposed her chest a little.
Sanji: I'll help!
Mr 2: Ballet chop! He slapped him.
Sanji: My eyes!
Back to Normal
You fool! He jumped on him.
Kick pointe!  Knocking him into the building. He then spins around.
You're nothing but talk, are you?
Sqnji used his feet to get the rubble off him.
You bastard...! Mess with me, will you? He went to attack
Mr 2: Mascara boomerang! He took off his makeup and threw it at him.
Sanji dodged it and went to kick him.
I'll see you in hell!
Stella's voice: Oh, don't kick me.
Sanji: Stella-sama.
Stella made a wink at him
The boomerang came back and put him in different places. And it came back to him.
Have to catch my mascara, okay
Stella's voice: playing with you is fun, but I can't dawdle around too long, you know? It's my duty to kill the princess, after all. I'm going to hurry up and finish this now. Ha! Twirl, twirl, I'm twirling around! She spins fast.
Man: What blows up the royal palace?
Man 2: Yeah. The order has come down to blow up the road palace.
Then runs to tell the other
We're going to blow up the royal palace.
Man 3: They can't be serious. The palace has a 4,000-year history.
The people were still fighting.
Chaka: What can I say about the situation we are in?
Vi: It's okay, I understand. There was nothing you could do except to intercept the rebel army. Igaram aside,  you've done well in suppressing the uprising for over yep years. But I was not wrong. I met some true friends who are going to save Alabsta.
Stella: You guys go ahead! I can handle this myself! Make sure you deliver Vivi back to her home! Make sure, now!
Zoro: Listen to me, Vivi. She will keep crocodile under control.  The moment that the rebel army started running the time limit on this land was set. Once the total army and the rebel army meet, this land will be gone. If you are the only hope for preventing that, then you have to survive, no matter what. No matter what might happen to any of us here, from now on
Flashback ended.
Vi: All of you are willing even to give your lives, how are you faring now?/
Chaka: Vivi-sama...over the two years that I have not seen you, you have become quite beautiful. Once we have seen this war through, I would sure like to hold a grand banquet for those pirates.
Luffy: then Gimme food.
Stella: After I kick Crocodile's ass, we can have all the food we want until we die!
Vi: Mind. Yes. I believe in your Stella-sama, you are all right. On sure that you just have defeated Crocodile.
The door opened
Man: Chaka-sama,
Chaka: What is it?
Man: Is it true that you are going to blow up the royal castle? The soldiers are getting explosive-ready!
Man 2: There must be some mistake
Vi: I am the one who gave the order.
Both: Vivi-sama!
Vi: Please use as much explosive as there is. In order I stop the senseless fighting, and save the lives of the people of Alabasta, we will blow up the royal palace!
Chopper: Han in there! This is not serious, Usopp! You just shatter your femur, that's all! You may have busted your nose, your humeri, and your clavicles, but you lose only a little more blood than should be fatal. She gave him a shot with a giant Neddlle.
Usopp was wrapped in all baggage.
Your blood pressure may be at zombie grade, but there's nothing to worry about!
Usopp: Right now, I feel fantastic...I see pretty fields of flowers...
Chopper: You don't mean heaven, do you? Can you see heaven?
Usopp: No matter how great a pirate you may be, the end will still come for you...
Chopper: Don't die, us opp! Please, I don't want you to die!
Usopp: Farewell, chopper... I leave my vast treasure to you...15 gold and sliver coins... Become a good doctor... He closed his eyes
Chopper: Usopp! He begins to shake him. Open your eyes! There's something I gave to apologize to you for! This Manju bun. This is the manju bun that you wanted, and I hid it. If I knew you were going to die, I would have given you half. I've been a small, narrow-minded man. He broke it in half and went to eat it.
Usopp grabbed his arm. And punched him
Usopp: Manju bun? He ate it
Chopper was stuck in the sand
Zoro: confound that idioit! Where the hell did she go? This is why I told her to pipe down and hide somewhere. She does nothing but slow me down. Dumb woman! If I had Stella we would have finished them already.
Nami was running.
Mr 1 and Miss DF we're walking
Nami: That's it, I can't run anyone more! I'll have to fight! She saw them walking impossible! 
She continued to run
Mr 1: we're getting nowhere. He jumped
Miss DF: He's so impatient. He went to grab Nami when Zoro stopped him
Nami: Zoro!
Tue Miller was cut in front of them
The stone column! It splits up lengthwise!
Zoro: split? No, it didn't it was a swordsman.
Mr 1: Out of my way. He went to attack but Zoro blocked him.
Zoro: You cut or, didn't you? With those arms?
Mr 1 arms were made with blades.
That's quite an unusual body you've got there, isn't it?
Mr 1: Indeed it is I ate the Dice-Dice Fruit, making blades of my entire body. You're him, aren't you? The swordsman who is said to have cut down 100 men at Whisky Park?
Miss DF: Also, the pirate, who several,  years ago turned down an invitation to Baroque works at East Blue and cut down the Mr 6 at the time.
Mr.1: is you, isn't it?
Zoro: That story takes me back. That was your fault, for not accepting my terms. I told your scouting back then this: "I will join if you make me your boss"
Miss DF: Such a funny man
Zoro: Far from getting my terms, he took a slash at me. I just put him in his place. As for Whisky Peak, it wasn't my doing. Stella is the one who took down those men. But would you like to try inviting me, too? Right now, you guys are so ridiculous, that I wouldn't even accept the position as your boss.
Mr 1 went to attack Zoro for disrespecting His boss.
Mr 1: You're making quite the fool of me, huh? You're a swordsman from a small-time band of pirates...
Zoro: In that case, who do you think you guys are? Puppets, without volition of your own baited into breaking a utopia in name only? Or are you just tin soldiers...
They moved back
Without any substance?
Mr 1: Miss Doublefinger...
Miss DF: You're going to tell me you want to eliminate him, right? Do as you please. And I'll deal with the girl.
She walks
Zoro: Hey, Nami! She's gone.
Why didn't she do that the first time
Mr 1 was ready to fight.
Stella's voice: Twirl, twirl! A finishing 320,000-spin grand fouetté
Sanji: Can it be
Mr 2: Ballet Kenpo! Memoirs of a Summer's Day!
Sanji: I see your weakness. I've seen through your Copy-Copy fruit.
Mr 2: Memoirs of a Summer's Day! Your shoot!
Sanji kicked him.
Sanji: Sure enough. No doubt about it.
Mr 2: you've seen through it, you say? Through what? What part of my ability has someone like you seen through?
Sanji: You can't see Ballet Kenpo while in Stella-sama 's body, can you? It's true, I might not be able to attack you, but the moment you attack me, you always retire to normal. By touching your cheek with your left hand.
Mr 2 laughs Eh? What that? I can't hear you at all!
Sanji: Hey, I'm right aren't I?
Mr 2: So what if you are? Yes, yes, without this limber body that I've developed, training daily in harsh demanding lessons, I can't perform my Ballte Kenpi. So what? You're still plenty black and blue, aren't you?! What's more, let me show you this. The prima of Ballet Kenpo! He put Swan's head on the top of his Ballet shoes. I'll just say this much about it. From your pointview, the left one is the pen, and the right one is the cob.
Sanji: Who cares?
Mr 2: Whether you've seen through it or not, it doesn't matter! Take this! Ballet Kenpo...Bombardier! He was able to do a powerful kick just barely missing Sanji's head and into the wall
Sanji: What? That's the mark of his kick?
Mr 2: The right choice! Avoiding that was the right choice! At the end of their bent necks are steel beaks!
Sanji: There isn't a single crack around that hole!
Mr 2: True power, when compressed into one point, does not destroy anything needlessly. Consider one of my kicks to me like a shot from a rifle. However, the bullet is a bit on the large side. I'm going to perforate you! He went to kick Sanji. Un Sanji did a backflip to dodge it.
They blocked each other foot's
That won't work. He kicks Sanji in the shoulders making him bleed a little
Sanji: Damn! Too much difference in our reaches!
Mr 2: This fight is over, huh? Flying, flying, I'm flying! Ballet Kenpo! Memoirs of a winter's sky! He jumped up. And spin around in the air.
Sanji: But the longer his reach is, the longer it takes to recover. He lit his cigarette. If I can avoid his shot, I'll have that much more speed.
Mr 2: Die, now! He went to kick Sanji but Sanji jumped over him. Went to kick him but he turned into Stella
Stella's voice: Too bad. How do you like this?
Saji: Hey you've got something stuck on your left cheek.
Really. He turned back
Basses Côte! He kicks him to the ground.
Longe! He kicked his back
Tendron! He kicked his neck.
Mr 2 un! He was able to kick Sanji first. Deux! Ora!
They went on their hands and started to kick one other but each of them blocked the kicks
Tendron! Quasil! Collier!
Un! Deux! Ora!
Flanchet! Cuisseau!
Un! Deux! Krah! Un!
Damn it
Krah! They kicked one another.
Making them fall back.
They got back to fight again
Jarret! Collier! Quasi!
Un! Deux!
Flanchet! Gigot! Selle!
Queue! Jarret! Collier! Quasil!
Un! Deux! Krah!
Flanchet! Gigot! Selle! Queue!
Un! Deux! Ora!
They kick each other for the final blow.
They both got up.
Veau shot!
Bombardier Arabesque!
Their kicks were missed.
Samji fell to the ground.
Mr 2 yelled and he was thrown into the wall.
Sanji gets up.
Mr 2: I-I give...
Sanji: You astound me. Are you still alive?
Luffy goes to see Mr 2
What's the matter? If you turn yourself into Stella-sama again I can't finish you off.
Mr 2: Ridiculous... I can't move in the shape I'm in... What good will do to avoid the outcome of this? You've won. Kill me I'm destined to be eliminated by the organization anyhow. What are you waiting for? Hurry up and strike the last blow... Sanji held his hand out
Sanji: That was a good fight. We shouldn't need any more words than that.
Mr 2 took his hand. And sat up.
Mr 2: mind. This is, unmistakably, the testament of friendship between rivals. But I'm not going to cry...
Sanji kicks him on the head. Before leaving with Luffy.
Bye, now. I'll be taking back out sharpshotters goggles.
Mr 2: He did strike the last blow.
Sanji: I've suffered up another couple of bones, there huh?
Luffy: Sanji I'm hungry let's get food.
Sanji: you sat down the whole time how are you hungry
Luffy: I just am. Let's get meat.
Sanji: Man I wish Stella was here.
The man placed the last bomb.
Man: Everything here is ready!
Man 2: We can ignite here at any time, too!
They held the string and Fire.
Vi nodded.
This castle has taken I'm Alabasta's history for 4,000 years. She remembers all the good times she had. It has been a source of pride for me. But if we destroy the royal palace, the people will stop fighting and pay attention. I will be able to tell them the truth in my own words!
Okay, light then!
Man: Yeas Ma'ma
There was sand that blew out the fire.
Chaka: What is that? A men feel
Vi: Are you alright
Man: It's him...!
Crocodile: We can't have that.
Sand came and formed Crocodile
That was quite a treacherous thing to do, want it, Miss, Wednesday? This is soon to be my house.
Vi: Crocodile!
Chaka: Your Majesty!
Vi: Father!
Corodile: It sure is nice to have a place,  huh? Laughs. It's a fine place to look down on the files below
Vi: Where is Stella-sama?
Corodile: huh? You mean Bandana Scraf! That puny rookie? She's dead. Laughs.

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