Episode 52

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Tash: Please wait...Captain Smoker.
Smoker: Come with me, Tashigi.
Tash: Yes sir.
Man: Hey Two people are on the execution platform.
Man 2: Who the heck are they?
Luffy: That old man said that it was 22 years ago that the King Of pirates died here.
Man: Hey you two over there! Come done right away!
Luffy: Why?!
O Man: That is a special execution Platform under the control of the world government! You two come down now!
Luffy: Well, you don't have to be so Strict, officer.
O Man: if you two don't come down I'll just arrest you two. I'm coming up now! He was knocked out.
Alvida: Hump! Now's not the time for small fries. I've been for you Stella & Luffy. Long time no see.
A/n Alvida is more Mad at Stella than Luffy. For calling her ugly. I still wasn't wrong. While Buggy is more mad at Luffy than Stella. For making him lose half his body parts.
Don't tell me you forgot my face...
Everyone was Fangirl over how beautiful she is.
Luffy: I don't know anyone like you. Who the heck are you?
Alvida: I'll never forget you because you're the first man to hit me.
The people looked at Luffy.
When your passionate fist hit me that time... Oh, it felt good... You guys... What's the most beautiful thing on the East Blue?
All: That'd be you.
Alvida: That's right it's me. No man in the world doesn't bow before my beauty and I like a Strong man.
Luffy was Unfortunate
I'll make you mine, Luffy.
Luffy: Shut up! No way! Who the heck are you?
Alvida: You still haven't figured it out.
A/n Luffy ain't no Simp. Respect
Man 2: This is the police! Hey, woman, come quietly. You're under arrest for harming the police captain! And you two over there get Off the Execution Platform!
Alvida: Oh? Who'd you say you's arrest?
Man: You
Alvida: Are you capable of that?
The men had Heart for eye just like Sanji.
Terrorists bombing the Water Fountain broke into pieces almost hitting Alvida
Stella: What just happened?
Alvida: That was dangerous you knew.
Buggy: Flahily sorry. But you're smooth Skill is unharmed, of course. So don't worry...beautify lady Alvida.
Luffy: Huh? Alvida! I don't see Alvida.
Alvida: I'm Alvida, you blockhead!
Luffy: Really? You don't look like Alvida at all...
Alvida: I changed after eating a Devil Fruit. The name of the fruit is... She removes her cloak. Smooth Smooth fruit. No attack can hurt my skin because it slides off it. Unfortunately, my beauty couldn't be improved that much though. One big change was.. yeah, my freckles are gone.
Luffy: No, that's not really what I meant
Alvida: After becoming a new person, I joined forces with him since we had the same goal--finding you two.
Buggy removed his Clock.
Buggy: Now, the ultimate star apples supper Flashily! Monkey D. Luffy. Since the day you blew me off, iv been obsessed with revenge on you. That alone led me to finally find my crew. It was indeed a great adventure. I was missing parts of my body. Laughs Hell. Friendship. It was tiny Buggy-Kun's great adventure. But Buggy-Kun was... Why am I telling you a story, you bastard?
Buggy: What? Well, what was your name? Boggy! No, Boohie No, Behie isn't right oh yeah! It's Buffoon!
Buggy: Buffom! Stop messing around! You sure haven't lost your nerves, you moron.
The people were tuning away
People! Remain Flashily where you are! I'll show you how scared I am.
Luffy and Stella were in a pillory.
Luffy: What's going on?
Cabaji: Long time no see Rbber man. Is Roronoa Zoro well too?
Buggy: Okay, Cabaji. Good job. To my devil bloom surely around the world! look! We'll now super Flasihy start the open execution!
Monkey D. Luffy & Stella! You can o longer move even an inch. Do you feel honored, Straw Hat? And Bandana.
You too can die in the same place the king of the Pirates died.
Nami: The atmosphere press is dropping abnormally. I've never seen such a bizarre drop before.
Sanji: Now that you mention it, I feel a strange wind...
Nmai:A storm is coming to this Island!
Usopp: A storm?
Sanji: We'd better hurry back to the ship or we'll be in trouble.
Usopp: Is it a pretty big one?
Zoro: Hey.
Usopp: Zoro!
Zoro: Have you seen them?
Usopp: You mean Luffy & Stella,
Zoro: Yeah... We got separated. I also feel something Strange. like...something terrible is about to happen.
Man: Pirates're here! Run! It's Buggy the Clown!
Nami: What
Zoro: Buggy the clown!
Sanji: My sweet Stella-san can be in danger.
Man: Yes! In addition to Straw Hat Luffy and Bandana Stella, Bugg the Clown and Iron Club Alcida, all notorious Pirates in the Eats Blue, are taking over the square!
Smoker: Right under my nose... What Impudent jerks...
Man: What should we do Captain Smoker?
Smoker; Send Unit#1 to the sea. Unit#2 is to secretly surround the square from the streets. And have the rest stand by within shouting range of the square. That's all.
Man: Yes sir!
Smoker: Give this order to unit #1
Man: Yes sir!
Smoker: Crush any pirate ship as soon as they see them. Don't let any plate off of this Island. Not even one pirate.
Man: An Execution! An Execution will start! Buggy the Clown will be executing Straw Hat Luffy and Bandana Stella!
Usopp: Luffy will be executed
Sanji: Forget him what About Stella-sam
Nami: That idiot brought Stella into this.
Sanji: Let's go. Take care of this he lets the tail fish go.
Treat it like a lady! Got that?
Nami: We have to hurry, too!
Usopp: Hey! Hey, Nmai where are we going?
Nmai: To the Hrbor, of course!
Man: Captin Smoker! Please come here. They are getting weird.
Smoker looks at them. That kid. What's he doing?
Tash: Monkey D. Luffy And Stella. This can't he looks like they're about to be killed!
Smoker: Mind How pathetic those kids look
Luffy: I want to see the place where the king of the pirates died!
He was somehow different from the others. He caught my attention so I thought, but... Does this mean he's just another pirate after all? And the Girl. He said he was his sister.
Luffy: Stella. My sister is the one the highest.
But she doesn't seem to be like him.
Man: Captain, are we willing in right away?
Smoker: Idoit. Don't be hasty.
Man 2But if we don't hurry.
Smoker, I'm the one in command here! A pirate is about to kill two other pirates. This is great. They're saving us the trouble. Listen one That Straw Hat Mad Bandna head falls surround Buggy, Alvida, and their gangs! Don't give them time to attack.
Buggy: Pirate Monkey D. Luffy, Ans Stella, the criminal, is to be the Flashiy execution for the crime of getting me angry by becoming stuck up! Live it Flashiy
Luffy: This is my first time seeing an execution.
Stella: They going to execute us.
Luffy: Yells What! Stop joking
Buggy: Yells You stop looking.
Luffy: Take this board off us, you bastard.
Buggy: Okay, we aren't going to
Luffy: You liar. You jerkwad! You stupid head.
Buggy: To start the Flashy execution openly
Luffy: Ahhh! Stop this. Ahhh I don't want to die!
Stella: Yells Stop seeing the both of you
Name and Usopp we're running to the harbor
A/n Skipin that and some either parts it if jas nothing to do with Stella and Luffy then I'm not writing it. Too much
Luffy: I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please save me.
Buggy: Why would I save you, idiot
Cabaji: Hmph! This is what happens when women go against us.
Alvida: I guess this is it for the man had my eye on...
Buggy had a sword over Stella's head first.
Since you have a big audience, do you wanna say something before you die first? Well, that's okay. Whether you wanna say something or not doesn't matter since you're going to die.
Stella: Yells. I'm the woman who will be Queen of the Pirates with The King of The Pirates who is right next to me.
Man: King and Queen she said. In this town of all places... That's a crazy thing to say...
Buggy: Well then. I guess I'll don't know you, damn woman.
Zoro: Stop.
Both: The execution!
Stella: Zoro! Sanji.
Tash: Zoro
Zoro: Shame on you! There is a limit to go much trouble you two can get into.
Sanji: Of you're staring a sideshow le my join you. I'd love to be in a show with you stella-san. What we have to do for now is drive those damn pirates away?
Man: Pirate hunter Zoro
People ran away
Luffy: Sanji! Zoro!
Buggy: So you're here, zoro but you are a little too late!
He went to use the sword on Stella
Zoro: We'll bring down
Sanji: That Execution Platform.
Tash: Rornona Zoro.
They ran
Alvida: Guys...get them?
The Crew ran after the two.
The two were able to stop the men
Buggy: Not even Zoro can stop me now! This is the end for the Captains.
Sanji: Damn bastard!
Zoro: Mind I'll cut down the execution platform.
Smoker: Listen. The moment Monkey D. Luffy And Stella's heads fall, we'll stack all together. All units get ready for Battle.
All: Yes sir.
Stella: Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Nami. Sorry. We're dead. She smiles
Buggy went to use the sword
Sanji: Don't say that.
Smoker: She amiled!.
There was lighting that came on the sword just as it was going to touch Stella. A blue flame went around the Platform. It started to Rain. The platform Fell down.
Stella gets the at and lit it on Luffy's head
They both laughed
Stella: Wer.
e still alive after all. We got lucky
Sanji: do you believe in God?
Luffy: Phew, lucky for us
Zoro: Stop taking that Nonsance
Luffy: Let's get out of this town already. I was worried what was going to happen to us for a while.
Zoro: Another trouble seems to be brewing.
Smoker: Now! Conner those pirates!
Sanji: Here they come.
They all fought one another.
Luffy: Amazing! Amazing it's somehow gotten crazy! Stella grabbed his shirt.
Ah- Stella
Stella: This is not the time to be excited! We need to get out of here!
Sanji: We'd better hurry back to the ship. Or we'll never leave this island. We won't be able to enter the Grand Line!
They all ran
Man: The Straw Hat gang is running away!
The men tried to get them but failed
Smoker: Why did she smile? Did she know she'd be saved? No. At that moment she seriously thought her and his life were going to end there. She accepted death and smiled after preparing herself.
Man: The pirates are getting away.
Smoker:Hey..have you ever seen any pirates who smiled in the execution Platform?
Man: No way! Even if it's a brave-action big shot, at the moment of death she turns pale and dies in despair.
Smoker: That Bandanna Girl smiled. Like King Roger, King of the Pirates, about 22 years ago on this island on that Execution platform...
Where did the Straw Hat go?
Man: Hea run in towards the sea.
Smoker: What unit #1 At? They should've blown up their ship by now.
Man: Well, they're back for refitting because they couldn't lift the powder due to the sudden rain...
A reserved unit is currently sgtteimf ready to attack the ship instead.
Tash: Captain of we let the sails out now they'll enter the Grand Line.
Smoker: the wind is blowing towards the west most tailwind for their ship. Are these all coincidences? It's as off heaven is trying to let those two live.
I'm white Hunter Smoker. On my honor as a Mavy Headquarters captain. I won't let those two leave this island!

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