Episode 25/26

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Luffy was handing upside with Stella on his back.
A/n Sanji wished Stella was on his back.
Luffy: They want to fight, too! I'm getting fired up!
Stella: You will be doing nothing. I'll be fighting Don.
Luffy: No fair
Stella: I made a promise
Luffy: Fine
They go up.
Stella, you promised, okay? Once I drive them away, Luffy is done doing chores. Okay?
Zeff: couldn't ask for more. If Luffy does chores for a year, this place will get messed up.
Stella: I should have taken you a warning
Zeff: Luffy said you were going to be king and Queen of the pirates. Are you serious?
Buffy: Yeah, of course! We'll definitely be King and Queen of the pirates
Zeff: I've come across tons of roughnecks. But you two are the first ones in a long time who said that so clearly.
Buffy: I heard you were an incredibly strong pirate. We're you king of the pirates?
Zeff: I forgot about the past. I'm the owner of a restaurant now and that's enough for me.
Don:Guys! As long as we take that ship, the Grand Line is nothing to be scared of! We can get closer and make a surprise attack on enemy ships more efficiently than pretending to be a Navy ship or raising the white flag of surrender. We can make a definitive sneak attack.
Man: But do... Even if we enter the Grand Line again using that ship, if we come across someone like Hawk-Eye again...
Don shoots him.
Don: Are you still afraid of someone like that? Huh?
Man 2: No...
Don: You think an ordinary human can slice up a large sailing ship? That's probably the power of a devil's fruit. Although those with devil fruit powers are considered by society to be legends, the Grand Line is crawling with them. Mihak must've used some strange power when he sliced up the ship. Even that straw hat brat is a mere pirate once he enters the Grand Line.  He makes a fist. But Red Foot Zeff traveled there for a year. I can't but think that he had ways of confronting those monsters. And those methods must be written I his logbook. If we're lucky, so is the information on the one piece.
Sanji: as it stands, the restaurant will be a battlefield.
Kid Sanji: I wish there was a restaurant in the middle of the sea...
Sanji: Go to the operating room and open up the fins.
Man: What? Open up the fins? That's gonna give a foothold to the enemy!
Sanji: That's fine. We can't make the inside of their restaurant a battlefield. If it becomes a battlefield they damn geezer will complain.
Zeff: Did you say something, you damn brat?
Sanji: Yeah, I said you like to complain! Now go.
Man: Okay.
Snaji: There they come.
She walks to Zeff.
Keep him safe for me.
Zeff: Nods his head.
Stella kisses Luffy's forehead before she jumps over to the men.
She was able to kick some men into the water.
Sanji: What the hell is wrong with you
Luffy: What?
Sanji: Letting a beautiful woman go out and fight for you.
Buffy: She wanted to.
Sanji: I should kick your ass for that.
Luffy: I have to watch Stella win this fight first.
Sanji: She gets hurt. I'm going to after you. He looks at Stella. Be careful my sweet Flower. He has heart eyes.
Stella was on a sail
Z Man: Hey she's pretty good!
D Man: Just what the heck was that?
Zeff: Sanji
Sanji: Huh
Zeff: Watch carefully how she fights.
Don't take your eyes off her until the moment this fight comes to an end.
Sanji: Don't have to ask me twice
Stella: To think you attacked the restaurant after they gave you food... I'll beat up an ungrateful jerk like you!
Don: So you actually want to fight on the water there's a little foothold.
You're helpless when it comes to fighting in the sea. I know that much
A/n will be making some things up because Luffy shows the devil fruit-powered note, Stella. And she still won't and the original fight was Luffy and Don but I have to get Stella to do something so it's this.
Anchor Girl
Stella: I may not have devil Fruit powers but I learn a thing or two from Luffy and have the perfect weapon to copy him
A/n Lying she has them just doesn't use them.
Z Man: Sanji! The fins are gonna open up now.
The fins came up
Stella: So cool
Sanji and Luffy walked on it.
Sanji: We'll fight the utmost you damn pirates!
Don: I see. You set up that battlefield so that the restaurant itself won't be damaged. That works out for us too, since that ship's gonna be ours. I want this ship all the more.
Z man: We won't let you have this restaurant! That's right! Don't make light of us!
Z man 2: We're fighting cooks!
Patty and Carne were in a small Fishboat with weapons.
Buffy: That's so cool! I want it!
The two fired at the ship.
Carne: Don't look away! We're aiming at them!
Patty: Krieg! Be prepared! Watch how powerful the Sea Restaurant Bartie's sea battle weapon is! They shot a blast at him and rode only for his hand to block the ship.
Don: I'm Don Krieg I'm the man who will rule the world's oceans;
Stella: I told you that will be us!
Don: I don't have time for your games!
Don flips the ship to the restaurant.
Z man: The restaurant will be destroyed!
Sanji jumps up and kicks the fish boat with his feet away from the restaurant
Don: With his foot?
D Man: What strong legs
D Man 2: He kicked back that weird boat!
A/n Stella is stronger. I did say she's like Mitsuir right?
Don: That foot Technique is...
Z Man: These goes! Sanji kick!
Luffy: You're pretty good.
Some of Don Men came on the ship and best the cooks up.
They were talking about how strong they were
Stella: amateurs.
Don: Just decree to them...that the ship already belongs to the Krieg pirates!
Sanji: Don't be mistaken. We won't let you take even one step into the restaurant.
Carne talks about how he and Patty have been through restaurants to find the perfect one. They have been there since Sanji was a kid.
Patty: Suffles...cooking... We're allowed to do whatever we like.
Carne: There's no other restaurant as good as this.
Sanji: So they say. Got that Krieg!
Zeff; Committing ousleves to cooking every day is a fierce battle. compared to that, the pirates were facing today are nothing!
Z man: He's exactly right!
Carne: protect the owner
Patty: Protect the restaurant!
They were fighting better.
Until a man with purls came out the water and punched Patty and Carne
Man: Just what are you doing?
Stella: Who's that?
Man: Unassabible! Hence invincible! When people say, Pearl-san, the invincible shield of the krieg pirates, They mean me!
Zeff: Patty! Carne! Are you alright?!
Pearl: They are not all right, because they took my killer punch, Pearl's surprise.
A man went to Patty.
D man: Whoa! This is a nice knife. I'll take it.
Patty held on to the knife
Hey, let go. Give it to me!
Snaji kicks the man into the other kanji and catches the knife that came out of his hand
Luffy: He's really got some good kicks! I didn't come to like him for nothing! I wonder if Stella wants him too
Sanji: A kitchen knife is a cook's soul. Don't you amateurs careless put your hands on it!
Patty: Sanji
Sanji: Hold it tight and stay down there. I'll take care of them. He looks at Stella. It'll impress her by winning
Don men went to attack but Kanji was so fast they didn't even see him do a soon kick
A mere cook, you said? I'm gonna cut you in three, you bastards!
Pearl: Hie impudent you are to beat them using only kicks. Is that your policy?
Sanji: to a cook, hands are the most important. I can't have them hurt in battle. I'll take you down with this leg as well
Pearl: Take me down? That's impossible. I'm an invincible man who won all 61 of my battles unharmed. I've never shed blood in battle, not even a drop. Winning unharmed is very proud of my power. I'm a white man and a gentleman. I'm refined, aren't I?
Stella: Was they supposed to be a gag? It wasn't funny at all.
Don: Hey, girl. If you're not paying attention, you'll get hurt! He uses his morning star on the wood that she is holding onto.
Pearl: Even battleship cannons don't work on me I come out if any attack unharmed. Stella was knocked into Peral's head which was open
She was with Luffy and Sanji
Stella: Oh man. I didn't get to fight at all.
Sanji: Oh my Stella are you alright?
Luffy: You came to join us
Pearl's nose was bleeding
Don: Ahh... This isn't good.
The Mem of Don we're Scared trying to calm down pearl
Pearl: these guys are dangerous!
Sanji: what's with him? He's acting strange.
Luffy: What about his nosebleed?
Pearl started to bang his Shields together to
Stella: What the heck is he about to do?
Pearl: Danger! Danger! He set himself on Fire.
Luffy: What was that?
Pearl: Fire pearls... Special treat! He sends fire everywhere
People were on fire
Pearl: Burn! With this flame and the flame shield, you have no idea how invincible I am!
Luffy's butt was on fire
Don: This is no good.
Pearl: Burn! Burn!
Sanji: Son so of a bitch! Sanji went to kick him. Only for a shield to block him.
San Hi stood there...
Sanji: You fool! It'd be unfair to be a cook if I was afraid of flames.
Pearl: Damnit! What a refined guy he is!
Sanji:Here I come! He kicks him .l
Pearl: What's with this cook? He's really crazy. You sin of a bitch! Fire! I need more fire. Fire pearls
The petals went to Zeff
Zeff uses his peg leg to cool the pelts down.
Zeff: Something like that is child's play
Luffy: Pops is really cool! I'm impressed!
Don: No that's it's come to this, I'll sink you all with the fins before the restaurant catches on Fire. He threw his Morning Star
Z Man: Sanji watch out
Z man: oh, no! He's surrounded by fire!
Stella used her weapon to swing the morning star back at him
And when the state went back it broke off a piece of wood and it hit Peral on the top is his head. Making him fall down
Snaji:Mind Sweet Stell protected me.
Don: Geez... They're all... In the end, I can only count on myself.
Ghin: The battle ends here. He had a gun held to Zeff's head.
Don:That's right! Shoot the Red Foot Zeff. All we need to do is kill him then the restaurant will be ours!
They all looked at each other.
Luffy: Ghin
Ghin: No matter how incredible he was in the past, he's now a mere cook.  It's easy to blow his brains out. You want to save this man, right, Sanji-san? Please, leave the ship without a fight. I don't want to kill you.
Sanji: Leave the ship? No way! Man, do you look stupid you damn geezer. If you're like that you can't see a good example for the fighting cooks
Zeff:Hmph! I don't need a lecture from a little brat.
Sanji: Hwre do you get off calling me little, you damn bastard? Quite treating me like a kid already! Ghin point that gun at me.
Luffy: Are you stupid? You'll die!
Sanji: Maybe
Stella: Luffy let him say what he wants he got this
Ghin: Sanji why?
Pearl If you want to die so bad I'll kill you in a refined way... Don't move if you don't you're owner head to blow off. The Absolutey Natural pear...Surpies! He punched Sanji into the wall
Luffy: kanji! Why are you digging
Stella: If he did, that damn underling would pull the trigger.
Ghin: Why? If you abondo this restaurant, everyone's life will be saved it's a no-brainer, isn't it?
Sanji: This restaurant is that damn geezer's treasure!  I took everything away from that damn geezer. His power... His dream... He stands up. So... I don't want that damn geezer to lose anything else!
Stella was mesmerised by what he said and doing for zeff.
Patty: Sanji watch out!
Pearl: Pearl... Cymbals! He hit Sanji on both side with the pearl Shield
A/n Sikping his past. Short version
Young Sanji was I'm a restaurant cooking. When Zeff and his crew came and attacked them. There was a bad Strom outside measuring with both ships. In the end Sanji and Zeff was the only one to stay alive out of the reat. The two were on a rock for 75 days with limited food. Sanji was saved by Zeff seeing how zeff gave the last of the food that he had to kanji and only had his leg to keep him full. The only reason why Zeff did that was because Sanji and Him believed in the all-blue and Zeff wanted Sanji to find it seeing how he did have many more years to live he entrusted Snaji to experience the dream for both of them.
Sanji: That damn geezer gave up his leg so that I could live.  I can't repay the damn geezer for his kindness unless I risk my life for him, too!
Stella: Sanji
Ghin; Why would you get uo... Sanji-san?
Sanni: for this place to be a restaurant as possible...
Patty: That idiot... Is he trying to get killed?
Zeff: Yiu dam brat
Pearl: that's such a refined line. But this restart will be closed now. And it will change into a pirate ship!
Stella whispered something into Luffy's ears
Luffy Nooded used his Foot to break the fin of the boat.
Luffy: Gum-Gum battle axe.

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