Epsiode 218

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Nami: All this cheating so happens to be pissing me off!! No wonder that jerk never lost a match
Usopp: Stella speak to me!
Sanji: Sit down.
Tom: Using his surroundings to his advantage, our boss slammed Bandana Scarf Head-on with a strategically placed cannon attack!
Chopper: No, she can't lose!
Tom: All I can see is smoke! Was Bandana Scarf blown to smithereens?
Stella: Whew! That was a close one!
Tom: Indeed! Foxy's onslaught was--Ahh! What? Stella was on top of the ship's sails.
Stella: Shut up! You're annoying!
Tom: It's a miracle! Bandana Scarf Stella is alive!
Man: Whoa! She's alive!
Man 2: There's no way!
Tom: She somehow evaded the explosive attack at point-blank range! What amazing speed! The 105 Million Berry girl is truly a thing of wonder!
Usopp: That's the power of the outfit!
Zoro: Hurry it up, Stella
Sanji: Don't rush her. She needs to take her time.
Stella jumps down.
Foxy: Laughs.
Tom: Uh-oh. It looks like our boss' next attack is already underway! What could he plotting this time?
Foxy: Laughs.
Tom: The sneaky Foxy lets out an unsettling laugh from behind a thick screen of smoke! Meanwhile, Bandana Scarf Stares cluelessly into the abyss! The suspense is killing me! Where is our boss hiding? Is that him?
Foxy came out all banged up
How'd you like that had enough?
Stella: You got blown up twice as bad as me!
Foxy: Shut up, I'm fine! See? Look!
Stella: you don't fine at all!
Foxy: I don't even want you on my crew anymore! I'd rather just crush you! Slow-slow Bea-- Huh?
Stella was behind him
Stella punched his back.
Like I said before Stella won't use Gum-Gum so the others won't see.
Stella: I'm going to break your arms so you can't hit me with those dumb bemas!
Foxy went into the smoke
Does this guy want to fight or not?
Foxy: Laughs.
Stella: Huh? She saw a shadow and went to punch it
Only for it to be a cutout
Foxy: Slow-Slow Beam! Stella dodged his beam.
Laughs. There were multiple cut-outs of him
Now what, huh? Which one is the real me? Which direction will the beam come from?
Stella: How the hell am I supposed to know? Just a bunch of split-heads with stupid-looking haircuts!
The real foxy moved.
Stella: Got you. She moved closer and punched his face
Foxy: you jerk! I may be a cheater, but at least, I have a heart! You're in for it now!
For the little tricks that Luffy fell for Stella would not I mean come on
Stella: Like the hell, you have a heart you going over going challenging other pirates and taking their people leaving them to defend for themselves yeah that's what I call having a heart.
While she was talking Foxy waited for her to stop and pulled a lever.
Stella: Damn it! A trap Door!
Foxy: That's what you get for talking too much!
Stella: Oh I had to put you in your place.
Foxy: Laughs. You better look down, too.
Stella: Huh? Hey! What? The floor underneath her started to move backward.
Stella was running trying to keep from going back. Only to be outside.
Usopp: Look! It's Stella!
Nami: If she falls passed the line we're done for! Come on you can't let the fight end this way!
Stella: Think you can get rid of me that easy? She used her whip to grab onto the boat rail
This ship's a pain in the butt! What gives? Hey, split Head! Where'd you go?!
Multiple laughs.
Tom: What have we here? Bandana Scarf's narrow escape didn't seem to impress this Focy Pin. You might even sit it's laughing at her.
Stella: So there you are.
Tom: The cabin of this ship is Foxy's playground. Will Stella be lured inside?
Name: Hold on, Stella. It's a trap! Whatever you do, do not go on the ship
Stella heard Nami But went inside
I heard you Nami but If I just stay out here this will never end.
Tom: Bandana Scarf throws cations to the wind and dashes inside the ship! Unfortunately, that means I won't be able to give you a play-by-play anymore, but I think it's safe to assume that whatever is going on in there is completely amazing!
Usoop: Believe it's time to put those wings to the test little bird! So spread them and fly!
Sanji smacks him. These seats are bad enough without you standing in the way!
Stella: Uospp would love this gun deck! Now, where'd Foxy run off to?
Door closed.
He's over there!
Foxy: All right good, she's coming after me. And now she'll come rushing through the door like an idiot. But we'll see how chipper our little Girl is...when my room full of two fool steel spikes makes Swiss cheese out of her! Come on Bandana Scarf you know you want--Aaah! A cannon was blown at him flattening him into the wall. He almost fell into the spike only to hang on to the cannon.
Stella: Oh look who it is. Wow wonder what that room used for.
Foxy: What kind of monster fired off cannons inside someone else's ship?
Stella: You think I'm dumb enough to fall for your tricks. Didn't mean for it to hit you but I'm glad it did.
Foxy ran on the cannon and went to use it on her.
You brat. He went to punch her
Die! She moved out of his way
I'll show just you wait.
Stella: Stop being a coward and fight me.
Foxy: Doesn't she have any common decency? Honesty! I've had enough! Foxy Face Transformation!
Stella opened a door.
Mind Is he serious?
Foxy with a mask.
Dear me! Are you ill? Tell me where it hurts and I'll fix it. Is it your head? Is that it? Are you sick in the head?
Stella: Mind Is he dumb enough to think anyone will fall for this? I can't believe he's a Captain.
While she was talking he went to attack with a Robot Dog. And run away. Only for Stella to block the attacks and destroy the Robot.
She went to the Kiclten.
She saw him again in a different mask
Stella: are you even trying anymore
I don't know what's uglier your hair or those stupid maks
Foxy: You are truly heartless.
Slow-Slow Beam!
Stella wasn't fast enough to block this attack.
Nine-Tails Rush! He same thing on the ship
He then walks away.
I didn't just happen to lure you into the kitchen. It's all part of the plan. He pulls a lever. That is so to say, I have a surprise waiting for you after my punches take effect. Do you want to guess what it is? It's nothing alive, at least. They would be against the rule, after all. Laughs.
Foxy: Once the effects of my Slow-Slow Bean wear off, all those punches are going to hit you at once.  That's it. Keep going!  You're only a couple of feet away from your final resting place. And that's thirty seconds
Stell felt the punches and fell into a room
Stella [coughs]
Stella: Where the hell am I? And where did he go?
Foxy: Turn around I'm right here!
Foxy was on a Machine
What the hell are you on now?
Foxy: I'm not on anything. It's a pilot's uniform and this... is my robot a boxing masterpiece corrected and perfected through countless trials. Let me introduce you to the Gorilla Puncher 13!
Stella: The only gorilla I see on it is you!
Foxy: All...right we'll have to change that! Wait! Shut up! Jeez! You're so rude! Gorilla Puncher 13! Let's finish her! The machine had boxing gloves starting to punch and Move to her.
Stella: Just a question how do you get that crazy thing to move, anyway?
Foxy: It's a secret! He was using his legs to move it
Stella: You sure are sweating a lot.
Foxy: You're seeing things! If you think you can doge then be my guest. But be warned, I won't make it easy for you! Slow-Slow Beam! Ha!
Stella: mind. What is he aiming at?
Foxy: Take a look behind you!
Stella did. Is it a mirror?
Foxy: Yes! And Mirrors reflect Slow-mo Photons!
I've got you! Stella dodged the beam only to be hit by one of the many fists on the machine that went on fire.
Stella: Aaaaahhhh!
Foxy: Aww, what's the matter? Can't take the heat? Did I forget to mention that these gloves burn like fire? Cuse they do! Not even Sea Kimg can stand a beating from this thing! Mirror Racket! He used a small Mirror to reflect from the big mirror. And did Multiple beams.
Stella had to dodge the beams and the punches while the machine went closer to her.
Foxy: That's right! Dance for me! Laughs. It's a beam-and-punch combo! I call this attack the slowpoke Ball Demon Coach!
Stella was doing everything to do the two.
Stella"Mind I get it! So that's why his beam didn't work on that fishman! This is a pain! I gotta find a way to get in closer!
Foxy: Laughs. You can't dodge forever! What's it going to be? The beam or the machine?
Stella: Mind. Wait, that's it! She turned around and broke the Mirror
Foxy: I never thought of that!
Stella then jumped to his face and punched him
Foxy: Slow-Slow Beam! Beam! Little brat. Stella dodged the beams
Gorilla Punch Golden Hits!
All the fists went to punch her all at once as they burn
He smiles.
Stella was on the ground as smoke left her body.
Zoro: Stella won't lose. Well, that goes without saying!
Usopp: She's Stella and she has that outfit!
Sanji:I'd say being Stella should be more than enough. Though the outfit on her is nice.
Nami: Okay, you're gonna have to explain that outfit thing to me. You're all acting like it powers her up, but that doesn't make any sense. Really am, I the only one who doesn't get this?
Chopper: I'm not scared. Cause no matter what I know Stella gonna win this and get us back!
Robin: Of course, she does have that outfit and all.
Nami: You too?
There was a giant explosion.
Tom: What's this? It looks like something is happening on deck! Who has the upper hand? Or perhaps the battle has ended with a bang and only one fighter remains! No wait. I see two people!
Foxy: Laughs
Tom: But only one of them is standing, and it's yes! Our boss! Meanwhile, it looks like Bandanq Scarf had been burned to a crisp! She must have taken some serious hot punches!
Luffy: Stella!
Sanji: No my sweat Stellam
Nami: It takes more than Punches to burn someone like that! What gives
Chopper: Aaahh! Stella
Robin: wait, look!
Stella stands back up
Tom: she's up! Against all odds, Bandana Scarf is up! It seemed like she was down for the count, but the fight goes on!
Foxy: You're persistent, I'll give you that much, girl.
Take this! He used a slow beam whip to tie her arms and legs together.
That's the Slow-Slow Beam Sword! As I'm sure you can probably tell, I've restrained your arms and legs. Good luck with that. Cause...You're gonna need it. Megaton Nine-Tails Rush! He punched her face.
The Straw hat was worried for her.
That's 30 seconds! She was blown back.
Tom: She's down for sure this time, no! Not yet! She's up! She's really up!
Foxy: Stubbron Brat. Take this! Another Slow-slow Beam! Megaton Nine-Tails Rush!
Zoro had to hold Luffy back
Luffy: That beams if os for cheaters! Try fighting like a man for once.
Tom: Oh ho! This looks like the end!
The sail broke.
Foxy: Dealing the punches ain't so easy either, kid. 
Usopp: He's beating Stella to death out there!
Stella gets up.
Tom: She's getting up again?
Foxy was shocked.
Nami: Stella.
Usopp: Waaaah!
Stella: I won't... let you take... a single member of my crew...even if it kills me!
Tom: She's on her feet! Bandana Scarf Stella refuses to give in
Stella had her fist up. Smiling

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