Episode 244/245

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Usopp: I'd better hurry up. The waves and wind are getting rough.
Mozo: Come to think of it, he said that 200 million berries were going to be used for the repair of their ship.
Kiwi: It appears that he doesn't know Agua Lugana is coming through tonight
Franky: What a waste of effort.
Uospp: Okay! If I keep it airtight like this and reinforce the ship with lumber, it'll probably do fine.
Franky: That's not necessary.
Usopp: Who's there?
Franky: "Who's there" Hey, hey... you've already forgotten me...long-noed lad?
Usopp: That voice. What'd you come here for, you bastard?
Franky: Now, now, don't lose your cool like that. Fighting in a place like this won't get us anywhere. This area will soon sink due to a storm surge. I guess we'll make this ship that you love so much our hostage too, huh?
Usopp: What are you talking about?
Franky: Well... I have some business with Hat... Bandana Scarf. So I came here to kidnap you.
Zoro: Don't worry. I used the back of my swords.
Nami: Why'd you have to knock down all the shipwrights?
Stella: They would only cause problems later.
Chopper: Wow. Zoro! Stella you two are strong!
Nami: Oh, well... Let's go already!
Chopper: Zoro this way!
Zoro: Yeah.
Stella: No, He said this way!
Nami: How could you go in the wrong direction when we're leading the way for you?
Zoro: Oh, that way.
Chopper: Nmai! Stella! Zoro has disappeared! He's lost again
Stella: No I got him.
Zoro: Put me down.
Stella: and have you got lost again? No way.
Luffy was able to get out and was now helping Paulie
Lucci: We were undercover for five years. Please don't worry. We didn't cut corners with our work. I understand how dispirited you are. However, since we can't spend any more time on this matter, we're going to try our best to achieve our goal. If you're thinking of putting up an unwise resistance, I suggest you don't.
You know the name of "Cipher Pol," don't you? It's the government's supreme intelligence agency,  with eight bases around the world called CP1 through CP8 by people. When the government orders it, they dig up any kind of pieces of information in any place.
Ice: I know about them...but only up to CP8.
Lucci: Right. However, we are CP8, the ninth Chiper Pol, a supposedly non-existent unit. Since we possess a certain privilege, we can reveal ourselves to the public.
Ice: Privilege?
Lucci: That's right. This in the name of justice to the end, but when there are citizens who are uncooperative with the government, we have permission to kill them.
Ice: How selfish! Justice cannot be a reason got killing! The world government has partially changed their thinking. Rather than remaining in fear of the weapon's restoration, they decided to awaken it to make it into a force of justice that could end this Great Age of Pirates. However, you don't want to help them. You're saying that you don't want to be "save" those who keep being victimized by pirates around the world.
Ice: Nonsense! If the weapon is restored, the world will only fight over its power. The damage only keeps growing!
Lucci: It seems that you don't trust the government, Iceberg
Ice: I just know the nature of humans. That's all, lad
Lucci kicks him
Lucci: Retrain yourself. Just how long are you going to keep acting like my boss? Kaku checks his pulse.
Kaku: Pardon me
Lucci: Iceberg. To tell you the truth, we came up with a hypothesis a bit ago. Please don't worry. It's not that we're going to torture you now. All you have to do is listen to our hypothesis without saying a word. I'm sure your blood will tell us the truth.
A paper landed on Chimmy's face
Koko: Be careful when you walk or, you'll get hurt.
I'll be skipping this part it just them figuring out that the person they have been looking for was Franky His real name was Cutty Flame for 8 years having the blueprints for the ancient weapon. Even though they were told he was dead.
Nami: Hurry.
Zoro: Are you sure this is the right way?
Nami: Don't you say that! Over there! That door is the one! There's no mistake! Now, you go ahead! Of us cut down the door and dash!
Both: Go ahead
Zoro: What the hell? Don't order me around
Stella: Come on zoro you can do it..
Zoro: Fine only because you asked.
Luffy smashed through the door while Zoro sliced through it.
Luffy: Where's Robin?
Robin: Luffy
Zoro: Luffy
Lucci: How bothersome!
Luffy: Robin! I've finally found you!
Zoro: Hey Luffy! Where the hell have you been?
Chopper: Robin! I'm glad I can see you again
Nami: Hold on a second. What's going on here?
Ice: Straw Hat...Bandana Scarf... Paulie
Paulie: Iceberg! What the hell... is going on?
Ice: Paulie, why didn't you run?
Paulie: what's going on? This looks as if...
Stella: Mind
they're the culprits who tried to kill you.
Paulie:Why are you guys dressed like that? Hey! Kalifa! Blueno! Kaku! Lucci! Stop joking, you bastards!
Luffy: Oh yeah. They're some of the shipwrights who were with you! Right?
Zoro: Come to think of it, I know that square long-nosed guy.
Nami: Could this mean that the assassination was an inside job?
Chopper: What Do you mean?
Lucci: Paulie, to tell you the truth, we're government intelligence agents. Well, you'd forgive us if we apologized, right? We were fellow shipwrights who worked together building ships every day. If you can't believe me because this is too sudden,  should I step on Iceberg's face or something?
Paulie: Stop messing around! That's enough... After all, the Bull-Masked's voice I heard earlier is the same voice as yours! Damit, you bastard! You can talk just fine! How dare you mock us.
Ice: Don't paulie!
Paulie: Pipe Hitch knives!
Lucci dodged the attack. Finger pistol!  You still haven't learned your lesson, Paulie?
Luffy: Hey! Rope guy!
He fell to his knees.
Stop this pointless resistance.  We've mastered techniques beyond the limits of human abilities. After years of training these six techniques, called"Rokushiki" allow human bodies to be a match for weapons. Once one masters them, he alone is as strong as 100 people together.
Paulie gets up.
Lucci holds him. Well, never mind. Either way, you're gonna be killed.  This is sad, but my friend...
Ice: Lucci! You...!
Luffy: Stop it you jerk! He went to kick him only for his foot to be stopped and then went to punch him.
Gum-Gum. Gatling!
Lucci: Iron Body.
Luffy: What? It's not working at all!
Lucci: How annoying...shave!
Luffy: He disappeared!
Stella: You idiot. He didn't he just fast.
Watch out
Lucci: Finger Pistol! He went to poke a hole through his neck. Seeing how your body is made of rubber you would have a hole in your neck if it wasn't.
Luffy grabs Paulie.
Lucci: What're doing, Straw Hat?
Luffy: You're planning to kill him, aren't you? I thought you were all shipwrights friends who worked together!
Lucci: Up until, earlier, yes. But that's no longer the cause
Luffy: Then you guys really are traitors? Fine then. At any rate, I promised him...that we'd beat the crap out of those who're trying to kill Ice pops together!
Lucci: Why are you siding with Paulie?
Luffy: Because I have some business with you people, too! Hey! Robin! Why are you with jerks like them? If you wanna leave us, tell us the reason!
Stella: Luffy right! They said they work for the government! So why?
Robin: You're not listening, are you? I did say goodbye to the cook and Doctor. You didn't tell them?
Chopper: I did! But I can't accept it either! Why Robin
Robin: To make my wish come true. A wish that can never come true if I'm with you! In order to make it happen. I don't care what sacrifices need to be made!
Zoro: That's why you set your friends up as assassins without hesitation? What is that wish of yours?
Robi: I don't need to tell you.
Ice: This is insane. That woman is... Are you out of your mind, Nico Robin? Do you realize what you're about to do?
Robin: You no longer have the right to say anything! Keep your mouth shut!
She holds him down
Paulie: Iceberg!
Robin: I won't let anyone get in my way!
Luffy: Hey, Robin! What're you doing?  Do you really mean it?
Chopper: Robin! What happened to you? Are you really our enemy now? Robin!
Lucci: Sorry, but I need you guys to stop now. We have to find an important person now, so we're in a hurry. We no longer have business here. And with you guys either. Kalifa, how much time is left?
Kalifa: Two minutes.
Lucci: I know this is sudden, but this building is to be set aflame in two minutes.
All: What?
Luffy: What'd you say?
Lucci: Fire is an effective tool for destroying various types of evidence. If you don't wanna burn to death you should leave the building immediately. Well of course that is if you could
Zoro: Looks like they intended to eliminate us. It also seems that Nico Robin wants to be on their side. Luffy! Stella, were you two able to accept Robin's leaving the ship?
Both: How could we?
Lucci: Well. You, don't have to shout like that. Soon. Several rooms on the first floor will burst into flames. Well, the culprits are pirates. Things like this can happen.
Nmai: To think that you do as you please while pretending someone else did it... you sure have bad taste!
Blueno: You guys are already criminals. No harm done.
Stella: No we are seen as criminals by people like the government.
Robin: I'll go on ahead and leave now
Lucci: Yeah, you completed your job. Thanks.
Luffy: Wait Robin we won't allow it!
Robin: Goodbye.
Ice: Don't let Nico Robin go.
Luffy runs after her
Where're you going this time? When we finally find you? Outta my way, bastard!
Blueno: Iron Body.
Luffy tries to kick him. Why are their bodies so hard?
Bluno: Our bodies are well trained. We can raise our body's solidarity to be as hard as iron crust. However... that's not to say defenses if all we can do.
Luffy: I said outta my way.
Bluno: Paper Art.
Chopper: He's dodging all the punches when he's that big!
Nami: He's fluttering like paper!
Luffy: Robin wait! You son of a..! Gum-Gum.... pistol! He disappeared, too!
Blueno: My legs are so tremendously strong that I can move faster than your eyes can see.
Stella: Mind I doubt He can me faster than then me.
He jumps in the air.
Chopper: He's flying
Stella: What no. He just not falling
Toy story refrance I had to.
Both: And Tempest Kick.
Zoro: A slashing attack?
Stella: Duck.
They all do and the wall was slice like a sword.
Nami: Did they cut the wall by kicking ?
Kaifa: That possible if you can kick fast enough to cause a gusf of sharp wind. We call it Tempest kick..
Zoro went to attack only to Kaku to block him
We met on your ship, Didn't we Roronoa
Zoro took out both swords while Kaku took out his chisels.
Zoro: you aren't a shipwright,then? Then,could that asseessment of our ship you made be...
Kaku: Unfortubately, I made the assessment of the ship seriously.
Zoro: That's indeed unfortunate.
They both start swings their wepons.
Luffy: Don't go, Robin! We're not done taking yet!
Robin: Yes we are I'll never see you guys again.
Zoro: Luffy! Stella! Hurry up and catch Robin! They both ran
She went to jump out the window.
Kaku used three finger Pistol on Zoro.
Lucci held Luffy face while Kalifa held Stella hads behind her back twisting it
Nami: Luffy Stella got caught so easily!
Lucci: Go. Nico Robin
Stella: Robin please. We can't lose you too.
Robin took a while but she jumps off.
Lucci threw Luffy to a wall. And Klaifa threw Stella to the others. Nami caught her.
Chopper: Stella! Luffy! Zoro!
Nami: How can they be that strong?
Lucci: We've lived in a diffrent environment. Ever snice we CP9 members can remember, we've been prepared to risk our lives for the government a d trained to surpass the limits of human ablities. As a result. We've masted the six Superhuman techniques called Rokushiki. I'm shre you're fully learnes by now that the four of us,  who have been entrusted with the world Government vital tasks, are in a whole difrent keague from you guys, a mere pirate group. This a world-class Top secret it's not a matter that people like you can get invloved in.
Kalifa: Lucci. It's about time for th igniters to go off. We have to hurry.
Lucci: Yeah but this is a rare occasion. Let me show you somethjng intresting before we go.
Paulie: Lucci, whay the hell are you?
Luffy: He's huge!

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