Epsiode 205

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Nami: Found it.
Sanji: Good. If things are going as planned, they are heading back to the ship.
Nami: Yeah, and we need to do the same. I wonder how we're going to sneak this thing back across the bay to the Merry? Wait! Where's my head? The waver worked just as well on the blue sea, too! Come on let's move! Now grab on and hold on tight Sanji
Uospp should have chosen Chopper to with Nami or anyone but Sanji
Sanji: Onto you. I've been truly blessed! Thank you!
Nami: Yeah, yeah. Whatever just get on already!
Sanji: With pleasure Nami! He held onto her.
Nami: Moron! I didn't mean like that.
She elbowed him
Sanji: Nami, that love tap was dynamic! It knocked me off my feet.
Nami: Hang on tight, Romeo! They were off
The others saw a giant picture of a fish
Zoro: Looks like they pulled one over us, guys.
Robin: Ya have to hand it to them.
Luffy: I wish I could eat a fish that big right now.
Usopp: how can you think about food at a time like this? We almost got killed opening this thing!
Officer B: Commander Jonathan knew you'd show up here once he realized you'd stolen the map.
Robin: Perceptive.
Serg: There's nowhere to run. Give up!
Usopp: Even with Luffy, Zoro, and Stella, we don't stand a chance. So do we just wait here for Nami and Sanji to come save our bacon?
Stella: No. I'm sure the whole base knows where we are now. Reinforcements are no doubt on their way and it's only a matter of time until they arrive. We need to get out of here.
Luffy: Yeah! If our gold is not here, then we just need to go look for it someplace else!
Usopp: That's easier said than done! In case you haven't noticed! Those doors are the only way outta here and we gotta fight our way through those guys to get to them
Zoro: So whats the promblem
Luffy: come on guys. We're getting outta here!
Serg: Not if the men of Navaro e have anything to say about it! 
They held their guns
Luffy had his fist, Zoro his swords Stella her whip Robin her hands
Usopp: This isn't good! I think we're done for!
[Rumbling] the door opens
Shep: End of the line, pirate scum!
Usopp: Condoriano?
Shep: You came to the vault, just as I predicted you would.
Serg: And just who the hell are you? And who gave you permission to open those doors
Shep: who am I? I'm special inspector from HQ! The name's Major Shepherd! Your commander gave me and my mobile unit permission to open those doors! We'll take it from here. You and your men aren't needed anymore!
Luffy: Hey wait... Don't I know you? Oh! Yeah, you were the guy locked up in jail with Usopp and Zoro! What are you doing bossing these guys around?
Usopp: Yo condoriano how did you manage to escape?
Robin: You're looking well
Shep: I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this. Thanks to you, I've dealt with humiliation, incarceration, and being called Condoriano! You'll rue the day you crossed me! You're all going to pay!
Stella: The man is treated like a pirate for one day and he's mad
Officer: Major Shepherd!
Shep: What? Can't you see I'm talking here?
Sreg: you're going to need some more men. Trust me, I say this from experience. Just don't underestimate them, Major.
Shep: We're elite forces, not G8 nincompoops like you who let pirates circle around them! I'm going to take down the Straw Hats! So unless you want a court-martial, stand down! Understood?
Serg: Yes, sir!
Stella: Are you done yet?
Shep: Yes, just like your pathetic lives are about to be! You bring me my new toy! Crackles
Say hello to the latest state-of-the-art bazooka: the Eagle Launcer! It's as deadly as its namesake, I assure you!  Plus, it packs as much punch as a warship's main cannon!
Zoro: Is that supposed to impress me or something
Luffy: I'm not scared! Bring it!
Stella: I've seen bigger things in my lifetime.
Shep: You asked for it Straw Hat and bandana scarf. Die. The Bazooka went the other way
Usopp: Nice shot, Condoriano!
Majiro: I believe you have it backward!
Shep: Oh yes I see.
Marine: Ass
Shep: Shut up! I'll get them this time!
He faced it right only for Robin to turn it around. And pull the trigger. Three times and then on the ground with Shep tide to it.
No! Don't pull the trigger!
She does and goes flying.
Zoro: Why did he come here again?
He then falls back down
Usopp: He and his special mobile unit weren't very impressive.
Robin: Well then shall we go?
Luffy: Yeah and find our gold
Usopp: Hey! Wait up, you guys!
Shep: Curse you Straw Hats, I'll get you!
Serg: after them man.
Luffy: So. Where do you think our gold's at?
Zoro: How should I know?
They were all running
Nami: Security is tighter than I thought.
Sanji: I'm all alone with Nami on a romantic night. This is an great, Nami.
Nam: Sanji
Sanji: So darn incredible
Nami: And you're so darn loud! Quiet!
This can only mean that these Marines think we're still inside the base Somewhere but. Why aren't those ships moving? It just doesn't make sense
Robin: we need to find someplace safe to hold up and rethink our plan
Usopp: Is there even such a thing as a safe place here?
Luffy: Yeah! That kitchen where Sanji, Stella, and Sanji were at!
Zoro: The one where all the Marines eat? Get real!
Usopp: yeah we'll be crazy to go in there. Then again, the enemy might think the same thing and not bother to look for us there.
Luffy: Right! It's decided we're getting some food.
Usopp, Zoro, Stella: No, we're not!
Chopper: There is nothing to worry about I'm a full-fledged pirate! And Pirates don't get scared,  even when they're left in a spooky, abandoned dock all by themselves.
Engine rumbles
Nami: Chopper!
Chopper: Nami Sanji! Thank goodness! Um, I mean, I didn't get scared guarding the ship all by myself!
Nami: Luffy and the others aren't back
Chopper: No! I've been alone all this time!
Nami: I wonder where they are.
Sanji: Something must have happened to them.
Nami: And the gold too?
Yall all know Sanji wanted to kiss Nami at this part when she faced him.
Nami: I'm going to look okay
Sanji: Date with Nami part two!
Chopper: Alone again.
Nami: Sanji stay here. I need you on the ship
Chopper smiles
She was off
As I recall, that vault was somewhere down that slope. Huh. She turned her lights off
Oh no, she saw and overheard the Marines talking.
Wait! The vault was a trap?  If the gold wasn't in there where could it be?
Luffy: Could have sworn it was around here somewhere.
Usopp: Wait you mean this isn't the right place?
Luffy: I dunno. I can't tell.
Usopp: You can't? But weren't you, Stella, and Sanji a few hours ago,
Robin: According to the mal we're in the medical ward.
Usopp: Shh! I think I hear someone up ahead! He listens at the door.
Kobato: Dad, please listen to me! You have to take it!
Mec: I don't care if you are my daughter! That stuff's nasty!
Kobato: It's medicen, Dad!
Luffy: Those voices it's that doctor who acted as our hostage.
Usopp: And the old man!
They went inside.
Kobato: So the gold wasn't on your ship?
Robin: Or in the vault.
Usopp: It's wild that you two are father and daughter say, are you sick or something old man?
Mec: Let's just say there's nothing wrong with me that a nip from this bottle won't cure! The stuff in this bottle's all the medicine I need!
Kobato: Ugh Dad. You know there's no drinking or smoking in the medical ward
Mec: Come on! Just one drink!
Kboato: No
Mec: Why do you have to be stubborn?
Usopp: Come on, old man. You really need to listen to your daughter.  I mean your doctor.
Mec: You lecturen me. The same guys whose hides I saved, but instead of escaping, they come waltzing right back here? Oh that's rich is that dad-blasted Gold really that important to you guys
Luffy: Of course it is, Old repair guy!  We are pirates after all!
Kobato: Think about it. Would you walk away from that much Gold if it was yours? I'm sure they must have worked really hard for it.
Mec: You just stay out of this, Kobato!
Usopp: We were saving that gold.
Mec: Saving
Usopp: Yeah. We were gonna use it to hire a shipwright to make major repairs to the Going Merry like you said we should.
Mec: Hah! Like I'd believe a bunch of pirates!
Usopp: Fine you don't have to believe up! But we are going to fix the Merry up I don't care what you believe, you old coot!
Kobato: Dad, I believe him.
Both: Huh
Kobato: it isn't just their ship it's also their home.
Mec: Home, yeah.
They were outside.
Here it is. It's the quickest way to get around, but there are usually guards up that way. That path takes you right into the mountains.
Usopp:It looks like a sheer cliff when it takes a path
Luffy: All right then!  Let's get our gold! Thanks, old repair guy!
Mec: Good luck
Usopp: well we're off. Thanks again, old guy.
Mec: wait
Usopp: Uh, huh?;
Mec: Our commander's hobby is fishing ya see.
Usopp: Yeah that figures. Who else would have a big fish painting like the one we saw in the vault?
Mec: He found the perfect bait to reel you guys in with your gold!  Like a good fisherman, he's probably got it dangling where you can see it in plain sight.
Usopp: In plain sight... Think so, huh?
Mec: Go get outta here.
Usopp: Kay! See ya!
Mec: Even if they somehow managed to get their gold back and escape Navarone'll be in trouble. Yep, I bet the brass will finally shut us down. I must be crazy.
Robin: Too bad we don't have time to come up with a plan back there.
Usopp: so what are we supposed to do now? Just wonder around aimlessly until we find the gold?
Zoro grunts.
Usopp:Hey, what is it
Zoro: Quit. I thought I heard something. Then again maybe not.
Robin: No, I hear it too.
Usopp: Something coming! Uh. The waver and Nami! Uh..m
Nami: I see. And then you ran into Dr. Kobato. Mm.
Uospp: Unfortunately, we still don't have any clue about where the gold is.
Luffy: I'm getting sleepy. He lays on Stella's lap.
Stella: Dawn's gonna be here before we know it and it'll be a lot harder to sneak around. We need a plan.
Nami: Are there any other storage vaults here?
Robin: Even if ther are more, they could just be bait to lead us into another trap.
Uaopp: Hey, wait that reminds me of something the old man told me.  He said something about bait."
Nami: Huh? What'd do ya mean something?
Usopp: Hidding bait in plain sight," I think that was it. Hmm
Nami: Usopp, that's it!
Usopp: what's it
Nami: well, the bait's obviously the gold. If it isn't locked away then it's somewhere we can see it.
Usopp:In plain sight
Nami: And what if "in plain sight "meant. "In Plain sight"of a crafty fishmen? 
Robin: Oh! Nice thinking!
Zoro: What do you mean.
Robin: It's simple. Really, who's person dangling our gold as bait to catch us right now?
Stella: You mean the commander of this place?
Namu: Right! The commander is the Fisherman!
Nami: And if the bait really is in plain sight of the Fisherman. Then that means there's only one place where our gold could be kept.
Usopp: You don't mean
Nami: Yep! That's right! She take out her wepon. Stella you said that you knew where the Commamder officer was right? So can you take me their
Stella: Sure
Nami: All right, Stella and I will go. Luffy you and the the othet get back to the old dock. Chopper and sanji will be waiting for you.
Robin: Want any backup?
Nami: No. The waver can only hold two people. We're going to get spotted anyway so stealth isn't an issue anymore. I'm gonna run this baby at full throttle. Ready Stella
Stella: Yeah! Anytime you are. Nami went down into the water and drove off.
The Marines started to shoot at the...
Nami: Where
Stella: On the cliff right in the middle
Nmai went up and right threw the glass.
Jon: I've gotta hand it to you. Banana scarf you really know how to make an entrance! Bravo
Nami: Those guys, he's the commander?
Stella: The one that doesn't like Luffy. Oh yeah 
Jon: That contraption of yours is incredible! Just where in the world did you get it?
Stella: My crew tried to tell you before where we came from so why would you believe me when I answered you?
Jon: You're one of the members of the crew I haven't met, Miss, so welcome. You Banadana scarf have really impressed me. You're brave, perceptive, and bold which I greatly admire, but you're a pirate and outlaw nonetheless. What a shame. I'm sorry we couldn't have met under happier circumstances. I'm afraid there won't be any hungry soldiers coming to save you this time. Stella.
Nami: Hang on. Shouldn't a fisherman let his prey see the bait at least?
Where's the gold? Can't we see it one last time before you haul us away? It's somewhere in this room, right?
Jon: Oh yeah it's right there.
Nami: It's out in plain sight?
Stella: Oh I missed it.
Nami: Hey! It's not fake, is it?;
Jon: Oh, no it's the genuine article. You can check for yourself if you'd like.
Stella: I will.
Nami: Stella waitm
Stella: It's real. This is how hard-worked gold is right here. She had it bagged already. Come on our friends are waiting. I would say sorry about the door but I'm truly not.
Jon: Oh Banadana Scarf I can't let you just take the bait and run. Arrest them but please try not to harm the two young ladies
Nami: oh thank you.
Jon: Take Banadan Scarf first?
Stella: I really don't feel like doing all this for gold we're hard on getting.
She drops the bag and takes her whip out only to be caught in the net.
Mind. Damn, now I have to find a right time to attack. This net has no effect on me.
Mar K: We got her.
Stella: Oh is this how you treat a lady? At least take me out to dinner before you tie me.
Mar K: What no it's not like that
Stella: Neither did I. She moves the net and flips the man under her.
Stella: a little fun fact my favorite thing to do is swim.
Jon: Mind How. I know she has a devil fruit
Nami makes a thundercloud and shocks them.
Stella: Come on Nami we have gold to spend. She gets the bag as Nami gets on the waver and goes out.
Jon: Even with the bait gone there are more ways to catch a fish. All a fisherman needs to do is be patient.
Nami: Stella! Do to see the Merry Anywhere?
Stella: It's so dark I can't see anything!
Oh, I see it.
Nami: I see it too
Usopp; Hmm. It's them! Hey! Stella! Nami! Over here!
Sanji: Stella! Nami! You're back? Are you girls all right?
Luffy: Full speed ahead, Merry! Yeah!
Nami: Thank you for showing us where the Current is! We couldn't have made it without you!
We owe you one.
Usopp: Thank you guys!
They sailed past the marines
Shep: I can't believe they escape curse you straw Hats.
Jon: They haven't escaped yet. In fact, they're about to get caught in a very big net.
Shep: a net.
Jon: Every day at 9 AM, the water of Navrone their fangs it's a trap that Mother Nature provides, one in which escape is impossible.
Luffy: Woo-hoo, we're finally free! Usopp:And we finally got our gold!
Chopper: yay, we did it!
Stella: Let's get to the sea gate and get out!
Sanji: Sure thing my love.

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