Episode 108

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Soldier: the rebel army is quickly approaching!
Chaka: Listen! We must protect Alabasta by our own hands! Do not fear sacrifice! Fight to the utmost of your power! Counter the rebel army! Take up intercept positions!
All: Yeah.
Man: Bring Alunarna down!
All: Yeah.
Man: Are you okay, Koza?
Koza: This is nothing! At this pace, we'll reach Alubarna by morning! Let's continue our match at this speed! The decisive battle will be at dawn!
Crocodile: What a coincidence. We're just about to head to Alubarna, too. If you'd like to come with us, then do so.  Or would you rather save these people? Held a key.
Luffy: The key to this cell! Give it here!
Coroedile drops it.
Vi was able to get free from the ties. But the key fell through the floor.
A hole
A banangator walked up
Crocodile: It won't be too long before they fight to the death begins. Even if you hurried to Alubarna for here,  who knows if you'd make it on time...?  To stop the rebellion, you'd need to leave at once, Miss Wednesday. Or will you save these people instead? Through its finest help, I accidentally dropped the key below the floor, into the bananagator' den.
Luffy: Bananagator?
Whoa! What that's? An alligator is growing from that banana!
Nami: What is that insanely huge alligator?
Usopp: This room is underwater?
Luffy: What a weird banana
Usopp: You idiot! Look closer. It's an alligator with a banana growing out of it! It's a weird gator!
The gator ate the key.
Luffy: Hey! What happens, Vivi?
Vi: A banana gator swallowed the key to your cell;
Luffy: What Chase it make it spit it out!
Vi: I can't! Bananagators are so ferocious that they even orey on sea kings! Get near one, and you'll be eaten in one bite!
Crocodile: I apologize for clumsily dropping the key. Plus, there is no telling which one swallowed it.
Nami: I can't believe this guy!
Zoro: Damn! If we could just get out of here, I could handle those reptiles!
Luffy: You're so dumb, Zoro! We can't get out because the key got eaten!
Zoro: I know that!
Usopp: Seriously how did you live with him all those years?
Stella: Understanding, patience, and a lot of Fighting skills. It's not that much.
Crocodile: Well, then we must be going a little earlier than you. Also, this room will be destroyed automatically in one hour. This secret underground room I've used as Baroque work president is no longer of use. It will soon fill with water and submerge in Rainbase's lake. One million innocent citizens, or a mere five pirates with no future? Only one choice can be saved, though the odds are low for both. Your feelings are your ants, Miss Wednesday. Do you like gambling? With so many fools in their county, this was such an easy job. The juvenile rebels and old man digging in Yuba, for example.
That got Luffy's attention.
Luffy:What? Do you mean the dry old guy?
Corodile: A foolish old man who keeps pecking away every day at an oasis that's long dead he keeps at it, despite the constant sandstorms.
Stella: Why you-
Crocodile: Tell me, Bandana Scarf  Stella Straw Hat Luffy. Do you think sand storms can stroke towns perfectly time after time?
They were shocked
Vi: What are you saying?
Crocodile: Yuba, you see...
Todo: Can't be beaten by some lousy sandstorms! I'll dig it back up as much time as it takes!
Both: You did it?
Todo: Vivi-chan. I have faith in His Majesty! He's not someone who would ever betray the kingdom.
Vi: I'll kill you!
He walks away
Sunday looks at her and then walks away as well
Water started to come in
Usopp: Water's leaking in! The whole room a be flooded if we don't do something! Vivi! Help! Do something! I don't want ain't one hour to live!
Zoro: Quote freaking out.
Usopp: Are you crazy, Zoro? How can I not freak out at a time like this? We're gonna die if we don't do something! Don't you understand?
Stella: Zoro right panicking at a time like this will not help in this situation at all.
Vi: The kingdom or my friends, you say? I doubt you really plan on giving anything back. You plan to take my life before I reach Alubarna! I know full well that notions will end unless I beat you! You don't even know anything. About this country's history, way or life...You don't know anything about it! She started to cry
Stella: Vivi. Do something! Get us out of here.
Vi: Stella-sama
Crocodile: Finally starting to beg for your life, Badana scarf Stella! Bust it's only natural. Everyone is afford of dying.
Stella:Yells If we die. Then who's going to kick your ass?
Crocodile: Don't falter yourself, small fry.
Stella: You're the small fry! You even told us you need people to help with this plan. You are useless by yourself I don't need anyone's help to fight you when I get out.
A floor door opened to reveal a Banangator.
Crocodile: Well this your chance to abandon them, Miss Wednesday. If you wish to stop the rebellion, that is.
Vi: it's so big!
Luffy: Alright! Beat, it, Vivi!
Usopp: That's crazy talk! It's too huge!  Vivi! Run! You can't beat it! But help us!
Luffy: You are the one who talking crazy.
Nami: Wait! Look out the windows! They're all waiting for their turn!
Zoro: We are being treated as food.
Usopp: Were all don't be in their stomachs in an hour?
Vi: Peacock Str--! The gator went to bite her. But she moved out of the way
Usopp: It's fast! It took a chomp out of the stone stairs in one instant! What a jaw! The gator uses its tail to swing at Vivi.
Luffy: Vivi
Usopp: Damn! These monsters are unstoppable!
Luffy: Vivi run! Get up! Vivi! It's gonna eat you! The gator went to eat here when there was a ring
Sunday: Someone's calling.
She went to answer it. What?
Sanji: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?
Sunday: Yes, I hear you. You're a million, yes?
Sanji: Hey, does this thing work? I've never used a Mini-Transponder sail before.
Sunday: Yes, everything is fine. You can just talk as you are. What do you want?
Crocodile: Hurry and state your business! What happened
Sanji: Oh, I've heard that voice before. Heya. You've called the Damn Restaurant.
Crocodile: The Damn Restaurant?
Sanji: Oh it souls like you remember me. That's great.
Sanji: Heya. You've called the Damn Restaurant. Do you want reservations?
Crocodile: quite fooling around, dumbass.
Mr 3: Transponder snail? What are you talking about? I never used a Transponder snail whole on little garden!
Crocodile: I'm certain we have all five Strae Hat Pirates inside that cell. All that is left is their perm does this mean there a still others?
Usopp: Hey, did you hear that
Luffy: San--. Stella covered his mouth
Stella: Wait, Luffy! The enemy doesn't know about him! He was in his room when Mr. 2 showed up, so they never met!
Vi: Sanji-san... That's right! Sanji-san and Tony-kun are still outside!
Corodile: Just who are you?
A/n Like he's just going to tell you.
Sanji: Me? I'm... Mr. Prince.
Crocodile: I see. Mr. Prince. Where are you?
Sanji: Fraid I can't say! If I did you'd come get rid of me. Through, setting aside whether or not you can get rid of me, I am not so stupid to give up my information so easily. Unlike you, Mr.0.
Usopp: Prince! Help! We've been caught! There's no time!
Luffy: Come resale me! Mr, Prince! Help me
Sanji: Sounds like my crew is right by your side. In that case, I'm gonna--
Man: Troublesome bastard! Hello. We've caught him! What should we do with this strange man?
Vi: Sanji-san... No...
Corodile: Where are you? Tell me!
Man: The front gate of a casino in Rainbase named Raindinners!
Zoro: That useless moron! That bastard better be alive!
Luffy: Sanji!
Nami: Our hope...
Smoker saw that everyone was freaked out but Stella.
Crocodile: This is great. Let's go to the front gate.
Sunday: Is that wise? The Millions still don't know their boss is
Crocodile: I won't be going as their boss. Aside from the number of Agents, no one knows who you and I are
What is so strange about Crocodile, the owner of this casino, going to see what's happening in front of this building
Vivi backed up into the broken Staircase.
The gator tried to eat her again. But she was able to make it up.
Luffy: Vivi. What are you doing?
Vi: There is still time before this room fills up with water! I'm going outside to get help!
Usopp: Yeah! There is no way he kicked the bucket just now! If Vivi can just free him--
Nami: And Chopper's outside too! We might have a chance!
Luffy: Look out, Vivi. The sand was coming to her. It knocked her down.
Corodile: Enough of your nonsense!
Luffy: Vivi! Walk up! Vivi!
Usopp: The gator's coming! Vivi!
Crocodile: If you love your trends that much you can all do here together. The water will soon turn this into their feeding ground and submerge the entire room. I'll drag your cheeky Mr. Prince here too, if you'd like! Hopefully, you don't mind corpses!
AM: oh! Owner Crocodile! Have you heard what is happening in Nanohana?
Corodile: Yes I have.
AM: The whole town no, the whole country is clamping at the news that the rebel army and the royal army are finally about to clash!
Crocodile; I'm not surprised. The ing does let pirates attack cities freely. I always thought something like this might happen.
Man: Hey, look! It's crocodile-san
Woman: It's really is him! He's so wonderful!
Man 2: He rarely shows himself inside the casino! They were all cheering him on
Sunday: You're as popular as ever.
Mr 2: Quite it with the gloomy look! He looked like Mr 1
Mr 1:Cuse you when did you touch my face?
Mr 2: I didn't touch it! I punched it! Have you forgotten, Muscelbrain?
Mr 1 garbed him
What! Oh? You wanna fight?
Miss DF: Knock it off! Are there yotyera for you to fight?
Mr 2: You're no fun! Why do I have to work with someone so Unfun?
Miss DF: Fun or not, Alubarna has finally come into view.
Mr 2: Oh! Let me see, oh, there it is! So that's Alubarna, where the dreams will unfold? Where Zero-chan's ambition will blossom as a dessert Flower?
Vi: Mind They've always been there to help me as this time... I refused to just let them die the gator went to bite again but Vivi used her weapon she then jumped on it to get on the stairs.
Nami: Yes! She got away!
The gator bit the stairs more which ended up breaking the underground and letting more water in faster.
Name: The water's broken through the glass!
Usopp: Now we got less than 20 minutes until their room submerged!
Luffy: Vivi! You alright?
Vi: Everyone! Hang in there a little longer! I will bring help! I promise I won't abandon you!
Luffy: Yeah! We're counting on you, Viiv!
Crocodile: What the world is this?
Sunday: Including the employment just done by Pell the Falcon, it looks like all the million in this then have been wiped out.
Corodile: Ehar happens? Hey!
Man: A man named Mr. Prince...
Crocodile: I thought you might him! Where did he go?
Man: He just now headed to the south part of town...
Crocodile: It's him? Small fry. Don'*5 think you can escape me.
Sunday: Why not forget about him?
Crocodile: Quiet: I've always rolled everyone who made a mockery of me!
He used his sand to chase after him
The building started to rumble.
Man: This is bad! The bridge into Raindinnera has collapsed!
People are freaking out.
Vi: The bridge fell. Oh no! I can't go outside now
Sanji: It's not about going outside. It's about keeping Baroque Works from coins back in. Pulled the lever.
It's all part of the plan.
A/ I keep it under cover. I had to
Chopper's running around town as a decoy as we speak. We got to hurry. The rebellion began, too.
Vi: Sanji-san
Sanji: Think you could tell me where they are, princess?

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