Episode 157

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Luffy: What's their problem?
Nami: Forget them, that old lady ratted us out! She lied to us! She said it was okay to pass through. And when we do, they say we entered illegally? That's flat-out Fraud!
Stella: That's what I was saying. They're coming at us when that old lady is just letting anyone in. What happens if she lets a real criminal in
Usopp: Exactly... Of course, even if we were told we couldn't pass, we would've entered by force anyway. How was that old lady going to stop us?
Name: Shut up!
Papaya: In any case, you are in big trouble. Since you've become second-degree criminals, I'm afraid Conis and I can't help you anymore.
Nami: Why are you talking to us from way over there?
Luffy: Well, what's the fuss? We're used to being pursued. Chuckles
I've been meaning to ask, why did you come back?
Nami: What
Luffy: We were finally about to go to that place we're never to enter for a big advantage... I mean to look for you!
Nami: You're really easy to figure out. She hits his head
What big adventure? I told you, didn't
Chopper runs to Stella
Stella picks him up.
A/n Mommy Stella forever.
Nami: You can say that because you haven't seen how scary those people on that island are! Indeed, we don't know if this guy is God or what, but his supernatural powers are the real thing! I will never go back to that island!
Luffy: Then you can just wait here while we go.
Nami: We're wanted criminals. I'm not saying here a minute longer!
Luffy stretches his neck.
Leave here? Are you nuts? Get your priorities straight. Adventure is what's most important!
Nami: My priorities are life first, then money! She puts Luffy's head in the cloud
Snaji: Please, tell me I'm third on the list.
Nami: Shut it! He knocks him back
Usopp: that is true. Come to think of it, we are desperately trying to reach this sky island. So we weren't thinking at all about how to get back. Is there a way for us to go back safely? Can we go back to the Blue Sea?
Conis: There is a way through at this point, I can no longer say it's safe. Your only hope for escape is cloud End the farthest edge of the clouds.
Usopp: Clouds end? How do we get there?
Conis: Cloud End is the far east. To get there, you need to travel across the white-white sea.
Usopp: Good! Then, we sail east, then we eventually get home!
Luffy: No! I'm not going back!
Stella: It's not like we haven't escaped the death penalty before
Usopp: Hey, do you want to stay here and get sentenced to death?
Nami: in case, I don't want you causing any more trouble for Conis and her dad.
Conis: Don't worry about us.
Nami: Even if we leave now, there's no guarantee we can make a clean escape. We have no time to lose, so just get on the ship. I promise you'll have your big adventure, but right now, we need to get going.  Now, everyone! Let's set sail!
Thanks for everything!
They start to work on the ship.
Luffy: Hold on!
Nami: What now?
Luffy: Hey, old guy!
Pagaya: What is it, Luffy?
Luffy: Do you mind if we take the leftover food from earlier with us?
Pagaya: Yes, of course, it's all yours.
Luffy: All right! Sanji, prepare some lunch boxes!
Sanji: I'm glad you have priorities
Stella: You're going to need some help with that.
Before she left she went to the chopper.
Hey, take care of each other for me. You have to be brave for me. She gives Chopper a small kiss on the forehead.
Chopper: Okay I will.
Usopp: In that case can I ask a favor as well? You're an engineer, right old guy? I don't suppose you can spare any parts or tools to repair our old ship.
Pagaya: Sure, no problem. What's mine is yours take whatever you need.
Nami: Hey! Where are you guys going?
Nami: I'm gonna go get some food from them! You guys go ahead and prepare the ship for our adventure!
Nami: He's definitely planning to go there. These guys are really scary
Zoro: Who cares? I don't care either way. Don't take it out on me.
Nami: Chopper you're on my side. aren't you?
Chopper: What
Zoro: Don't threaten him!
Chopper: Heavy point!
He gets big to get on the boat.
Robin: I was about to drop a rope ladder.
Chopper: Oops.
Zoro: You realize there's no persuading Luffy, or Stella don't you? Even if we all get together and protest, he won't listen.
Nami: Fine! Then, I'll stay here.
Zoro: Go right ahead.
Nami: Go right ahead? Hey, I'll be killed by those creeps!
Zoro: Then so be it. He goes to sleep.
Nami: How dare you...? Ronin, why don't you and I beat Luffy together?
Robin: That's impossible.
Name: I guess we've got a better chance of taking on those creeps. Those White Berets must be gathering other members by now.
Mick: Come after you? How Foolish! God and his priests are as immovable as a mountain. They simply wait on the sacred ground for those to be judged to come. When you weigh anchor, your order starts. You'll be led... to the forbidden sacred ground...
Upper Yard!
Robin was putting the ladder up
Conis goes up to them
Excuse me, I'd like to discuss something with you all.
Conis climbs up.
Conis: So there's a special cloud current that can take us down to the white sea? By getting on the cloud, you can cross the vast ocean and go to the White Sea. And you can also get to Cloud End without getting lost.
Nami: Really
Conis: As long as you get on the current, no one can chase after you.
Chopper: By the time he notices, it'll be too late.
Robin: But that doesn't mean he'll give up on it.
Conis: I can guide you to the entrance of that current riding a waver.
Nami: Now all we need to do is keep that fool from noticing. We'll take care of that part.
Conis: Then please weigh anchor and wait for me.
Nami: Okay. I appreciate it, coins.
Conis: No, problem. She was sweating a little
Robin noticed that.
Luffy: This is good!
Sanji: Hey, don't eat our lunch!
Luffy: There's a lot, so hold back.
Conis, give me some tea!
Samji: do it yourself. Conis isn't here.
Pagaya: Looks like she went to bid a fond farewell to the others. I bought some tea if you like some.
Luffy gets some for himself and Stella.
Stella: thank you.
Pagaya: So, you're the shipwright for the vessel!
Usopp: Not really. I'm sniper
Pagaya: That sounds exciting!
Usopp: I guess so, but it means there isn't a regular shipwright in our crew. Well, how should I put it? I'm cursed with supreme skills on everything and the whole crew relies on me! Laughs. It's a lot of work. That ship just wouldn't function without me. Although I'm a sniper, it's like I'm also co-captain. That's why everyone calls me"Captain Usopp"
Pagaya: This color arrangement denotes the work of a professional!
Sanji: Of course, the plating of food is an art form.
Nami: See you later, conis!
Conis: Heso!
Nami: I can finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. For a while there, I was worried.
Robin: But I wonder if there really is such a current...
Nami: Why?
Robin: If such a convenience existed, you'd expect to see more survivors from the sky islands in the Blue Sea.
Nami: But remember it's difficult for people to come up here in the first place, it's just natural that not many people make it back either.
Chopper: Even if they did find the current, there's no guarantee their ship could withstand the high speeds necessary.
Nami: That's right. Not knowing when to call it quits cost you your life. Hurry up and get ready to set sail. Weigh anchor quickly. Chopper, use your weight Bonus and help us out with the heavy lifting.
Chopper: I told you, it's Heavy point.
Nami: What?
Chopper: Nothing.
Nmai: Now wake up Zoro
Chopper: That's impossible. Don't worry. I can do it alone!
Nami: We'd better hurry up, Conis gave us this chance and we can't waste it.
Chopper: Heavy point! He pulls the anchor up.
There was movement in the clouds.
Sanji: I put this one here.
Stella:No, this is in the world place. Put the red one there, and put the emerald green broad bean here.
Sanji: Oh Stella I'm so happy you're helping
Stella: I did say you would need it.
Conis comes back.
Stella: Now, they look more delicious than before.
Sanji: This one is for Nami and Robin and yoh Stella
Conis: Wow, they don't look like food!
Luffy was trying to give Pagaya food.
Pagaya: No, thank. Sorry.
Conis: I've never seen such a pretty lunch.
Sanji: Really? This is for you, Conis.
Conis: Oh? You made one for me, too?
Sanji: Of course! The title of this lunch is... he goes to her.
"Love is a dilemma. Lunch for the falling angel"
Luffy: Well, once they're in your stomach, they're all the same
Sanji: Don't say stuff that tears down Srella and I hard work! Listen up with food, presentation comes first!
Luffy: Really? See? Now they're the same.
Sanji: You're just chowing down without looking at them
Conis laughs
Usopp and Stella look outside
Luffy: Really? They're the same after all. They taste the same
Luffy: Like I said, enjoy them with your eyes first
Luffy: Don't be rude! Not even I can eat with my eyes
Sanji: That's not what I meant!
Luffy: But I've eaten with my nose before...
Sanji: Don't do that.
Luffy: though I didn't mean to.
Nami: Now we'll just wait until Luffy and the others get back.
Chopper: Okay! I will make Stella proud.
Robin: Oh how so
Chopper: Stella said to be brave and look after us. So I will.
A monster was under the ship
Chopper fell
Nami: Chopper! What just happened?
Zoro: What's going on?
Chopper: I wonder if we're already on that current.
Usopp: Hey! Something's wrong with The ship
Sanji: What? What's going on, Usopp? Stella?
Stella: Look at that! The ship's rocking!
Luffy: A party? Not fair, to have a party without us!
Sanji: Nami!... why. Why is she wearing a T-shirt?
Usopp: Just where the heck is your mind at?
Luffy: This ship started moving!
Usopp: What? Why?
Luffy: What are they doing? Where are they going? It's moving backward! That's incredible!
Stella: That's not it! They didn't set sail!
Conis looked down sad. Luffy sees this.
Usopp: Look underneath the ship
Nami: Hold on! What is this? What's going on
Chopper was crying
A/n Oh no Baby.
Zoro: Did we get on that current thing earlier than we expected?
Robin: No, it doesn't look that way
Usopp: What the...?
Pagaya: That's...
A giant lobster comes out.
The famous white-White Sea Superr- Express Lobster!
All: What? 
Zoro: it's trying to take us somewhere! Hey! Everyone off the ship! There's still time!
Chopper: What about the shop? If our ship is taken...
Zoro: Don't worry. I'll stay.
Nami: Come on! What can you do by yourself?
Zoro: I'll pull it off somehow! He jumps on the Lobster.
And tries to cut it.
Come on! That's more like it.
It cracks
Alright, this will work.
Robin: I don't think it'll get you anywhere. Come aboard!
Zoro: Why should I
Robin; You can't have damaged it significantly and we have bigger problems now. Look.
They saw two sea monsters coming after them.
Large Skyfish are following us with mouths open. We can't just jump off the ship and escape now. Even if we could defeat them, another batch will probably arrive soon. There's nothing we can do. Our punishment has already begun.
Zoro: Heaven's judgment? So instead of sending people after us, they're bringing us in. I guess they got tired of waiting.
Nami: Please, I can't go back there! Yells Luffy! Stella! Usopp! Sanji!
Sanji: Why, Nami? Why a T-shirt?
Usopp: You're still talking about that. Hey, Luffy! Stella! This is awful! What are we going to do?
Luffy: Where'd they go?
Usopp: Where? Of course.
Luffy: So where?
Stella: Where...
, Luffy: Did...
Usopp: They...
Sanji: Go?
Pagaya: The super-Express Lobster is a messenger for God. It must be taking your friends as a sacrificial offering. In that case, they are being taken to the northeast upper Yard to the sacrificial altar.
Sanji: Sacrifice? Nami, Robin, and the rest...
Usopp: The rest
Sanji: Will be sacrificed? From that darn God? That bastard! He better not harm a single hair on my pretty Nami hair!
Pagaya: Hold on a second. Please! I'm sorry. But that's not everything.
Sanji: There's more.
Pagaya: I've heard that although it's called a sacrifice, in Heaven's judgment. There are two kinds of punishment that criminals receive. Sacrifices and ordeals, they're currently hostages in Enel's hands and they're being taken to him now.
Usopp: Hostages?
Pagaya: So the ones who are actually receiving the judgment are the four of you standing before me.
Stella: What do you mean?
Pagaya: If only we had a map...
Usopp: I have a map of Skypiea with me.
Pagaya: This one is very old, too. But the shape of the island seems correct.
Sanji: Are you all right, conis?
Conis: Yes. But...
Luffy: Don't worry. We'll figure something out, we always do. He smiles
Usopp: how can you be so sure?
Pagaya: This is where we are right now. The sacrificial altar where they're headed is to the northeast, in the upper Yard. I'm afraid there's only one way to get there.  You take the mily road that leaves this island and the only means of transportation will be the waver. Then you'll go across the forest where the priests you.
Usopp: Well, there's got to be a better way for us to go unnoticed, if we just arrive at the front gate we won't stand a chance. Can't we sneak around the side?
Luffy: If we take the main road, they'll see us coming and set a trap.
Pagaya: Even if you can go ashore nearby, you can't get to the altar on foot. The big difference between this map and the current upper Yard. Is that now milky roads crisscrossing the entire island? The cloud canals that you mentioned? I hear that there are hundreds of milky roads in large sizes. No one knows where they all lead.
Luffy: I see.
Pagaya: That's why entering the island by boat and taking the milky roads within the island is the only way.
Sanji: I see...  So no matter where we go ashore, the canals will block our way.
Pagaya: That's right. By the way, there are man-eating fish in the canals.
Usopp: Man- eating fish?
Sanji: They've really covered all their bases. So they're saying that if we want our friends and ship back, we just have to come in through the front door.
Usopp: So that's part of the ordeal? Part of Heaven's judgment?
Pagaya: Yes. In the upper Yard four priests stronger beyond imagination await you.
Stella: Sounds like a piece of cake. To put it simply, all we have to do is beat up those priests, right?
Usopp: You make it sound so easy.
Stella laughs
Sanji: Your laugh is so cute Stella.
Stella: Finally, a little action! Right, Luffy?
Luffy: You got that right Stella.

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