Episode 201

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Usopp: What is that?
Luffy: Marine?
Zoro: Over there too!
Usopp: Alright looks like there behind us. We're trapped like rats, you guys!
Luffy: It's about time things got interesting. I wanna see if Fortress guy was right.  He said the escape was impossible and it would take a miracle.
Sanji: It might the odds aren't in our favor that's for sure. There are a thousand troops stationed here.
Usopp: You find this interesting? Why. Luffy?
Luffy: Because escape is supposed to be impossible!
Usopp: How is that intresting?
Sanji: forget it usopp. You know how he is once he gets an idea in his head.
Marine: Capture the straw hats!
Luffy: gum gum Gatling!
He he, come on
Drake: After them! On the double!
Marine: Sir look it the straw hat captain!
Zoro: Oh great a dead end.
Stella: no we can run along this cliff here--
Jon: So you've finally shown yourselves, eh?
The others hide while Luffy and Stella are in the open.
Usopp: It's the base commander
Sanji: Jonathan. Oh, no
Luffy: Hey, Fortress Guy! Why are you up there?
Jon: This is the balcony of my office.
Stella: Mind. Good to know.
Serg: Now. Fire the cannons.
C Guy: Sir! If we fire at the central tower, won't that cause some kind of--
Serg: You heard me! Fire!
Luffy goes to the top
Usopp: Luffy Stella!
Stella: My crew. We rescued them what do you think?
Jon: Hm
Luffy: Sorry We beat your guys up. But I told you I was gonna leave when I wanted to, didn't I?
Jon: Indeed. Are you still playing to do that, straw hat Luffy? Bandana Scarf Stella? Leave?
Luffy; Yepa we're leaving right now!
Jon: You're funny. Do you actually think you can escape From Navarone? With your treasure?
Luffy: You bet I do! We're pirates! You can't catch us. A cannon was thrown at them
Usopp: Run
They all ran
Serg: They escaped. Commander, we can still catch them! Unit 21 is waiting at Block 7
Jon: No. Have unit 21 withdraw from Block 7 immediately.
Serg: But sir it's a dead end perfect for an ambush!
Jon: Only if the Straw hats are played by the book.  That kid didn't get a 100-million-Berry bounty neither did that girl. With 105 million on their head by doing the obvious Besides it would just result in more injuries and further damage to this base. Instead of focusing on where they might go, let's focus on where they will go. Their ship is moored in Dock 88 and it's only a matter of time before this area reaches it.
I'm thinking of doing 10 berry differents.
Drake: Stop them
Jon told him the new plan
He was going to slow them down on the bridge.
I guess there is only one unit to slow them down
Unit 55
Slow down the pirates
Man: we won't fail you, sir! Commander, are you sure you don't wanna change your order to "shoot on sight"? They were singing
Jon: Yeah I'm sure.
Kobato found out Nami and Chopper were pirates and was scared at first almost getting them caught with her loud screaming but after a little convincing she wanted to show them away by having them think she was taken as a hostage! And she was happy she could help them.
Usopp: I don't think they can see us here, guys.
Luffy: Careful. Fortress Guy's probably just waiting for us to stick our necks out
Sanji: Like you're doing right now? Get down!
Usopp: see that path down there?  Dock 88's on the other side of it. That's where they've got the Going Merry stowed
Sanji: Yeah, but how do we get across, though? There's a lot of guards
Luffy: What about up there?
Stella: Well it looks crossable. But I'm still not sure about them.
Zoro: yeah it does. But isn't it strange there are no guards?  It's almost like there inviting us up there.
Sanji: a trap huh
Luffy: who cares? Let go of it. I'm not scared what about you guys? Zoro:Worrying about annoying stuff is annoying. I say we do it.
Sanji: If it really is a tarp we'll just spring it.
Uspp: Hey, Luffy! Sanji! Zoro! Wait! 
Don't I have a say in this?
Stella: Come on we fought God and survived A bunch of Marines are mere toys for us
Usopp: Fine! If you guys get caught in a trap,  I'm not gonna rescue you ya hear? And without your help, you're gonna die! Is that what you want? Um, but uh, if get caught in a trap, you guys rescue me, right?
Stella: we never leave a crewmate behind!
Nami and Kobato were running with Chopper on a wheeled stretcher
Kobato: Do you have any idea which dock your ship was taken to? There are actually a number of docks here but they're scattered all over the base
Nami: Well, I can't be certain but judging from where our ship touched down, I'd have to guess a dock on the western side of the base.
Kobato: Oh. Then I think I know where your ship may be. Dock 88
Chopper: what makes you think that Docter?
Kobato: Well due to recent budget cuts, a lot of our docks have been shut down, including most on the western side of the base. However, Dock 88 is one of the few docks on that side that is still operational. My father works there. I'm sure that is where your shop is.
Chopper: Think that's where Luffy and the others are headed?
Nami: we've got no way of knowing but I'd say it's a good bet. Plus, thanks to all the commotion they caused, we've got to take advantage of it and get while the getting's good. Well, Dr. Kobato, Dock 88 it is! Lead on
Zoro: Nobody here
Luffy: Great! That's perfect! Let's get going then!
Uospp: Wait, you moron!
Sanji: He never learns.
They all ran
The marines were hiding waiting for them.
They came out in front of them
On the side
Usopp: See? I told you, but you wouldn't listen to me! He went to run back only to be stopped by more marines.
Zoro: Just as many behind us. Looks like we're all gonna get a little workout.
Luffy: Listen up. We're getting outta here, no matter what!
A big man walked up
Man: please allow us to introduce ourselves. We're the legendary unit 55, and no pirates will ever cross the bridge on our watch!
Sanji: I already crossed once today, but then I guess you were off the clock
Man: I'm gonna make you eat those words, pirate! They were singing.
55 attack!
Some came from the side
Zoro punched one
Sanji kicks two of them
Luffy: Gum-Gum Gatling!
Unit 55 guys yelling
Usopp: Zoro
Zoro: Outta my way!
Uospp: On it!
Zoro punched two more guys
Usopp: Kick their ass!
Man 2: Hope you're ready for me, Straw Hat! He had boxing gloves.
Luffy: Those are neat! How about a Gum-Gum...
Man: Now the gloves extended out
Luffy was able to dodge it. Only to get tackled. Down
Man: You were such a fool. All we had to do was carefully study your moves, Straw Hat!
Luffy: what, that's cheating!
Stella: Luffy!
Sanji was kicking men back to back.
Only for one of them to grab him
Scumbags!  Two more came
Man 3: Surrender pirate it's over for you and your friends!
Sanji: Yeah, I don't think so, Tubby!
Usopp: Guys! What are you doing? Quite fighting like a bunch of scared little girls! He was on the top of the bridge when a marine came to fight him only Usopp to defend himself with an Impact Dial
Zoro: There's no end to them! One attacked from behind with a headbutt.
Man 4: Listen up, pirates, and listen well! We put the "N" in Navarone, see!  We're the special forces unit that the other special forces units are scared of! You should give up now!
Zoro: And you should shut that dumb yap of yours, chrome dome! He grabbed Zoro and did the Headbutt again
Man 1: You might well give up we have one of your members.
Stella: Ugh men
They had a sword towards her neck
Sanji: Stella-sama
Luffy &Zoro: Stella
Sanji was able to kick the two men off him
Aw alright who next
Luffy was able to get the men off of him
Whoever threatens my sister threatens me. Now Gum- Gum Bazooka he pushed the man with the Boxing gloves and the others away off the bridge Stella was able to use her whip to disarm the man.
Man: Now man. Grab a hold of his arms before they're retracted!
They did so only to be brought closer to him.
Gum-Gum Axe! He broke the brige
They all fell down.
Stella pulls him out of the water
Stella: Moron. You never think about the consequences, do you? But thanks for doing it for me.
Luffy: You're welcome
Zoro: Well, let's go. Where's the deck?
Luffy: um that way
Sreg: Commander part of the straw Gate bridge has just collapsed! Unit 55 and the Straw Hat pirates fell into the bay luckily, unit 55 is reporting no casualties and all the members have been accounted for.
Jon: I didn't think they'd cause that much damage!  Still, they did do their job and brought us the tike we needed. And it sounds like they gave those Straw Hats quite a surprise.
Drake: Commander! We are in place at Dock 88 and ready to carry out the capture operation! We're ready for those Straw hats, sir!
Jon: They were just spotted passing through the Straw Gate, so they em on the route and should be arriving any minute now. Now remember, these pirates are crafty, don't let your guard down.
Zoro: Are you sure it's this way Usopp?
Uaopp: Trust me! It's just around the corner!
They made it out only to be stopped by a bunch of Marines.
Kobato: An.edical emergency. Let us through! They ran into were the other were.
Sanji: Nami dressed as a nurse?
Nami: what the--
Luffy was in a sea prism net
Luffy? Hey

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